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Everything posted by OnTheWheel

  1. thats already out, you can run plates on your nextel with a software download (and permission of course).
  2. Anyone have the trophy results from last night?
  3. Its already taken care of, when you buy a package a storage board comes with it, it attatches via velcro to the bottom and when you flip it over theres a full size writing surface with a clip. check out the site and accessories and theres pretty much everything you can think of.
  4. ROFL! I love when I have to shown THEM how to open it up and use it! More then once have they almost dropped a patient down a flight of stairs! But you gotta admit, the stretchers and chairs arent very user friendly. I love the Dewalt stretchers though!
  5. I stand corrected! You are right. They always paint the perrfect picture of these animals! Why dont they mention awards or citations when cops get jammed up>???
  6. Notice they never dig up dirt on cop killers or basic criminals, they may mention in one line their history but they dont go out of their way to do an expose on them! I love this world!!!
  7. I definitly agree that EVOC should be mandated as well as a minimum amount of training hours, as well as uearly hours logged before you need to "retrain". And SLOW DOWN! People have just rolled the dice driving "quickly" to calls, nothing has happened so they think its fine. Im sure I could work some numbers up (after dusting off my AI books), but the average car takes about 50 feet to stop at 30mph, do you think a truck could do that with load shift etc? Not even close!
  8. These kids need to be prosecuted harshly!!! Its high time that kids need to find out that these things arent funny or "cute"! I did stupid stuff when I was a kid but never anything like this or never damaged property in any way! Halloween we would spray eachother with shaving cream, not cars or strangers. I hope they add the day to the end of the school year or take it off of a vacation, theyve done that in recent years and seems to keep these things in check! I put it right back on the parenting of the new millenium. "They're just exressing themselves" is a cop out, own up to being a parent and do the job! Stop relying on the schools and the Police to raise your kids.
  9. Ive seen people attempt to take off tints, both on the scene and after the fact and there is nothing easy about it. they dont come off in one strip and tear into little pieces which require the remover to use a variety of razor blades and liquid concoctions to get the glue off. Maybe this is a job for "Mythbusters" but I think its a wives tale to have someone take it off on the side of the road, its virtually impossible, if you ask me, the Myth would be "BUSTED".
  10. This sucks! Hopefully everything works out for him, as long as he's innocent of course! News 12 reported on it and actually made a side note, in sum and substance: "The officer is assumed innocent until proven guilty in court". Very shocked they did that, but its a nice change for them! Now if the westchester RAG would do that we'd be a whole lot better!
  11. Heres the section for the "sticker" or tint certificate I was talking about. Never seen one. And contrary to poplular belief, tint is not a correctable summons, people come in all the time with tickets from different jurisdictions and were apparently told by the Officer that they could correct w/in 24hrs and get a correction form for dismissal.
  12. I agree, let everything come out and see what happens. I still want to know why the Bedford cops who intially dropped off the vic on the Mt. Kisco border weren't charged or reprimanded (at least not that the paper has stated). And the guys brother made a comment in one story that he walked past him but realized it was him after they passed, I'd know it's my brother from a block away! This case gets better and betteer by the day, live the American Dream, sue the government or win the lottery. Welcome to America, let us know when you're ready for something for nothing and we'll do our best to accomodate (at this rant applies to greedy citizen's as well as non)
  13. All that stuff works, it helps. Unless you shot off at the mouth, you would have just gotten one ticket, probably the tint if you were cool. But, to each his own!
  14. Definitly a heavy enforced issue. Big time officer's safety problem. You don't need a tint meter, if it ain't stock it ain't legal! Police cars are right about legal, 70%. There is a section requiring the operator to carry a "tint certificate" from DMV stating their tint is legal or they are excused or somthing, I never read it. There are no excuses. It's also a safety issue for the driver, they have limited sight visibility looking through some tints, they cant see pedestrians or other obstructions, especially in bad weather.
  15. sound asleep, phone rang shortly after second plane hit and was called into work. Sat in awe watching news while I "woke up" and watched the towers fall! Definitly will never forget it. Went down there Thursday, we were in charge of perimeter Security of Pier where command post was.
  16. Not even close! Westchester is way more laxed in a sense, still some para military discipline but not close to the "Academy". As with anything, some people's feelings get hurt when they get "yelled at" so maybe thats a reason they water it down. I know NYSP Academy calmed down compared to years ago (10+) due to people whining amd a new thought on training people. I love how the "Academy" weeds em out, a lot better there then when they freeze up on a call or start to cry on a call because someone is "yelling at them"
  17. Sweet! Do they fit in Crown Vics? Id love to use the system they have out now, not sure of the name, has a deep bass sound and mimics the siren for a few seconds, makes you shake when you stand in front of it. Anyone have video on that?
  18. Awesome! Just had my bundle of joy 3+ months ago, its the most amazing thing in the world! No matter what people tell you, you dont know until youre there! Congrats and cant wait for my first, Ill try to get some cake on me to post a pic of!
  19. I agree to a point, if you made a county wide pd the "small town USA" would deteriorate, knowing the beat cops in your community, or being a cop and knowing your community is part of that warm and fuzzy feeling. If you get just any cop riding through, I dont think youll get the same rate of service as you would with a local pd. I agree with merging some smaller ones, but one or two, anything more you lose that loving feeling ;-)
  20. The act of Protecting and Serving IS in fact our job, it may not be a required DUTY but it is our MORAL DUTY. And to leave a woman and kids in an area that YOU wouldnt want your family walking in is just shameful. And my biggest priority is protecting (unfortunately) everyone, no matter who or what they are! From lost tourists to drug dealers. It all may sound corny, but that's why I signed on the dotted line, to help those who need help and protect those who cant protect themselves, so if I had to drive them three blocks or sit and wait, I can assure you they wouldnt have been left there or given the feeling they were going to be left there had I been there. That is assuming that all the facts of the story were printed as they occured, we know how stories get twisted from others, no offense Seth, its just that sometimes things get added and ommited when people have a negative interaction with the Police. But, providing that everything is true, that cop deserves the moron of the week award!
  21. I absolutely agree with you, whe should look to you to help us make medical decisions, we may not always agree but to excersise a little caution and just get a check up, if its feasible at the time, then so be it. My comment was made because I saw the thread going in the "take him from police custody because we'll get sued if he doesnt get checked out" direction, I hope we all know thats just not going to happen, the taking someone from custody part. Like I said, all parties involved need to walk away and talk about it back at HQ or to supervisors at later time.
  22. I understand the whole consent thing and not being able to consent etc. but do you really believe you would remove a person who is in police custody to get them checked out? I wouldnt be the one trying to take one of my prisoners by force! This is something that is being delt with the right way, after the incident instead of in the middle of the street in a shouting match. Maybe some good will come out of this and policies will change, if they need to change that is!
  23. I would LOVE to have Kat Von D tattoo me, HOT! just plain HOT!
  24. Big Joes in Yonkers or Mcenzies in Carmel