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Everything posted by vodoly

  1. Some follow up on the fire Fire was started by workers doing roofing work with torches Also there was Truss beam construction They were also trying a trench cut that the fire over ran at the rear part of building where fire started There's still a watch line there til 0:7:00
  2. Did they decide on what manufacturer they are going with I remember they had a sutphen tower there
  3. Nice clip of the Fire The dept's broke out almost every ladder tower in the county for this fie
  4. Coloum of smoke from this fire seen from bergen county
  5. Excellent Christmas present!!!!! I was wondering when the big day was??
  6. That's a nice rear lighting set up on the rear of the rig
  7. Hasbrouck Heights Spartan Smeal Quint delivered today pic provided by a member Teaseer shot like the "unibrow" light
  8. They sould put cargo net over that hose bed to show it off
  9. It sure does Nice job wonder how long it took?
  10. Saw the Bridgeport working fire one last week
  11. Here's JCMC EMS Unit 61 doing a special care transport to Englewood Hospital this am Unsure of year Ford F-350 /Horton I noticed some battle wounds on its cab part Got some info on this unit it's 1 of the 6 units they picked up after hurricane sandy to replace damaged units in the fleet They love to use them as long as possible
  12. Englewood Cliffs NJ uses International chastised snow plow with dump body slide in salter/sanders I'll try to get a few pics
  13. Date:12/7/16 Time:04:06 hours Location:71 Claremont Road cross of Bridal Way to Buchingham Road District:Co#4 Battalion: Channel: 154.445 (believe Ops 2was used) Weather: cloudy & cool Units:All 4 Fort Lee Fire Companies Fort Lee VAC Englewood Hospital ALS 213 Tour Chief 296 Writer: vodoly Description:First chief on scene reporting heavy smoke from the basement & 1 st floor Fire originated in a crawl space 3 lines put to work vent to roof made Fire got up into voids in 1st floor Fire PWH 4:43 am FL8 (Goldstein ) had command FL7 (Richter) had Operations. They believe the cause to be accidental Article on the Fire http://www.northjersey.com/story/news/bergen/fort-lee/2016/12/07/firefighters-battle-small-blaze-fort-lee/95082010/
  14. Nice graphic's on the Scarsdale VAC bus. Thanks for sharing!!!
  15. https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/12/03/firefighters-battle-five-alarm-blaze-cambridge/hUZTH51NSweZhDSUuOb5nL/story.html?p1=Article_Recommended_ReadMore_Pos1 was also on CNN
  16. Quite a Mutual aid set up there seems to run smoothly Srike the 2 & 3 alarm on arrival That's pretty bad fire for them to do that!!!!!
  17. That Wheaton Md Seagrave Rescue 1 Tandem axle Heavy Rescue's prime example of well funded
  18. May god rest her soul Rest In Peace https://m.facebook.com/IaffLocal1590/photos/a.221837127952795.57844.217427128393795/898530093616825/?type=3&__tn__=*s
  19. Yes sir surprised D.C. 's trying Spartan ERV tillers this time around
  20. Latest on Fort Lee's new Spartan Rescue 1 new Rescue August /September delivery
  21. U think looks like they have a lock on biz in Bergen county lol