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  1. ff710 liked a post in a topic by mreis95 in What's With The LDH Hose, Westchester?   
    Well if they took hose off the above engine wouldn't that make it this 1/2 the hose bed scenario like you said in your first post? In your opinion what do you think is the proper amount of LDH for an Engine to carry?
  2. ff710 liked a post in a topic by Remember585 in Chief's Vehicle Out Of State Shopping   
    Would you look past this if that Chief's vehicle was delivering donations to Newtown? What if he was buying gifts to bring to a Children's Hospital here in Westchester? This is such immature, cry baby bullshit.
    For the record, I don't agree with the abuse of a take home car, but since nobody knows the facts here - let's stop speculating.
    FACT: Some municipalities issue take-home vehicles for all kinds of staff members, including PD, FD, DPW and management folks.
    FACT: Many of these municipalities don't have rules or regulations concerning the uses of these vehicles, and frankly don't even care.
    FACT: A Westchester Fire Chief in Connecticut may be closer from point A in Westchester to point B in Connecticut then if he went to another location within Westchester County.
    FACT: I see police officers, fire chiefs/commissioners, EMS officers, DPW bosses and governement officials using their take home cars for all kinds of things.
    FACT: I never lose sleep over any of this. Neither should any of us. The same guys who are union firefighters that will come here asking all of us to "put aside our volunteer and paid BS" to help them keep their jobs also commonly take jabs at volunteers for dumb s*** like this. You can't play it one way all the time then flip it around and not expect people to call you out on it. Does it bother anyone else that WE are all our own worst enemies?!
    Does it bother anyone else that Westchester County is literally a laughingstock to fire departments (paid and volunteer) outside of this area because of our never-ending bickering and dick-measuring contests?
    Note: edited for grammar and layout improvement.
  3. ff710 liked a post in a topic by wedgeclose in Chief's Vehicle Out Of State Shopping   
    Most of the "chiefs" in Westchester are VOLUNTEERS are you saying that these men and women should stay in their district or vicininty 24/7 365? They have one or two assistants who I am sure are made aware of the fact that the chief and his vehicle will be out of district for a specific amount of time. The proximity of highways between CT. and Westchester are such that just about any chief can respond from CT. to a Westchester district in 20 min or less in emergency mode. This was not a "commuter" issue..which I don't agree with...but one of a little R and R. We all see everyday "commuters" on the highways driving all kinds of "official" vehicles back and forth to work and we all know MOST OF THEM are abusing the system...you should be attacking them..not the VOLUNTEERS that give up so much of their day to day lives to protect the communities so the real 'COMMUTERS" have a house to come home to. amen
  4. ff710 liked a post in a topic by mreis95 in Empress EMS New 2013 Dodge Charger AWD Flycar 43-M-1   
    If it was purchased only to save money on fuel why not look into a hybrid version of something?
  5. ff710 liked a post in a topic by BedfordFire in Bedfords 1962 Mack for sale   
    It would be great to have it back... thats our old Engine 107. See attached picture for it "in action"!

  6. ff710 liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in Yonkers Layoffs   
    I was simply re-stating what one of my local outlets reported in a quicky TV news story. And a 'Paramedic Rescue' down here is the equivalent of a 'Paramedic Ambulance' up there, not to be confused with something like FDNY Rescue 3. And why are you getting so worked up about it? I made the post as to the relevance of how municipal budgets are affecting the emergency services everywhere and I did not think that much more in depth reporting and fact checking was necessary to establish that municipal services continue to be affected by budget shortfalls.
    So when somebody tells you how the economy is recovering, think about these recent incidents of cut backs, lay-offs and re-assignments that are continuing to be implemented due to our local, regional and national economy.
    On tonights news, the Vero Beach Police are eliminating a vacant Assistant Chief's position and demoting three Lieuts to Sergeants, three Sergeants to Corporal and
    the three Corporals to patrol officers, all with corresponding pay adjustments and all to save...............$190,000.00 per year. That's how bad some of the municipal budgets are down here that they would go to such measures to save $190K. St. Lucie made similar adjustments previously.
    This move is not without resistance and the point has been made that anticipated OT will offset the savings. But perhaps someone with more time can fact check this as I don't have the time to conduct in person interviews with all the parties that have made statement through the public media outlets.
  7. ff710 liked a post in a topic by firebuff860 in Jury Awards Woman 825g in Crash with Firefighter   
    Chief Flynn has an uncanny ability to ruffle the feathers of many on this board every time he posts. As a career fire officer once told me, figures lie and liars figure. If you are going to bash the Chief for his comments, back them up with some facts as he did. I am sure once all of the numbers are out there we can go on and on about numbers of career vs volunteer and number of calls responded to career vs volunteer as well as distance travelled to each call career vs volunteer. The bottom line is, when was the last time you read about a career chief passing another on the way to a call, make fun of that chief on a recorded radio channel for going too slow, and then plow into an unsuspecting driver? The actions of the Chief in this article are beyond defending.
    Maybe all involved can post their Department's SOG's and policies regarding drivers: training, minimum time required, courses required, etc. That would prove to be a more educational topic.
