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Everything posted by Tickfighter

  1. Called him right out! I think it's great that the PFD still honors these brave souls after almost a century has gone by
  2. Your post has 2 flaws in it and helps highlight the inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of volunteer "management" in combo departments. To cast doubt or to look at something realistically instead of through the volunteer rose colored glasses? Actually most departments with a CAD and that use the RMS system know their response times, I'm willing to venture the ones that don't know their response times or know it and as I pointed out look at it through their rose colored glasses are also the ones who don't get out on their first hit. I don't see what our point is about traffic. The Greenburgh team is about the same distance as the truck (unstaffed) sitting in Valhalla. How much time is it going to take for people to come in from all over in their POV's? If it wasn't for the control issue you would have had a team to cover the northern Westchester region. Everything was moving along well until not just the training standards came up, but the department "managers" of Mohegan and Peekskill were told that the career staff would be involved and that's where the gears came to a grinding halt. So tell me about "helping people" there, because in combo departments with volunteer "management" it all about service right? That is where you are correct when you say "help yourselves" in your post mcfuzz. God forbid if everyone in what is supposed to be a "department" operated together, especially your best trained and often best experienced personnel. But its all about "service."
  3. A threat? LOL. I doubt it...we all know who views who as a threat...so lets not go there.
  4. I don't know how it works, but can you tell me why a volunteer has charge over a career firefighter in the first place? Who has more training, who is at EVERY CALL? I'm just asking so don't be mad.
  5. People can't volunteer to do these things because it would interfere with the municipal services unions. They protect their jobs just as fire unions protect their jobs. And as history will show, all of these jobs were once done for free, and eventually didn't have enough people volunteering to do the jobs. Hence the reason for the labor unions, and fire unions, to guarantee the services, not hope for them.
  6. The heck with that pink elephant in the middle of the room! God forbid municipalities do something to better its people, they might step on someones toes or hurt their pride! Better hope the call for the automatic alarm that noone shows up to isn't a worker and a home is lost or worse someones life, because they can't change what happened- but they could have done something to prevent it. You can't go on the premise that "they will come if its a fire", its just ignorant.
  7. LOL. From what I hear they don't even have an understanding of the radio system they have been using for nearly 10 years now. Do you guys even know what a fireground channel is there? You have to understand how it works and its benefits before even thinking of the above. Remember if you don't know anything about it, then it must not work.
  8. They should give it to the fire department so the person on the BLS engine can either complete the crew when they only get a driver or go get the ambulance when no one signs on after 11pm.
  9. Did this survey say anything about ISO? And wasen't it more so to determine a proper location for the central firehouse?
  10. Pretty funny how rumor has it that the building was offered to company members for 1 dollar back when they moved the engine out of there and nobody had any interest in it at all. Now all of a sudden there is a slew of people that want to save the building they had no interest in years ago. And most of them aren't even firefighters. Now the city and state are going to waste all kinds of money on saving it. Then the taxpayers are gonna foot the bill to maintain it! Sounds great to me..........
  11. I think Raz has said it best! If you can hold someone accountable then people take things alot more serious.Who better to do the job then someone who is there monday to friday,and gets paid to do so.Then you know things would get accomplished,because if they didn't then their job/career would be in jeopardy.And in this situation you would be ensuring professionalism,which is how it should be across the board.Good job Raz!
  12. It helps tremendously to understand how your radio system works. Repeaters should not be used for fireground operations unless it is extremely critical due to issues like high rise's. Line of sight simplex is the best for most operations. We've had a repeater for nearly 8 years now and still can't get the "management" to understand its operation. First to criticize about it...last to want to understand how it works. Then again isn't that the management style many of us are subjected to...."if I don't understand it, or don't know anything about it..its terrible or doesn't work or won't work here. If I don't agree with it or it doesn't fit into my philosophy I'll ignore it...or blame the union.
  13. I'm all for understanding justifying the need for a boat. But half a million for a new boat? And there are those that say that having career staff is too expensive. Gonna get a lot more for a half million's worth of staff then the half dozen times a year you'll need a boat.