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  1. EmsFirePolice liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Update on Stamford Merger   
    Although he's been on the job for a number of weeks already, our new Assistant Chief of Volunteer Services was sworn in last night.
    http://www.stamfordadvocate.com/policereports/article/Stamford-volunteers-get-new-assistant-fire-chief-5874198.php On a personal note, I can think of no one better for this job at this time. Chief Morris has already made more progress in his first few weeks than was accomplished by anyone prior. He is not only one of the most decorated, if not THE most decorated, members of the FDNY with an impeccable reputation and a vast wealth of experience, he is also a man who knows how to bring people together and get things done. He has come full circle, literally, having started his long and storied fire service career as a volunteer here in Stamford and now he's back guiding the ship through the many obstacles which we face. Beyond that, for me personally "Rex" is a mentor, a role model and most of all someone I consider myself privileged to be able to call a friend. Congratulations "Boss"!!!
  2. FFPCogs liked a post in a topic by z28skunk in White Plains Firefighter suffers heart attack battling flames   
    Hey guys here for an update-my father was responding to a full assignment on Monday when he suddenly collapsed. My brothers from WPFD used an AED to bring him back almost immediately. He went in for surgery yesterday and all went well. The doctors expect him to make a full recovery. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.
  3. FFPCogs liked a post in a topic by mfc2257 in Decorated Soldier From Somali Black Hawk Attack Dies   
    This is so incredibly sad. Gone way too young considering what he survived.
    RIP... The Free World is forever in debt to you and your fallen brothers both on the battlefield and off.
  4. x635 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Belltown FD (Stamford, CT) Pasta fundraiser   
    Belltown FD in Stamford will be holding a Pasta Dinner fundraiser to help fund our recruitment efforts.

    Date: Oct 24, 2014
    Time 6pm - 8:30pm

    Seating is limited so please call 203-323-0626 for more information, directions or to make a reservation

  5. x635 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Belltown FD (Stamford, CT) Pasta fundraiser   
    Belltown FD in Stamford will be holding a Pasta Dinner fundraiser to help fund our recruitment efforts.

    Date: Oct 24, 2014
    Time 6pm - 8:30pm

    Seating is limited so please call 203-323-0626 for more information, directions or to make a reservation

  6. x635 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Apparatus Comittee Members   
    Been there done that as well.
  7. x635 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Apparatus Comittee Members   
    Been there done that as well.
  8. x635 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Apparatus Comittee Members   
    I would say 5 on the committee, (6 if you choose to use a consultant) 1 chief officer, a mechanic/ skilled operator, a trustee or money man and two members at large. Anything more and the committee becomes too unwieldy and cliques within the cliques can form creating far too many problems and far too many opinions on how to solve them.
    As far as inspection trips go I would say 3 should do it. (Four if you have a consultant)
    1 Chief
    1 Mechanic or skilled operator
    1 Trustee or "check writer"
    These members should be be well versed on the specs and what it is you're looking to buy since as committee members they developed them
  9. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in We won't forget   
    I have often heard people question the wisdom of sending firefighters into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11th. It is not their fault, these people simply do not understand that firemen do what they do because they must, for without their actions lives would be lost. So much is made of the losses that fateful Tuesday 13 years ago and that is as it should be, but when looking back at that terrible day in New York let us not forget that the sacrifice of the 343 brave FDNY firefighters lost and the actions of their comrades who survived directly saved the lives of over ten thousand people, TEN THOUSAND!!!!. So in the midst of all the sadness and anger that comes with this day let us also remember that those 343 lives were not lost in vain.

    I will never forget you, the 343, and all you gave, your sacrifice gave life to thousands, THANK YOU!!

