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Everything posted by sqd47bfd

  1. After the apocalypse, or nuclear mutual assured destruction, only two things will still be left ... cockroaches, and this thread.
  2. A quick view of the FEMA site also shows that a 100% career department (Like Stamford Fire Rescue Department) can only apply for grants for "hiring of firefighters" category. http://www.fema.gov/firegrants/docs/pdf/FY2011_SAFER_ProgramGuidance.pdf It's on page 5 if you don't have the time to read through the whole document that shows what can and cannot be done with the grant program.
  3. Well, that's a good use, I think 4 FF staffing is good for everyone. However, if that is all the grant is for, then Lieberman took liberties using the "V" word in his sound bite.
  4. You guys seem to be putting the cart before the horse?I can't seem to find any details of what the grant will be used for anywhere on the web by googling.
  5. And, your argument is a valid one. The fact that the SVFD plan has basically gone in the toilet reflects this fact. The "SFRD plan" has merits, but it's flaw is that Chief Brown was asked to come up with a cost neutral plan, and this is unfair to him if the SVFD plan did not have the same constraints. By hook or by crook the charter change should put an end to this debacle, hoping to see a new era in Stamford's fire service with a plan all can live with.
  6. Malloy held a gun to the heads of the volunteer departments, and wanted them to become party to an agreement with a LOT of important details left out, to be "worked out" after the agreement was in place. NOBODY does business this way. It was a power grab using the excuse of $500k in overtime as the catalyst.
  7. Yep, I had it backwards. My bad. The point though, is that a certain glove style goes with a certain cuff style.
  8. I bought Eska's personally and like them.Effing expensive, though. With regards to gauntlet or wristlet style, this is dependent on how the cuffs on your turnout coats are spec'd. If the cuffs are short you must use gauntlet gloves. If the cuffs are long you should use the wristlet gloves.
  9. Unfortunately, far too many people are operating with bad information, speculation or uninformed opinions on this matter. (ps good morning Jimmy I see you lurking!)
  10. You are making statements about taxing and the fire service in Stamford without having an understanding of the basic concepts of why the taxing districts in Stamford are set up the way they are. Mr. Strangio was kind enough to provide you with a primer of some information to enlighten you. And he did a succinct job of giving you info you could have learned for yourself with a little time googling.
  11. I guess you don't understand that there are more reasons for differing tax rates than your pet topic, the fire service. Do a little research about how mill rates are set and you wouldn't make silly statements about how the citizens are treated with regard to taxes.
  12. There are 4 tax rates in Stamford. Fire protection services is one of the factors that affects the mill rate for a given address, but there is also sanitary sewer, and city garbage collection.
  13. What makes 350 gpm the magic number? Magic number for what? Is there a special critical fire flow equation for which the answer is always 350?
  14. When did you get so smart?
  15. I know I read somewhere that it was recommended to use a smaller nozzle on the stacked tip for taxpayer fires. If it wasn't in the Norman book it may have been in the FDNY operating manual for tower ladders that we happen to have a copy of at Belltown.
  16. Mark, I do recall one exception to your thinking, I don't have the book right in front of me, but I do beleive John Norman promotes the use of the smallest tip when using a tower ladder master stream in the "taxpayer" mode, this gives the stream the ability to tear into the building as you try to expose fire in void spaces hydraulically. Not to be a Monday morning quarterback, but I keep thinking this would have been a help at 947 Hope Street.
  17. Looks like deja vu all over again. One of the biggest gripes about the way things were was the overtime spending, precipitated by the mandate for one-for-one OT hiring, and exacerbated by poor management.
  18. This just in .... http://boardofreps.org/committees/publicsafety/2011/items/ps28035.pdf
  19. I get a laugh out of the fact that you flew halfway around the world to have to ride the front seat of a crappy white fire engine :)You can do that at home !! lol
  20. E-3 looks like a Spartan Gladiator cab? Who made the rig?
  21. Why wait til September? Fill out an application now!
  22. oooooh wow thats extra scary when you type it in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS !!! see what i mean: charter revision ... meh, whatever. And now, CHARTER REVISION !!! well, thats just plain frightening! apocalypse! head for the hills!
  23. So, Any more news about this new "joint venture" ?? I thought Springdale was tweaking a few details and would be signing on to join the band as well?
  24. Anyways, Back to the original topic, I agree it is foolish to get rid of this truck. You will not get a lot of money for it, and it is valuable as a spare. And, if needed it can be manned with call-back personnel if there is a major event or events going on all at the same time in the city. What good is calling back personnel if you dont have a machine to put them on?
  25. The truck has 6 seats, I would deem it "fully staffed" with 6 interior qualified firefighters. Which, I have seen on a regular basis, T45 respond with all seats full. And we left qualified guys behind in the barn. Kinda nice, dontchathink? On to the IC comment, without good strategy and tactics, an IC can end up micromanaging, which I think is counterproductive. This is how we get the truck stretching the backup line and a 2nd or 3rd due engine on the roof. My link