  8. ff710 liked a post in a topic by ny10570 in Jury Awards Woman 825g in Crash with Firefighter   
    Ok, so I'm not sure why the difference between the two stats you have. Was it just because the the time period studied or were there different criteria in the search? The "Selected Special Analysis" is throwing me off. But we'll go with what we got. From 92-02 Career ff's made up 9.9% of the deaths and from '00 to '10 they're up to 18.8%. Since the two over lap this is terrible statistics, but when I average it out we get 14.35%. As of 2010 All career and mostly career FD's only represented 14% of the firefighters nation wide. Arguably even in mostly volunteer FD's the career guys still probably do the lion share of the apparatus driving. That more than doubles the number to 32% of all firefighters.
    All of this however could mean nothing because take yonkers for example. Your dept has how many apparatus on the road available to respond every day? A quick google search came up with 20 including the battalions. If you take your typlical westchester volleys responding from home to fill 18 rigs and two chiefs (lets assume only two members on each rig because its a beautiful tuesday afternoon) you're going to wind up with 56 separate vehicles being driven. You'd have to do 3x as many runs in yonkers to cover the number of trips taken by the vollys. Then there's the number of miles driven. What's the average distance for urban paid depts vs suburban and rural volunteer depts? Chief, you're over simplifying some very complicated statistics just to make a point. Without the proper data how can people not take this as a biased attack? It makes it seem personal no matter how much you insist it is not.
  9. ff710 liked a post in a topic by INIT915 in Jury Awards Woman 825g in Crash with Firefighter   
    I have to disagree with you Capt. You can't throw around numbers backing your hypothesis if they don't actually do that. They may, after analysis, but not in the manner they were presented. It's no secret I think JF knows what he is talking about, but his ability to relate it often gets lost in his delivery to some.
    As I don't have anything with the fire service, career or volunteer, I certainly don't take it personal.
  10. ff710 liked a post in a topic by INIT915 in Jury Awards Woman 825g in Crash with Firefighter   
    OK, excellent. I couldn't agree more. I merely asked your position, as a recent article you were quoted in failed to include the term "career", and I wasn't sure if you were working to have that corrected.
    I am all for equality.
  11. ff710 liked a post in a topic by INIT915 in Jury Awards Woman 825g in Crash with Firefighter   
    Does that work both ways? Should news articles pertaining to career personnel point out as much?
  12. ff710 liked a post in a topic by FFLieu in Jury Awards Woman 825g in Crash with Firefighter   
    Did you not read the first sentence with the word volunteer emblazoned in all caps for all the world to see how we're the scum of the earth? Perhaps not.
    Top to bottom, left to right. Group words together as a sentence. Many sentences comprise a thought. Maybe they didn't teach you that in elementary school.
  13. ff710 liked a post in a topic by FFLieu in Jury Awards Woman 825g in Crash with Firefighter   
    Yeah, because no career FF ever drove recklessly, ever, in the history of the world, right?
  14. ff710 liked a post in a topic by IFCO3080 in Practice CPAT Course   
    As many of you know the FDNY exam is approaching quickly and everyone knows that the physical portion of the exam will be the CPAT. I myself am taking the exam and me and retired FDNY lieutenant from my company are in the process of building a course at our firehouse. I am just posting here to see if anyone in the county would be interested in participating in running through the course during a designated time during the week. Their may be a small one time fee like $15 dollars to cover the cost of building the course and after payment you could use the course as many times as you would like. If anybody is interested please PM me or email me at ifco2007@yahoo.com for more information.
    Stay safe
  15. ff710 liked a post in a topic by AddItToTheBoxK in Yorktown Heights' New Fire Station   
    I am one for Consolidation. I think if done right it could save taxpayers in Westchester money and possibly be more beneficial to the FD for service and operations. IF DONE RIGHT!
    With that said why does it matter so much to everyone who does not live in Yorktown. Wether it will turn to be a mistake in the future or a added benefit why do we as memebers of this forum demand to seek answers.....if in a educational way than I could see it.
    Questions like does this help your response time,will it benefit the district and the people living in it better. I would assume without asking...... that answer would be yes. Ive had the pleasure of working with Yorktown as a Mutual aid department over the years and they are a Proactive aggressive knowlegdible department. Thats why Yorktown has a Mayor, board of trustees, fire commisioners, fire cheifs etc.......Let them and thier taxpayers worry ......
    And if one day we consolidate as districts and a county to provide fire protection etc then thats when we can worry how many Firehouses and trucks we have and where thier located.....And we should stop using the word consolidation including myself, WE CANT EVEN COME TO HAVE THE SAME GEAR AND ACCOUNTABILITY TAGS, Some say its cause of the small tight knit commutnitys that are impeeding progress and the politicians....wrong....its the fire service as a whole and greed. The fire service is 100 years of progress impeeded by tradition......We are all to blame. So for now why not just worry about your District unless its for a educational purpose.....cause no matter what we think , Yorktown is going to do what Yorktown feels is best for them. Just as a big city like Yonkers would.
    By the way looks like a nice Firehouse.
  16. ff710 liked a post in a topic by Mini-Attack9 in South Salem - Working Fire 1/3/2011 **DISCUSSION**   
    Engine 113 was the source pumper at the dry hydrant on Oscaleta road. E113 fed E112 and E140 that were the relay pumpers in line up to the fire scene. During the operation of the Tower Ladder 57, Tanker 2 was used to supply the master stream. I hope this clears everything thing up for the brothers that were not on the scene and are monday morning quaterbacking rural water operations...... Us up here in the North county do not always have the luxury of having those red things every 500 feet. Sometimes we need to get down and dirty and actually lay out an entire bed of hose.