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Posts posted by ajsbear

  1. mrbolz;---the solution, once dispatched, you go..period. Just like an automatic alarm. How many times did the owner or alarm company call back to say it was set off by accident. we still respond. Once an alarm is called it you respond. It's then up to the first arriving officer to call the shots. Not the dispatcher, not a a civillian, no one. Sorry if 60 takes offense. I've never seen an automatic alarm response cancelled.

  2. Just my opinion but I think the strike is wrong. To put all the comuters, those who live all over NYC and those who don't in the position of having to be totally inconvienienced like they are is wrong. With all the extra traffic, with all the people walking long distances. There is a risk. What if Fire, Police, EMS cannot get to the emergany, what if someone out of shape or if they have medical conditions they don't know about but walk the long distance to work and something happens. To put the city in this position is wrong. Also, NYC teachers, police and firefighters all worked for some time without contracts. They all got new contracts and they were retroactive.

    Isn't this the same union head who kept the Bee Line out for so long asking to reduce the retirement age to 52? He heads this union, makes twice as much as the average worker in the union plus gets perks. He's drawing pay while his union is on strike, of cause only until the union runs out of money which at $1 million a day in fines will be real soon. Mayor Mike should take a page out of President Regans book when he dealt with the Air Traffice Controllers. You're all fired, whowever those who return to work within 24 hours can keep you jobs. Already close to 1,000 have crossed the picket lines.

  3. It's better to have the M/A companys alerted. Why do you think in Cortlandt when there is a report of a structure fire its automatic to alert Montrose, Verplank and Buchanan? Why in Philipstown (Putnam for those who don't know) a Structure fire automaticly alerts Continental Village, Garrison, Cold Spring and N. Highlands no mater whos area its in?

    It's better to be ready. In this cast the road conditions were bad, numerous calls were coming in. Because of Icey roads response times were going to be longer. If there were needed, they were on the way. You can always send them back.

    Res20que handled this just the right way, great job.

  4. Congratulations to all the members of the class of 03-2005. Good luck in your careers with your respective departments. I know there are a few future chiefs in the group. S special thanks to the instructors, Walter and the group of instuctors he put together, who's dedication made this class what it is. Without you instructors passing along your knowledge and experience to this probies the class would not have been such a success.

  5. Date: 12/8/05

    Time: 13:50

    Location: Garrison Rt 9 Northbound 150 Ft south of Indian Brook Road

    Frequency: 46.38

    Units Operating: 15-1-1, 15-2-1, 15-3-1, 15-6-1, Putnam County Fire Police, North Highlands FD for road closure.

    Description Of Incident: Tracktor Trailer hauling dirt, old wood paleling and trash traveling north on Rt 9 lost control and flipped spilling its load and blocking all lanes of travel.

    Writer: AJSBEAR

  6. sometimes when we try  it falls on deaf ears. way too many times do we hear  we do it this way in our depratment been doing it that way for 50 yrs  why do we need to change?? well your  not driving a 50 yr old car are you. some departments  just have to move into the new century and I do nt mean just with apparatus either.

    If departments  just moved ahead I know the past offers a loook into the future but you have to get to the future first  dont be stuck in the past.

    If that happens Officers will emerge and lead and not  just be a position on a chart in some chiefs car.

    OK only a 48 year old car.

  7. Again ALS you it this one perfect. We need to work with the yonger members to help build them into effecient officers for the future. The more senior officers of today need to work with the younger officers to make them ready to lead. We also must stop just filling a position with a live body just to say we have a full list of officers. Nothng is worse than an inexperienced line officer (18, 19, 20 years old) no real experience, just out of FF1 and no clue. This person my be the only officer at a call. Do we want them making the important decision? There are some departments who have a line up of officers barely old enough to drink. (ok bad comparison) but you know what I mean. No real experience.

    We need some guide lines for who qualifies, and mandated training. I don't think 50 hours is too much to commit to if you want to be an officer. Like someone said in an earlier post someplace. Career members must put in 100 plus traning hours a year. I think Volly's should all do 50 and officers more.

