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Posts posted by axman

  1. Enough already, she might have had a talent and been a great entertainer but people will remember her as a crackhead who married another crackhead. What a shame or a sham, that she gets the same honor as our fallen troops, police officers and firefighters. As far as politicians go they don't deserve the honor either (at least most of them don't). Let's get back to honoring our true heroes!!

    bigrig77 likes this

  2. Never say it won't happen. "They love us" only goes so far, the only thing people truly love is their money. If ther is some way these people can save on their taxes you can bet us "greedy" civil servants will pay. How often do you hear about the o/t we make or the fact that we carry our benefits into retirement or some other earned credit we get. You don't hear about a lot of these ceo's and what they get, you hear of some but not all. Think about Westchester, one of the richest counties in the country,how many jobs have merged or talked about merging, regardles if it's FD or PD. Mergers come first, then layoffs, and guess what certain jobs are eliminated. Don't say it can't happen here, it already has begun just in a different format.

  3. I would venture to say that most "vacs" have paid personnell to some degree. It seems some call themselves "EMS" and stray away from "vac". The only time it seems they are "vacs" is during there fundraising. Also, how can they be "vacs" when they receive insurance payments for the transport, hell I know some "vacs" that bill out more than for profit services. Makes you wonder what would happen if the VFD did the same.

  4. Hey FireCapt I agree with what you're saying but perhaps one centralized dispatch has one set of standards to which all adhere to. Response times are tricky when everybody sets their own standards to make the times look good and better that the next department. Also when considering response times, it should not be just the one rig with perhaps one driver, or a an officer responding, a true response time is the first fully manned rig to arrive on scene. We all need to be safe.

  5. JBE, your point is a good one. Actually the RB firehouse was built with the intention of a volunteer company relocating up there. Only problem was that all the companies declined. There is still a large unfinished room up there that was supposed to be a company meeting room. With respect to Melillo719, my intention was that the volunteers aren't there like they were 20-25 years ago, there's less and less as volunteerism declines throughout the country. It was only a matter of a few years ago when volunteer companies in PC couldn't get a driver and still happens on ocassion. BTW, rolling a rig with one or two guys isn't my idea of a response, a minimum of four and hoping you get more. There's safety in numbesr.

    JBE likes this

  6. how about for the port chester residence? They went down to one guy the other day and had a container truck on 95 on fire. The port chester chief toned out for the volunteer engine twice before calling rye because they could not get the rig out. What happens when PCFD send their engine to RBFD with the only guy working during the day and leaves PC unmaned, hoping a volunteer shows up to back fill station. It's going to take someone dying for things to change and it should be a crime, and the town board/leaders of fire department should be held criminally responsible for their actions. This doesn't come down to a paid volunteer thing it just comes down to safety for the man power operating and the safety of the residents.

    My point exactly. You and eng58ret get what I'm saying. The present system is shaky at best. I don't give a damn if your career or volunteer, safety is number 1. It seems some volunteers here think it's a knock against them, it's not. At the end of the day it's about all getting safely back to their families.

  7. Since when does port Chester have a depleted volunteer staff????????

    You're kidding me, right? How many houses in PC have had or still have "volunteer's wanted " signs up. How many people on your active rolls are truly active? It's not what it was years ago.I remember when certain apparatus in PC couldn't even get a driver.

  8. The village is approximatly 4.4 miles long and 0.9 miles wide (at the pointwhere the firehouse is. And while being along a boarder is generally not a great location, they are approximatly 2 miles from one end and 2.5 from the other. This one house meets the distance and time standards based on location. And while it would be nice to have the house closer to the south end, that is where PCFD is coming from and moving RBFD south would leave the north end further from both depts.

    Do you really think that Rye Brook needed to appease him. Or did the Mayor and Council need to save face after they spent millions on "Our Rye Brook Fire Dept" (as R/M's video claimed they were). They just changed the format. If they dropped the dept and went back to PCFD without a RBFD, it would have ment that the entire concept was stupid and a total waste of taxpayer $$$

    They have since the day they decided to bring in R/M.

    This has been a political football for quite a long time. You have to understand the us vs. them philosphy of Rye Brook, and contrary to what they want you to believe, they want nothing to do with PC. PC is a necessary evil of which RB must avail itself of. Yes I believe RB officials needed to save face but also felt a need to appease Tony Pagano because they needed to know that PC would again be first due in a mutual aid situation and/or revive the contract. RB feels that as long as they throw money at PC, PC will accept, look at the recent incident with their library. RB knows it would cost a hell of a lot more to go on their own so we now have this hap hazard answer in place. PC officials are also at fault because they only care about bringing in the dollars. There has even been discussion about contracting with Rye City. Nice to know PC cares that much about their FD, with a depleted career staff that has 50% less manpower 20-25 years ago and a depleted volunteer staff. It seems the dollars out weigh anything else. Politics aside, a district or true fire advisory board in place could determine the proper placing of all houses, equipment and personnel without the interference of those thst don't know anything.

  9. Welcome to the board. Would you please elaborate how RBFD is a "strain financially"? Can you provide a break-down of a Rye Brook tax dollar, percentage-wise? Where does the money go; what percent of that dollar is spent on fire protection? Do you know if the Rye Brook administration has ever considered contracting with a consultant to offer a report with possible options for improved, more efficient fire protection?

    Thank you!

    Logistically they are at the far end of the village near the Ct border. This leaves the south end of the village, the commercial area, pretty much the resposibility of PCFD. BTW, the engine that covers that area will not be staffed daytime if it incurs o/t. Rye Brook pays their ff on parity with the PD. The salaries and bene's for an eight man dept., plus a big station which is uncerutilized, plus the apparatus, and work charts add up. It would be interesting to see how cost effective it is. You also have to look at the politics involved. After the Rural Metro debacle, this dept. was formed to appease Tony Pagano.You also have to know that Rye Brook held the contract over Pt Chester's head with regards to using 60 Control. Rye Brook did not wish to purchase a radio system opting for 60 Control, the PC Village Mgr caved in order to sign the contract. The career ff in PC were directly affected. While I praise both depts and the volunteer service, it appears that RB is playing games with their fd and provides a band aid type of service.PC too is playing games and making money on the backs of their ff and gives little in return. PC cites many "active" members on the volunteer rolls, how many are capable of fighting fires, or better yet how many live in town? So I go back to a district were hopefully knowledgable people will properly staff and fund an entity which can provide a true, valuable service without putting ff in danger. Perhaps then proper staffing could be achieved along with proper apparatus and equipment.

  10. Dont agree at all... Sorry but Rye brook FD is a great accet to the Village Of Rye Brook residents and very helpful when thier is a fire call in rye brook and rigs are coming from downtown pc. Just think if thier is a fire in mid afternoon and rigs have to come from downtown pc with all the schools getting out and traffic on the road its safer and better that rye brook has a fd........ Also i would be careful what u say thier are rye brook fd personell on here just sayin.

    Dude, first off engage spell check. Next, if you know anything about administration, RBFD is a strain financially. Right now laws don't allow it but a fire district would better accomodate the needs of both villages and propbably in a cost effective manner.