Bull McCaffrey

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  1. x129K liked a post in a topic by Bull McCaffrey in Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire   
    Didn't FD ask the troopers for help? You make it sound like the cops were freelancing, tapped the hydrant and stretched the line on their own. I bet if it was your house on fire, you wouldn't be complaining that the cops were putting water on it.
  2. INIT915 liked a post in a topic by Bull McCaffrey in Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire   
    Bottomline dude, THEIR chief who was most likely at the job felt it neccesary to personally congratuate them for a job well done. They were there, you were not therefore you can't really comment as to who was inside or who wasn't. The job got done. Stop hating.
    FYI: The brothers from E-158 were taken care of for their actions in assisting PD with their deck gun. I can assure you that they didn't do it for the "honor". They did it because it was the right thing to do.
  3. x129K liked a post in a topic by Bull McCaffrey in Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire   
    Didn't FD ask the troopers for help? You make it sound like the cops were freelancing, tapped the hydrant and stretched the line on their own. I bet if it was your house on fire, you wouldn't be complaining that the cops were putting water on it.
  4. Bull McCaffrey liked a post in a topic by INIT915 in Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire   
    I think the bottom line most of us realize is, when push comes to shove, most of us in the emergency services will go above and beyond. Some will take a backseat.
    We all know who are the lines likely to step up and who are likely to walk away.
  5. Bull McCaffrey liked a post in a topic by JJB531 in Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire   
    Good luck with that one BNechis. Firefighters would be in an uproar in certain parts of the County if law enforcement tried to keep a "brother firefighter" away from a great buffy photo op. Some liberal crybaby would be wailing that the police were infringing on their rights to photo some poor persons house burning to the ground.
  6. Bull McCaffrey liked a post in a topic by JJB531 in Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire   
    Oh boy I hope they did cause they were oh so close to the fire. Please.... Does that mean we should make every buff who lurks around a fire scene to take pictures throw on turnout gear?
  7. Bull McCaffrey liked a post in a topic by x129K in Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire   
    Put turnout gear on these guys and what do you have - a disciplined company operating as a team with a supervisor.......
  8. x129K liked a post in a topic by Bull McCaffrey in Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire   
    Didn't FD ask the troopers for help? You make it sound like the cops were freelancing, tapped the hydrant and stretched the line on their own. I bet if it was your house on fire, you wouldn't be complaining that the cops were putting water on it.
  9. x129K liked a post in a topic by Bull McCaffrey in Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire   
    Didn't FD ask the troopers for help? You make it sound like the cops were freelancing, tapped the hydrant and stretched the line on their own. I bet if it was your house on fire, you wouldn't be complaining that the cops were putting water on it.
  10. x129K liked a post in a topic by Bull McCaffrey in Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire   
    NY State Police PBA phone number: (518) 462-7448
    Feel free to call and ask them yourself. Let us know what they say.
  11. INIT915 liked a post in a topic by Bull McCaffrey in Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire   
    Bottomline dude, THEIR chief who was most likely at the job felt it neccesary to personally congratuate them for a job well done. They were there, you were not therefore you can't really comment as to who was inside or who wasn't. The job got done. Stop hating.
    FYI: The brothers from E-158 were taken care of for their actions in assisting PD with their deck gun. I can assure you that they didn't do it for the "honor". They did it because it was the right thing to do.
  12. x129K liked a post in a topic by Bull McCaffrey in Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire   
    Didn't FD ask the troopers for help? You make it sound like the cops were freelancing, tapped the hydrant and stretched the line on their own. I bet if it was your house on fire, you wouldn't be complaining that the cops were putting water on it.
  13. x129K liked a post in a topic by Bull McCaffrey in Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire   
    NY State Police PBA phone number: (518) 462-7448
    Feel free to call and ask them yourself. Let us know what they say.
  14. INIT915 liked a post in a topic by Bull McCaffrey in Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire   
    Bottomline dude, THEIR chief who was most likely at the job felt it neccesary to personally congratuate them for a job well done. They were there, you were not therefore you can't really comment as to who was inside or who wasn't. The job got done. Stop hating.
    FYI: The brothers from E-158 were taken care of for their actions in assisting PD with their deck gun. I can assure you that they didn't do it for the "honor". They did it because it was the right thing to do.
  15. x129K liked a post in a topic by Bull McCaffrey in Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire   
    NY State Police PBA phone number: (518) 462-7448
    Feel free to call and ask them yourself. Let us know what they say.
  16. INIT915 liked a post in a topic by Bull McCaffrey in Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire   
    Bottomline dude, THEIR chief who was most likely at the job felt it neccesary to personally congratuate them for a job well done. They were there, you were not therefore you can't really comment as to who was inside or who wasn't. The job got done. Stop hating.
    FYI: The brothers from E-158 were taken care of for their actions in assisting PD with their deck gun. I can assure you that they didn't do it for the "honor". They did it because it was the right thing to do.
  17. x129K liked a post in a topic by Bull McCaffrey in Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire   
    Didn't FD ask the troopers for help? You make it sound like the cops were freelancing, tapped the hydrant and stretched the line on their own. I bet if it was your house on fire, you wouldn't be complaining that the cops were putting water on it.
