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Everything posted by lad12derff

  1. And I never have it.
  2. But that's my point. If you are driving by whether you have an ems sticker on your car or not and you don't have the proper PPE how can you be held liable? We are taught to protect ourselves first aren't we? Patient abandonment would be starting patient care and stopping I would think.
  3. And how should you protect yourself from any blood or other disease carrying fluid if you don't have the equipment? If you do not identify yourself as an ems provider and you do not start patient care then you are not guilty of any misconduct. Please post the law that says if I have an EMT sticker on my car I need to stop and render help. This is absolutely ridiculous.
  4. It is not really going to matter what anyone does until FF so and so's wife is suing the officer, city, homeowner, and anyone else involved if her husband dies and we did not follow 2 in and 2 out. The fire service will always do what "we deem right" because that is who we are. Poor manning levels, old school firefighting, poor equiptment. We will always dig in for the fight until it bites us in the a**. It really is a tough question to answer without being on the spot. There are still things that need to be done at the fire scene that don't include stretching into the building. Scene size up, ladder placement, secure a water source, bring a line to the door, vent some windows. You can still go to work while companies are still coming in and to the public you are not standing around doing nothing. We the fire service (I am talking to the paid side) did not create the poor manning levels and create the 2 in and 2 out rule. If the public does not want enough firefighters on the rigs so be it. They won't understand until their house is on fire.
  6. Is Ernie the first due officer?
  7. Thats a great statement I never thought of it that way.
  8. I am a little confused here. Are you saying that if you have a full carry permit you should wear it unconcealed. I believe the law is concealed for the fact we don't want to look like the wild west. I have a full carry unrestricted permit and have been pulled over by the police while carrying and have always told the officer with permit in hand that I am carrying a gun and awaited his orders. I have never had a problem with them. I don't think I want to carry my sidearm to the bank for everyone to see. Just my 2 cents.
  9. We all know what a job is so if there are guys out there who want to "fluff" their depts so be it. They are fooling no one but themselves.
  10. Mount Vernon is known to the fire service for the amount of work they get. This is a ridiculous statement to say they are "hidden away in the firehouses". The public, I am sure, sees them enough "working" but they are uneducated to the needs of the fire service.
  11. Date:06/18/08 Time:02:44 Location: 40 Whitfield Terr Frequency: Units Operating: E23 E22 E21 E24 L13 L12 Car2302 Description Of Incident: Fire in the attic of a 2 story frame Writer: lad12derff
  12. Lets all remember this only works when the cops play nice in the sandbox. We all know that it does not always happen and there has been great discussion on the board.
  13. And the oil companies are not price gouging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I would think they fill out the remainder of the rigs with the proper manpower like 4 and 4
  15. My brother would never be an arsonist. Any "brother" who brings such discredit to this service is and never was my "brother".
  16. Well he should be happy to know that "Friday night lights" and "Ladder 49" are probably still available to watch in the state prison system. Maybe he will also like "The longest yard" since he won't be playing on the varsity team this fall.
  17. Is your punctuation keys broken on your computer? I did not understand 1 word of that rambling post.
  18. Thats why he wants to know when the premium members forum is coming.
  19. Brother please explain to me again the tax issues for fire districts. Is it the commissioners job to raise the taxes to pay for the fire protection. Do the taxpayers have to vote on the proposal. I do know 1 of your commissioners on a personal level and have heard of the problems that you are talking about. I like the idea of a per bed tax for the colleges who are all tax exempt. I would like to know more about how fire districts work.
  20. Why is any one still talking about this stupid topic? It never ceases to amaze me of the stupitity that goes on with this web site. Maybe that is the reason I keep coming back. THIS IS A MODERATOR WARNING. This type of post is what is called "Not Constructive" and it seems there is a need to educate the members of this site in what is constructive and what is not. THIS, is not constructive in any way and is a pointless bash at the topic starter. He has a right to discuss whatever he wants to discuss, as do you as long as its clean and respectful. You dont like the topic than ignore it, there is no need for posts like this one.
  21. I work in a city with "unfriendly truck" streets. This is a 2 story frame that did not appear (and I say appear cause I was not there) to have needed a master stream operation. If master streams were needed the truck could have been placed perpendicular to the structure and set up above the wires. Is there not a 5 inch connection on the other side of the truck? Most trucks will let you feed them from both sides and the rear. If you were going to outside operations with that ladder placement you would still be there today trying to put it out cause you would have pushed it to the unburned portion of the structure. The truck placement is great for what I see happening and that is overhaul. Members working off of a solid base and opening up. My question was the use of 5 inch and my problem was very young members of this board who are saying "that is classic" and "to prove a point". Act a little professional not only on the fire ground but also when you run your mouth. (That last comment is to those who made those stupid comments) By the way nice stop.
  22. What point. The car does not appear to be in front of a hydrant. The car was there first not the truck. That is just poor positioning from the truck company if you are going to feed the truck water. If it was my car I would of went friggin crazy.
  23. I was only joking.