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Everything posted by JimmyPFD

  1. A lot of strong feelings about this topic are being expressed. When initially starting this topic; I said that I agreed with the City in rejecting the "bar bill." I want to clarify why that is so. I am a Volly, as well as a civil servant and a tax paying home owner. That is all beside the point but should be said. If the itemized bill said, 'beverages' or 'refreshments', at the city office reviewing the expenses might have just approved it and kept going. If the Department wanted to eat the expense under their budget; I would have no problem with that. It might not be the smartest thing to do, but could understand. I don't fault the municipality's bean counters for doing what they are also supposed to do. I would not expect my City to foot the bill, but I sure as hell would expect my Volunteer associations or Union, (if that were the case) to chose to pick up that tab.
  2. When this investigation is is done; I suspect that the use of a taser will be coincidental and neither the cause nor a contributory factor in this death. Is it just me or is a very good, and an often life saving tool getting a bad rap in the media? http://www.lohud.com...-cops-use-Taser (to the officers involved: know you have this community's support)
  3. She has been dominating the word Cup circuit for some time now. Surprised she hasn't gotten this attention sooner, (Personally find it a bad makeup job. She usually looks prettier!) As for the pose, this is how a downhill skier tucks when racing. If this bothered some people so much; maybe they shouldn't have gotten out of the buggy and just have stayed back at the barn raising. With the exception of also wearing a helmet; this is how every downhill skier dresses and poses at every race. Not just the attractive ones. So, don't watch the olympics if this bothers you
  4. Thanks Seth, Thanks Jerome. B&H has a great selection but didn't have it anyway. I found a swing away model at: http://www.alpineastro.com/digital_photography/digital_photography.htm#Micro%20Stage It enables most any point and shoot to be mounted on a spotting scope or telescope and simply be swung in and out of place quickly. Thanks again guys
  5. Mike Dragonetti offers an excellent class and would recommend it to anyone who is considering it. This is a class I'd gladly take again.
  6. Tactfully stated and frankly it has been allowed to happen regularly. Is it because of prior professional relationships and bias? FYI- Saying QTIP doesn't change a damn thing when you'r blatently disrespectful and nasty. Edit: Pease note, this was being typed and posted prior to seeing the immediately proceeding post and is not directed at, nor a response to it
  7. Will county and local election results effect your department? Will there be more or less support of your department's goals and agendas. Will it effect layoff vs. hiring? Will you now get the equipment or will they squash what was expected? Food for thought and also a wake up call to those who think that their vote doesn't matter or it's a waste of time to get out there. (post edited to correct spelling... as usual
  8. This is the write up on the drill photos we discussed a couple of weeks ago. Nice piece. Good luck guys and congratulations! (edited to correct post to "is" as opposed to "looks like" )
  9. Thanks Mike. I'll try again later from home.
  10. Any way to copy the files? Thought I might load it onto my phone as the ipage alert tone. Ended up getting an error message: "Sorry. No Right-Clicking allowed"
  11. Damn shame. Sounds kind of heartless
  12. Saw this on the Journal News website today. Some really nice and detailed shots of high angle rescue drill.<a href="http://jukebox.lohud.com/photos/refers/index.php?gallery=Rescue%20Medic%20Team%20drill%209-16-09" target="_blank"> </a> http://jukebox.lohud.com/photos/refers/ind...drill%209-16-09
  13. Agreed. So long as it is across the board.
  14. Rich- PhD or not and taken at face value; his statement is enthusiastically over the top and wrong. He simply misspoke and discounted every Rescue Company, TRT, S&R, Squads if any, etc. The statement, (as presented in the edited video) is that this is the "only team that will have the ability to provide emergency rescue assistance" This is presented to the public and would not be any different from starting a really good fire company and saying it is, "the only team that will have the ability to put out a fire." My issue was with that statement; not the team. (At least one other team in Westchester includes police, fire, ems, a couple of MDs, etc. That is not what my post was about though. Just responding to your question. Feel free to PM me if you'd like. ) I am the one that originally posted the Photos from this drill and think that forming this team and the focus on Medics is great. Best wishes guys! -Jim (Post edited to correct spelling)
  15. It could have been editing or the Commissioner misspoke when he said, "... Other than NYC, and particularly in Westchester; we are the only team that will have the ability to provide emergency rescue assistance." There are a few teams in Westchester that can provide, "emergency rescue assistance." In all fairness, the editing was quick and could have cut him off mid sentence or before he elaborated on the statement. It's nice to see that they have 6 Paramedics in addition to 6 EMTs. Very nice
  16. I'm curious what was being used as the anchor in pics #24 and 25? (Where the webbing is coming out of the hole in the roof.)
  17. Congratulations and best of luck!
  18. Good idea but may not be good in practice or practical. It is a relatively simple procedure but there is a civil liberties issue here, as well as real procedural considerations from a medical perspective. This is a non-urgent procedure and personal safety of all involved needs to be more stringently considered. If this is challenged, (which one might expect to happen) and if the law stands; they should really be dispatching a qualified medical professional, (such as a Medic) to perform the procedure.
  19. OK- Stupid Law should be dropped and until then every emergency vehicle should be running lights that are moer easily seen and potentially save more lives. Stop complaining and do what makes sense. You want to save lives? Push for all responders to be able to use to most effective tool and get a now foolish law off the books.
  20. Wow. But for the grace of God goes Hootie.
  21. Was wondering who's apparatus that was. They drove up Hudson from the river about an hour ago. I think they may have been checking out the drive train, putting it through the paces on some local roads and hills. The BMP would have gotten them back to their district faster
  22. Your 2 cents goes a long way and is spot on! If the PT is mandatory then injury would be work related. Considering the artical said he was, 'inexperienced' It doesn't sound like that is the case with what happened there.
  23. We need to get and keep as many guys in shape as possible. The city should be encouraging guys to maintain their fitness and ability. Here is the rub: Just because you are on the clock; it shouldn't make any injury work related. If you do something foolish; you need to accept responsibilty. If he tripped and fell walking across the street to pick up a meatball parm; would that be work related? Sick time and medical coverage should cover it. Give them their gym back and encourage it's use. The individual should accept responsibilty though. I think the Workers Comp. Board may have made a mistake here