  18. x129K liked a post in a topic by Bull McCaffrey in Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire   
    Didn't FD ask the troopers for help? You make it sound like the cops were freelancing, tapped the hydrant and stretched the line on their own. I bet if it was your house on fire, you wouldn't be complaining that the cops were putting water on it.
  19. Bull McCaffrey liked a post in a topic by JJB531 in Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire   
    And yet everyone (including myself) applauded members of the FDNY for backing up and assisting NYPD officers in Staten Island who were faced with a large unruly crowd.
    Who's guarding the hen house? The other Troopers working. Those Troopers most likely would have been assigned to the fire scene anyways.
    If a Firefighter taking one of my guns to help me in a firefight saves my ass or someone else's, I'm good with it. These Troopers didn't take the hose from anyone's hands, they were asked by the Fire Chief to help. Any cop would have stepped up and did the right thing.
    The simple fact is web the crap hits the fan, emergency service providers step up and do the right thing for the communities we serve and for our fellow emergency service providers. These Troopers were not tasked with an interior attack, they were tasked with spraying some water on a fire from well outside the structure because the FD didn't have the manpower. If I was a homeowner, I'd be pretty damn grateful.
  20. Bull McCaffrey liked a post in a topic by INIT915 in BMW Fire: Armonk, NY 3/12/12 Posted On YouTube   
    There would be no legal grounds for confiscating those cells phones. If you did, you would open yourself up to both criminal and civil liability.
  21. Bull McCaffrey liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in C/Newburgh - Police Involved Shooting   
    AS soon as this shooting came out in the news I was sure that the family involved would follow the " skell shot by police " handbook.
    These guidelines include :
    1. no matter what you thought about the victim, go to the hospital, wait until you see someone with a news camera and then flop on the floor like a fish crying like the victim was your best friend.
    2. Make threats toward the police that you will get them for shooting your friend, etc...
    3. call for a special prosecutor
    4. get t- shirts made with the perps face on it and some catchy slogan like " rest in peace my dude, see you when i get there."
    5. no matter how old the perp was, release his communion photo or the picture from his first day of 1st grade to the media and tell them how he was a good person and was ABOUT to get his life back together and go back to school etc... oh i almost forgot, and tell them that he was an aspiring rapper that was about to be signed
    6. get a 40 oz. beer box, cut it in half, light candles , put them in the box, put half full 40 oz. beers on the sidewalk around the box for effect.
    7. No matter how much of a criminal your family member was, deny it even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
    8. when the grand jury returns a decision of No True Bill against the police officers and they are cleared of any wrong doing, repeat flopping on the floor like a fish, then hire some slick attorney that will tell the media that you knew from the begining that you couldn't get a fair and impartial investigation.
    9. file a lawsuit against the officers and the city of newburgh.
    If I missed any please feel free to add to this list.
    This list is obviously an attempt to make a little light of my frustration with the situation. I'm frustrated wih the fact that everything cops do is wrong to society, WE CAN'T WIN. I'm tired of nobody standing up to these families and saying " It was your family membes fault that this happened not the cops, end of story." God Bless my brothers from the Newburgh P.D. They did what they had to do the other night in the face of a deadly threat. The fault for this shooting lies completely with the perp, he shouldn't have committed a crime in the first place, second if he had a warrant ( that he obviously knew about because he ran) then he should have turned himself in. Third, if a team of cops approach you, don't run and fourth, when you are cornered by the cops, don't produce a knife and charge at them. Those are 4 ways this perp could have saved his own life but instead of looking at it rationally, his family would rather blame the cops. I watched that side show that was supposed to be a press conference. Having a public press conference was a mistake, if the chief wanted to give info to the media then you do that, not invite all of liberty street. If he wanted to meet with the family then he should have done it privatly not in a public forum.
    Sorry for the long post guys, some things just get to me.
  22. Bull McCaffrey liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in Man Steals Fire Engine and kills pedestrian   
    I'm pretty sure the subject of securing your vehicles has been talked about before but this is a very interesting story that ends in tragedy.
  23. Bull McCaffrey liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in 40 years ago today LODD - NYPD Officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster   
    40 years ago today New York City Police Officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster were walking a foot post at Avenue B and E. 11th street in Manhattan. Without warning, 4 cowardly members of the BLA ambushed them from behind and shot both officers multiple times in the back. After these officers fell, these animals stood over the officers and continued to shoot. These officers were both marines who had served in Vietnam and wanted to continue their service as NYPD officers. Today we honor these brave officers for their service and sacrafice. These Officers may be gone but they will never be forgotten. Rest In Peace My Brothers.
  24. Bull McCaffrey liked a post in a topic by JJB531 in NYC Corrections ESU Trucks   
    Although it has alot of space, that truck wouldn't be a convenient REP for routine patrol.
  25. 99subi liked a post in a topic by Bull McCaffrey in What Constitutes A Rescue Company In Westchester?   
    Sometimes nothing more than some fancy lettering on the side of a rig and some T-shirts purchased in bulk with RESCUE scrawled on the back.
    p.s. Not going to name any names as to not offend the offenders.