  10. FFPCogs liked a post in a topic by DashFlash in We won't forget   
    Firefighters,. EMTs, police officer, and even Boy Scouts rushed into the towers to rescue people.No one expected the towers to collapse on them. But we are the people who run TOWARD danger when everyone else is running AWAY. It's more than just "our job." It's our calling.
    Like most of us, I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I first heard the news. The 2nd plane had not hit yet...and we were riveted to the television watching in horror as it unfolded.
    No, I will never forget...and I deeply resent the people who HAVE forgotten. You know who I mean - the people who yap about "Bush's unnecessary wars" or "Bush lied about WMDs." The #1 reason for the war was never WMDs. It was a War on TERROR...and Saddam Hussein was one of the chief exporters of international terrorism. He was even offering cash rewards to anyone who would murder Americans or Israelis. If it was a suicide attack, he said he would pay the reward to the murderer's family.
  11. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in We won't forget   
    I have often heard people question the wisdom of sending firefighters into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11th. It is not their fault, these people simply do not understand that firemen do what they do because they must, for without their actions lives would be lost. So much is made of the losses that fateful Tuesday 13 years ago and that is as it should be, but when looking back at that terrible day in New York let us not forget that the sacrifice of the 343 brave FDNY firefighters lost and the actions of their comrades who survived directly saved the lives of over ten thousand people, TEN THOUSAND!!!!. So in the midst of all the sadness and anger that comes with this day let us also remember that those 343 lives were not lost in vain.

    I will never forget you, the 343, and all you gave, your sacrifice gave life to thousands, THANK YOU!!

  12. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in We won't forget   
    I have often heard people question the wisdom of sending firefighters into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11th. It is not their fault, these people simply do not understand that firemen do what they do because they must, for without their actions lives would be lost. So much is made of the losses that fateful Tuesday 13 years ago and that is as it should be, but when looking back at that terrible day in New York let us not forget that the sacrifice of the 343 brave FDNY firefighters lost and the actions of their comrades who survived directly saved the lives of over ten thousand people, TEN THOUSAND!!!!. So in the midst of all the sadness and anger that comes with this day let us also remember that those 343 lives were not lost in vain.

    I will never forget you, the 343, and all you gave, your sacrifice gave life to thousands, THANK YOU!!

  13. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Stamford Fire-Rescue Tower Ladder?   
    Yes, it is out of service indefinitely. As of now it will be replaced with a new 95' Aerialscope
  14. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in We won't forget   
    I have often heard people question the wisdom of sending firefighters into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11th. It is not their fault, these people simply do not understand that firemen do what they do because they must, for without their actions lives would be lost. So much is made of the losses that fateful Tuesday 13 years ago and that is as it should be, but when looking back at that terrible day in New York let us not forget that the sacrifice of the 343 brave FDNY firefighters lost and the actions of their comrades who survived directly saved the lives of over ten thousand people, TEN THOUSAND!!!!. So in the midst of all the sadness and anger that comes with this day let us also remember that those 343 lives were not lost in vain.

    I will never forget you, the 343, and all you gave, your sacrifice gave life to thousands, THANK YOU!!

  15. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in We won't forget   
    I have often heard people question the wisdom of sending firefighters into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11th. It is not their fault, these people simply do not understand that firemen do what they do because they must, for without their actions lives would be lost. So much is made of the losses that fateful Tuesday 13 years ago and that is as it should be, but when looking back at that terrible day in New York let us not forget that the sacrifice of the 343 brave FDNY firefighters lost and the actions of their comrades who survived directly saved the lives of over ten thousand people, TEN THOUSAND!!!!. So in the midst of all the sadness and anger that comes with this day let us also remember that those 343 lives were not lost in vain.

    I will never forget you, the 343, and all you gave, your sacrifice gave life to thousands, THANK YOU!!

