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Posts posted by wiscems

  1. Good advice above. Would also add not to be shy about previous experience. Even if you only did a ride along somewhere include that. Something you may think is not worth mentioning sometimes clues the interviewer to the fact that you are genuinely interested in the field and that it is not just a "job" to you. Would also add prepare some follow up questions. It is very awkward at the end if they ask if you have any questions and you say no. Some good ones I have used are "What are your favorite parts about working here?" or "What is the next step in the process?". It shows you are interested in them (who doesn't like talking about themselves?), that you are prepared and as a bonus you may get some extra info about the job. Good luck!

    EMTBrian likes this

  2. On duty belt: Radio, Pager, Ass-kicking gloves, o2 wrench, trauma shears, glove pouch, surefire light, pens, knife/window punch/seat belt cutter.

    Pockets: cell phone, keys, wallet, spo2 finger sensor, paper pad, ears, aux cable for listening to podcasts on non-emergency drives to Greenwich/WMC.

    Tend to use my ankle cargo pockets as trash cans so various amounts of wrappers, old gloves etc.

  3. Perhaps a stupid question, but I'm hoping an FDNY vet can answer this for me:

    I received a letter today stating my list number for FDNY EMT Exam was 1229. Does that mean that when 1228 EMTs before me have been contacted, I will be? Or is it some sort of a list reference number.

    Side question: It says I got a 70 percent on the "Exam", which of course was just filling out the application. How does one get a 100?

    Any help appreciated.

  4. It stays open till the last day of filing, but call dcas to confirm that

    Thanks very much prucha! How sure are you this is the case? I have tried calling them but they are always wary to answer questions because they say they would be helping me with the "test" lol. I try to explain that I am just trying to ensure the "test" is complete but to no avail.

  5. Hi all,

    I am currently working on civil service EMT exam and have completed every section, but for some reason when I view in progress exams, I get "You have until midnight of 09/27/2011 to complete your education and experience test paper. Continue". I have gone over it a dozen times and have completed every section they asked of me. Do they just leave this open until the 27th in case you want to come back and add something or am I missing something really obvious? I really appreciate any help.
