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Everything posted by flyboy14295

  1. 100% rigged
  2. There are no keys needed to run the truck......
  3. Aren't commissioners elected or appointed officials overseeing a fire protection district(or city, village, etc)? These guys are just a bunch of whackers with no life and nothing better to do, except poking a bear with a stick. One day the bear is gonna wake up......
  4. At the auto body/paint shop for routine touch-ups and other little things.
  5. That's why I mentioned that he was the safety officer solely based on the fact that his vest said it.
  6. As a follow-up to my above post, and to reinforce what Capt. Nechis said, My department just recently had a fire, and I had this thread floating somewhere in the back of my head. I saw our safety officer on scene( traffic vest with "Safety Officer" on the back) standing inside the house, and I handed my tag to him. His answer was, "Oh, well I haven't started collecting these yet". Long story short, I told him to keep it for when he does get around to being the safety officer. At the end of the fire, I never got my tag back. I doubt I will ever see it again. Real useful system....
  7. In my department, we have the two tag system. I can't remember the last time the two were separated..... The best line I have heard from an officer at a fire I was at, "Is everyone out of the house?" I don't think that should EVER be a question.
  8. Good job for New Orleans. They need it just as much as the rest of us.
  9. Sounds like he wants to use it for testimonials for health issues related to 9-11.
  11. Westchester is not in a State of Emergency.
  12. Regionalization and Consolidation... Oh wait, I forgot. They need one for the parade, and one to cover the district...
  13. That has been happening a lot lately in Northern West...
  14. So here's the simple question. If you love both marching down the street AND protecting the community you serve, what activity do you place higher on the priority list... That being said, because everyone's answer is going to be protecting the community(if it isn't, you joined for all the wrong reasons, associate membership is that way =>), what happens when your community ISN'T adequately covered, just because you wanted to go marching down the street in hopes of winning a trophy? But remember, you joined to protect the community...
  15. Well said!!
  16. He is the Battalion Chief for the area. (Batt. 17) And a very well thought out post.
  17. I do agree with you. It is hard to tell in a picture whether the ladder was for the window(to vent) or for the roof. My apologies for jumping the gun. I also agree with your second statement, it does appear the the ladder is crooked and the FF on the left is repositioning the ladder.
  18. I seriously doubt anyone was on the second floor, therefore making the ladder placement not necessary for quick escape.
  19. Very true, and the first step to a solution to the ongoing staffing issue is admitting you have a problem, not just going along with it as if everything is alright.
  20. I'm holding back what I want to say as it would cause a flame war. Have a duty crew that rosters at the firehouse. That's a solution for many volunteer departments. In terms of not getting out the door, a lack of membership can be to blame, especially during the daytime hours.
  21. We're in a business where seconds and minutes count, so yes. If response times didn't matter, we wouldn't have lights and sirens.
  22. You guys don't pack up for residential or commercial calls? And I'm guessing you do pack up for gas calls but forgot to mention it.
  23. Not enough. I get a pack for everything that i might possibly breathe something in thats not air.