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Everything posted by JRS2817

  1. so Irvington dosen't have its own medic?
  2. nice pics and why was Greenburgh police there?
  3. great pics
  4. Why dosen't FDNY have federals?
  5. thats one nice rig and good luck with it
  6. you have a good point, i just don't like the way they made them
  7. i like these new peirce, but not the ones with the big mirrors
  8. oh, i didn't think of that, thanks
  9. it's a nice truck, i'm not trying to start anything but what does Yonkers need that for?
  10. i like those new trucks, and all the the trucks are getting replaced with them now or when the rig need to be replaced?
  11. i got to said to do like the impreza cop cars
  12. nice truck and good lucke with it
  13. the a/c unit probably didn't stay long with a deck gun aimed straight at it
  14. was there a fire or it was a ambulance call?
  15. thats one nice truck and your right about the leds
  16. looks nice, but from the car next to it looks the same
  17. thats one nice truck and whay do they do?
  18. just wonder what color cheif trucks do you like better red or white? i kinda like both
  19. nice cheif truck
  20. looks really nice and is that all for the fire dept. or town offices