  16. FFPCogs liked a post in a topic by FireMedic049 in We won't forget   
    Let us also not forget the efforts and sacrifices of our brothers/sisters in blue and in EMS on that day along with that of the crew and passengers on Flight 93 that prevented further tragedy.
  17. FFPCogs liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in We won't forget   
    This is one of the better tributes. It is a reminder of what happened that day.
    It reminds us that despite what the politicians say, there is still pure evil in this world.
    In addition while it was one of the worst days in history, it was also one of our best. We came together like I have never seen before or since. Unfortunately it took the lives of almost 3000 martyrs to do it.
    Say a prayer for those who were murdered that day.
  18. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in We won't forget   
    I have often heard people question the wisdom of sending firefighters into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11th. It is not their fault, these people simply do not understand that firemen do what they do because they must, for without their actions lives would be lost. So much is made of the losses that fateful Tuesday 13 years ago and that is as it should be, but when looking back at that terrible day in New York let us not forget that the sacrifice of the 343 brave FDNY firefighters lost and the actions of their comrades who survived directly saved the lives of over ten thousand people, TEN THOUSAND!!!!. So in the midst of all the sadness and anger that comes with this day let us also remember that those 343 lives were not lost in vain.

    I will never forget you, the 343, and all you gave, your sacrifice gave life to thousands, THANK YOU!!

  19. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in We won't forget   
    I have often heard people question the wisdom of sending firefighters into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11th. It is not their fault, these people simply do not understand that firemen do what they do because they must, for without their actions lives would be lost. So much is made of the losses that fateful Tuesday 13 years ago and that is as it should be, but when looking back at that terrible day in New York let us not forget that the sacrifice of the 343 brave FDNY firefighters lost and the actions of their comrades who survived directly saved the lives of over ten thousand people, TEN THOUSAND!!!!. So in the midst of all the sadness and anger that comes with this day let us also remember that those 343 lives were not lost in vain.

    I will never forget you, the 343, and all you gave, your sacrifice gave life to thousands, THANK YOU!!

  20. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in We won't forget   
    I have often heard people question the wisdom of sending firefighters into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11th. It is not their fault, these people simply do not understand that firemen do what they do because they must, for without their actions lives would be lost. So much is made of the losses that fateful Tuesday 13 years ago and that is as it should be, but when looking back at that terrible day in New York let us not forget that the sacrifice of the 343 brave FDNY firefighters lost and the actions of their comrades who survived directly saved the lives of over ten thousand people, TEN THOUSAND!!!!. So in the midst of all the sadness and anger that comes with this day let us also remember that those 343 lives were not lost in vain.

    I will never forget you, the 343, and all you gave, your sacrifice gave life to thousands, THANK YOU!!

  21. FFPCogs liked a post in a topic by wraftery in Should All Fire Trucks Carry Water?   
    It slices, it dices, it chops....
    Remember those Ronco commercials? That stuff never worked well, did it?
    Whenever you buy something that claims to do lots of things, it rarely does any one of those things well .
    That's my feeling on quints.
    Then somebody says "we have a quint, why do we need an engine?" And then POOF! The Lay-off Genie appears.
  22. FFPCogs liked a post in a topic by FFEMT150 in A Good Job: Stories of the FDNY (HBO Documentary Films)   
    Most of the documentarys I have watched about the fire service tend to focus on more of the tragedy we encounter (atleast in my humble opinion). This however, I feel had a focus on the brotherhood and cammeradery found in the station. One example I can think of off the too of my head is the film "into the fire". A large part of that documentary was facing loss of life in the fire service. Again, this is how I perceived it. While there was quite a few mentions of loss of life both civilian and firefighter in "a good job" they were followed immediately by stories of how the firefighters involved in the incident found comfort in each other. Again, this is how I perceived the documentary. My question for you is: were you able to see "a good job" tonight and did you feel the same way?
  23. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Should All Fire Trucks Carry Water?   
    Should all fire trucks carry water?...NO
  24. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Should All Fire Trucks Carry Water?   
    Should all fire trucks carry water?...NO
  25. FFPCogs liked a post in a topic by FireMedic049 in Should All Fire Trucks Carry Water?   
    I disagree. All fire trucks should carry water............... in easily deployable 16-20 ounce plastic bottles.