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Everything posted by Ashaughn

  1. Where are CME classes located, either online or physical classes? Also I'm a NY cert EMT working in NJ. Can I take Classes in NJ that will count as CMEs for recert? Thanks for any help in advance.
  2. Any idea what number they made it up to for the first class?
  3. I have a NY cert and I am currently work in NJ. I was wondering if anyone knew of a website I could use for the CEU classes below? I tried NJ learn but because I'm not a NJ certified first responder I don't qualify. ICS-100, Nims ICS-700, CBRNE Awareness, Hazmat Awareness, Developmental Disabilites Any help would be great. Thanks
  4. I just had a quick question. Does anyone know if a list had been generated from this exam yet? I filled out the exam back in September and received a letter in about November/December that it was received but no word yet on if a list had been generated. Thanks for anything regarding this.