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Posts posted by trauma74

  1. In my opinion, if you have this type of vehicle (METU) available at your disposal, why not utilize it for different types of incidents i.e. MCIs. I am sure that Yonkers would be more than happy to send their METU wherever it is needed, but there should be a County METU that responds to the same types of incidents as the Yonkers METU. What if there is an major incident that requires more than 1 METU? The recent train accident could have been much worse with so many more casualties. In that case, more than 1 METU would be needed.

    I understand that the main purpose of the DES METU is to evacuate SNFs, but the evacuation of SNFs is not something that needs to be done on a regular basis. With that being said, instead of having the METU sitting around collecting dust, they should use it for MCIs, large scale rehab at a fire scene & so on. It would be a good use of the federal tax dollars.

    Bnechis, AFS1970, boca1day and 1 other like this

  2. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't there something mentioned a while ago about the Yonkers METU being part of the NY/NJ EMS Task Force or something like that? I think there was even a drill involving METU units from NJ, Yonkers and NYC. In NJ, it appears that each County has a METU/MERV/MAB/MCI type vehicle as part of this "EMS Task Force". I think all these vehicles were funded via federal grant money.

  3. All is can say is "IT IS ABOUT TIME". Wallkill VAC has been trying for years to get rid of MLSS as their ALS and mutual aid provider. I am glad that the current administration of Wallkill VAC was able to make these steps in the right direction. MLSS showed their true colors when they played a big part in Chester VAC getting shut down. Maybe they thought that they could just walk in and do the same thing to Wallkill. I guess they were wrong!!

    Kudos to WALLKILL for doing the best they can for the people that they serve.

    RWC130 likes this

  4. I do not know anyone who is using one at this time in OC, but they are very expensive also. OC does not have any digital radio systems in use, they have analog conventional & analog trunked systems. For half the price of a HomePatrol, you can buy one of these: or one of these:

    Programming these is pretty easy, but if you wanted to, I can do all the programming you want/need for OC for a small fee. Are you going to be using it at home or in your car or both? If so, there are antenna considerations you need to think about for the home and/or the car so you get the maximum potential out of your scanner.

    Please feel free to contact me with anything further questions about scanners.

  5. I am a huge fan of diesel engines for all emergency & extreme duty vehicles. I know that the new regulations for diesel engines has caused the price to go a lot higher and it has caused a mess for the agencies who were committed to Ford E series chassis. If you shop around, you can find older pre-regulation diesel chassis at some of the larger ambulance & truck manufactorers. A few months ago, I saw Wheeled Coach advertising that they had them in stock and at good prices. They are just like brand new waiting for a box to be built on them.

    For the Ford fans, either go with Chevy or Dodge or switch to F series styles trucks. The F series are nice because you can order them with 4 wheel drive from the factory.

    A gas engine may make the price cheaper, but you are going to burn a hell of a lot more fuel & it will cost you more money in the long run.

    If anyone has the ability to get biodiesel, it is usually cheaper & your engine runs even better with it, just ask the long haul truckers who use it.

  6. I am still trying to find out what company hires and provides the staffing for the HELP Trucks in the Hudson Valley area and how to apply for one of these positions.

    So far, I have had no luck finding out this information. I have spent many hours searching the web and I have been on the NYS DOT website numerous times and I have found nothing.

    Are these positions so coveted that everything has to be kept a BIG SECRET??!!

    Anyway, if anyone has this information and provide me with it, I would GREATLY appreciate it. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!

  7. I know that the H.E.L.P. Truck program is thru the NYS DOT and that the trucks are sponsored by State Farm Insurance, but who actually staffs the trucks? I was on the NYS DOT website and the info on there says that the people operating the trucks are not NYS State employees. If State Farm is sponsoring the HELP program, are they the ones that hire the people to staff the trucks? Anyone know how to get hired to work on a HELP truck?

    Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.