    Just my opinon.

  8. I don't remember in which thread he said it but FireDapt32 said it all in one work, "STANDARDS." It's time the state and counties stepped up and put in standards and force the departments to adhear to them. Standards in minimum training both on County and Department levels, officers too should have taken specific courses before they are allowed to be an officer and additional classes to stay an officer and more as he or she moves up the ranks.

    Some departments hold weekly drills and weekly lceanups to check over equiptment. Some monthly drills. While 100 hours may be too much time for many voulunteers today with the other demands on our lives even a requirement of at least 60 should be in place of a combination of classes from the state list and departmental drills. A 50/50, half from each. This may overburden the training center a little but the CFI's and SFI's I know are on the most part up to it. We have a greeat training center and if someone wants to maintain an INTERIOR status, 60 hours is nothing. One thing we need to add REFRESHER courses as well. Get everyone up to the same level. This way if an dwhen you need M/A you know what you are getting.

  9. You're right, we cannot allow WMC to close. Problem is it's not only used by WC but patients come from Rockland, Putnam, Dutchess & Orange Counties and its time they kicked in as well. I have a problem as a taxpayer geting an increase to cover WMC's shortages but the other 4 counties must kick in as well. Pay their part. WMC has had financial problems for years and always come up with some way to make ends meet but it's time the other counties admit they transport to WMC therefore they need to pick up some of the burden.

  10. Not true.....I worked for 3 years as a paid Dispatcher full time in Levittown, I have never heard anyone say that they have 2 ladders for mutual aid to Bethpage.  They have more then 1 building over 2 stories...in fact they have a few 4 or 5 story buildings, multiple garden apartments, shopping malls, car dealerships ect...

    The police station fire was more then several...maybe 15 0r 20 years...that is true but around 98 or 99 they entered into an automatic mutual aide procedure with Bethpage, where the closest stations will be alerted....a first on long island I admit and way over due.........they have 3 stations, and if i may say so...their "drill" team for competition was never that good....they did it for fun, and did not spend more time doing that.  Their drill policy was more then most departments when I was there 4 sunday drills and 4 night drills during the week and u had to make 4 a month.    Your info was way off.

    The quote about M/A was a Capt. from the fire house on Wantagh Ave. back in the mid 90's and was about East Meadow not Bethpage who has their own ladder. I have a good friend who went to join back then and every Sunday all they did was train for competition. I didn't even mention when the truck in that house was 10 years old they replaced it with a new one.

  11. Levittown LI, a community with 17,000 1 1/2 story homes has not one but 2 ladders, ask them why and they say "just in case we go on mutual aid to the county medical center in East Meadow." They have 1 building over 2 floors in the entire district. a few commercial 1 story structures. Several years ago ithere was a fire in the police station next door to one of their 2 fire houses. They waited for Bethpage becasue it was not in Levitoowns district. On top of that, they spend more time training for the competition events than firefighting.

  12. Capt I agree. There should be courses for Chief and I think it should be that you must take them before you become Chief of Dept. Most dept. have a progression, 2nd a**'t, 1st a**'t then Chief so you have 2 years to take it and if you don't, you do not become chief. I also agree there should be a state standard as well as the counties who do have a standard need to enforce them. When someone becomes an officer their name and training should be submited to the county. The standards for officer need to be more than who's popular. Remember, if there is no chief at an incident any officer could find themself in charge of the incident. Who wants some 21 year old who doesn't have the training or the seasoning runing the show? I've seen some of these kids panic, call for mutual aid from the immediate world and most of it is not needed in any way. While yes there is the reasoning "if you think you need it call" and "you can always sent them back" remember the more rigs on the road and members runing to their stations the more chance of somethnig happening. A house fire with no exposure problems does not need M/A from 4 or 5 departments normally unless there is a specific need like water from tankers or if you have NO manpower.