Haggerty 1029

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Posts posted by Haggerty 1029

  1. It was a Tornado watch alright i watched it go through my town. Tornado touched down 1/4 mile from where I picked my mother up from work in Southbridge on rte 169, at the time I didn’t know what was happening but I was driving out of the storm, and I could barely keep my truck on the road, if I’d known what was happening I would have stayed indoors. My dad has worked 18 hours since the storm hit. The local airport was destroyed only 3 planes left out of about 20 most flipped over on the runway, 2 were in a swamp, 1 was in a sand dune type hill right off of the runway. Only 1 death in my area in Brimfield Ma. If the storm had hit 1/2 mile more south of us we would have had many deaths. The storm basically went through Brimfield into Sturbridge into Southbridge and the funnel dissipated almost at the Charlton Southbridge line according to the national weather service talked to some of their personal today. Just in my town we had support from 3 other agencies covering our fire house. Mass State police, Worcester County Sheriff, and the National Guard were handling some of the traffic while Southbridge ran the calls along with some troopers; the CAT team was deployed in Southbridge last night. As I was driving my mother and sister home down a road that follows 84 west it came over the PD radio that a second and more severe storm was making its way up 84 almost at the CT border, at that point I was 3 miles from the border, never been as scared in my life as when that come over the air. At this point school is cancelled for the next few days, about 1/4 of Sturbridge has power, including myself; a good chunk of Southbridge has power. Looking at the damage it’s amazing no one was seriously hurt. The gentlemans F350 is supporting his garage.

  2. Thanks for posting the photos, sorry i didnt see you post them. Great shots, Eng 13 is a beautiful rig, are all these rigs out of the same house? And do they have an Eng 12?

  3. My dads crusier is outfitted with LPR one on each side of the trunk. He said its as easy as turning on the LPR and MDT in the car and selecting which mode you want moving or stationary and then going. I was talking to him at the station once the LPR was on a car drove by the cruiser and it made an alarm sound almost like a cell phone text message and on the MDT it showed a picture of the plate and had the drivers info next to it. Being in a smaller community the LPR doesnt get tons of hit but it still picks out the plates, although out of the 4 officers assigned to the car he is the only one that uses the LPR.

  4. Great story nice job on the passersby's part. A year or so back a Mass Trooper got into a scuffle in the middle and right lanes of rte. 84 just into Sturbridge, only a couple miles from my house, 2 off duty S. Carolina troopers stopped to assit the trooper, the suspect was a a very large man from what i can remeber, good thing the passerbys in each story stopped and lended a hand unlike the other people who kept going.

    x635 likes this

  5. I recently joined a local Vol. Dept and im slowly getting gear and outfitted for calls, ive run a few calls while it was dark out and realized real quick not having a personal light sucked, and it was worse carring one of the larger bulky lights off the rig. So i wanted to know what type or light do you carry? and why you chose that light. Thanks for your input.

  6. Since im only an Explorer and i cant go in on interior work i carry very little amount of items. I have a hand me down California style jacket with the air mask pocket on the right chest i carry a reflecive vest in there and again since im always on the exterior its not gonna be melting in there. Right coat pocket i carry gloves i always have both structure and extrication on me, what ever im not using is in that pocket. Left coat pocket i carry a nomex hood for those nice cold new england calls. Im in the process of getting a light for the outside of my coat. In my pants pocket i carry a small multi tool, $10 Ocean State job Lot, also carry a 2nd of the same tool when i ride my quads, very handy. And my radio sits in my radio pocket on my coat.

  7. I believe that those are Chemical Protective Clothing (CPC) support units. Basically a stockpile of PPE that can be brought to HM/Chem-Bio jobs with the ladder company.

    My question is if they're not staffed, who drives 'em?

    I believe i read somewhere if they are going to be needed memebrs from the ladder respond in them, not positive but pretty sure i was told that or read that.

  8. Just to add to this, i knew a trooper who was with CT SP and told me they are able to take their unmarked virtually anywhere when off duty, but when out of state they must tell their barracks they will be out of state. I guess the idea is that if a accident or somehting should occur when a off duty trooper is around they are supposed to render services till on duty officers arrive. It seams to be a good idea, my dad drives an older crown vic he bought from his nebighoring dept. and had it painted one shade and out fitted it with lights, it is his primary car off duty and when working traffic details.(his dept. doesnt supply cruisers for details) and we have stopped so many time i cant even remember half of them, we usualy are first on the scene of car accident on the mass pike or the very western end of the state on the highways. I understand this is different because its an unmarked personal car but its one of those "marked unmarkes". What about having the FDs taking the rigs out to go get grocerys? Personally it makes sense to me, cant respond without a full crew, it acts a good PR in some light if the guys talk to people or so on, but i understand they may be farther away from the emergency because of the location of the market. In boston i think Eng 52 or 53 was a feature on WBZ news for a week or so when they went to the closetst super market to pick up the evenings meal, the market was just outsde of boston and someone got mad seeing a boston rig in somerville.

  9. I was told by memebers at both 33/15 and 37/26 that 37/26 is first due to 80% of the park, but there is one part of the park that is closer to 33/15 and easier to get to during games when that aera is packed. Also Boston runs mostly E-1 engines and ladders, with pierce being the 2nd most amount of trucks, and KME starting to add up in the fleet, R2 E37, 14 and the TS.(33 and 7 originaly had KMEs also but 33 went to 14 and 7 to the TS)