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Posts posted by LEGENDARYDOM83

  1. Hey Seth,

    I have researched this topic to exhaustion. I have a few pieces of ink and this would be my advice to you:

    Yes, eventually it would fade a little due to the constant wear on that location but it wouldn't happen for a while (at least 10 years) and you can always get it retouched later on.

    I have only dealt with one shop in the area--The Mighty Horseman in Tarrytown-- the owner and principal artist, Chuck, does outstanding work and is decently priced. For a piece of body art you really don't to skimp. Remember, get what you pay for... and for something that small or just text it wont be that bad anyway.

    Hope this helps.

    If you have any other questions PM me

    x635 likes this

  2. This is a topic That I hope a lot of people will get behind because I know many have the same questions. I wanted to know What people (especially career firefighters) use(d) to study for written entrance exams? Any tips and tricks used to gain an edge over the competition? And any general advice from our veteran firemen...

    There are a lot of study guides, books and online, That claim they will give you an edge... tough to know which ones actually will.

    Thank you in advance.

  3. We don't know how we're going to pay for it. Typical smoke and mirrors...you get 2 years to build up the resources to do so...and oh...the tax increase all the politicos are so in tune with the criers out there are worried about..it often amounts to the cost for a family of 4 to eat out once a year..and some of that is made up with decreases in fire insurance premiums for staffing credit.

    Well said!

  4. D

    Danbury took 19 to interviews about a month ago I believe for the hiring of 14. 12 for a SAFER grant and 2 for vacancies. Is this right Capt. Meehan?

    I received confirmation today that are in fact 14 positions open that they are trying to fill. Has anyone been called for an interview or.going through the process with them now?

  5. How are you guys? Wanted to know if anyone has heard anything about the New Rochelle FD Exam that happened in March? Results or otherwise... also if anyone had any info on if they are actually hiring any guys? My unit is slated to deploy in November and wanted to have a plan before I go...


  6. Wanted to know if anyone has heard anything from Danbury regarding the test they gave last year? If so, where are they on the list? And does anyone know how many they are looking to hire, if any?

    I would appreciate any info on this.


  7. LOL! That's great! I'm in the Army so I know all about that.. I was supposed to visit station 1 this morning because I signed up for the NRFD test but I couldn't make it because I called in to my unit last minute. Any way it's nice to see how far an organization has come. God willing I can have the honor of being a probie with NRFD some day..


    Bnechis likes this

  8. Does anyone know where I can get the ICS 300 level course? And possibley the answers? I went on the FEMA website and they had them all except 300 and 400..

    Any help would be appreciated..


  9. I'm 27 years old, turning 28 in January 2011 and currently interested in becoming a firefighter or police officer - preferably a firefighter. I was wondering what is the best way of knowing when the exam application opens for both? The information on Westchestergov.com sounds conflicting because it states that the city of White Plains offers their exams independently. So I was wondering if there was a different site for me to keep posted on the upcoming exam application announcement?

    Also, I was wondering if anyone can give me some additional insight preparing for the exam. I'm currently a financial adviser, and I don't have any military or civil service background and my highest degree of education is high school. I don't believe I would have much difficulty in the written part of the exam, and as far as the physical part I am in great physical condition as I work out daily.

    I appreciate the time...

    One of the best way of staying informed of exam announcements is this website. Many P.O and F.F, hopefuls such as yourself post them in this section when they find out about them. There are other websites such as 911hotjobs and usajobs and others that have announcements posted.

    The way some jurisdictions work is they have a blanket test, ie Westchester County offers a county wide P.O. exam, then local municipalities will pull off of that list. Other departments will administer there own test (New Rochelle, White Plains, Yonkers, Mt. Vernon...) so they can have total control over the entire process and collect the exam fees.

    In my opinion the best way to get into it is try volunteering at your local FD, if available, and get into emergency services that way. You'll see that it is not just a hobby for most people it's a lifestyle. Those are the people that can help you the most. I myself have been trying to get on the job for a long time now... what you have to understand about civil service is it all about the waiting game. Unless you have a big time "hook" (you know somebody) the entire process can be lengthy. Best way to ensure a good chance at employment with PD/FD, etc is to get a 100 on any test they offer and stay clean.

    I have had some success with the ARCO books while trying to prepare for a written but recently a found a site that is great. Firequiz.com offers tutorials on areas that are specific to that jurisdiction's test. It's not free but affordable.

    I hope this has been a help to you

    eric12401 likes this