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Posts posted by AntMan

  1. I'd rather read EMTBravo then the wires. I don't like reading all the routine calls and calls that turn out to be nothing, and I hate all the misspellings that are posted on those pages. They also love to pat themselves on the back about how many likes they have. I hope EMTBravo can maintain the same quality on FB that is in the IA section, I'd hate to see it turn out like the others.

    I know both the wires on FB Only post Jobs,MVAS,Police hotwires, and hazmat situations...?

  2. Starting to bang head against wall.......what is your advice on dealing with the emotional and legal aftermath in EMS if a provider shoots a patient or someone on scene? How would you compensate the provider for the extra responsibility? Where is the line between help and hurt?

    How is being around firearms since a young age qualify you to make statements regarding EMS carrying weapons? Are you even old enough to own your own weapon? Are you a certified EMT or Paramedic? If YOU truly knew anything about the NRA classes, you would know THEY ARE NOT INTENDED for using a weapon in the way you are advocating it be used. You are also advocating using a weapon offensively by using it to intimidate people.

    If you get on the job, you are going to get yourself into serious trouble with that attitude. You're not standing up for what you believe in, nor are you reading what other members are writing. All you are doing is spouting off how proud you are of your "belief". You're not even stimulating conversation or adding anything to back up this "belief".

    I can see the headlines now........... "EMT Shoots 80 year old dementia patient, claims he was being assaulted", "EMT Pulls Weapon On Drug Dealer With No Backup, Gets Shot".......

    Lol.... Assume what you want...... Im not going to continue to fight with you about this... You have your opinion and I have mine... What do you mean by "belief" Im pretty sure its not a belief and more of an opinion... But hey! You do you buddy!

    Lol.... Assume what you want...... Im not going to continue to fight with you about this... You have your opinion and I have mine... What do you mean by "belief" Im pretty sure its not a belief and more of an opinion... But hey! You do you buddy!

    ADDED: And just a heads up... The NRA Defensive class is for these kind of purposes. But hey! Have a good night

  3. No. I don't want my partner armed. ESPECIALLY if that partner has an attitude like yours. The NRA classes take a weekend. The police academy takes months. They aren't ALMOST anything like each other. Look, I guess you missed the part where I said I've been doing this for more than TWENTY years. This stuff just doesn't happen on any kind of a routine basis. Partners that I've had who carried illictly were the ones who got into trouble, mostly because they ran their mouths, knowing that they had something to fall back on.

    Don't get into the situation where you'd need it. Be aware, be smart and leave. Or don't enter in the first place. That's why we have cops on these calls with us.

    Im not saying that a rural community with a low crime rate should have a firearm on board... Im saying areas of high crime rate and bad areas.... Dont assume things...

  4. I think people, including me, are getting upset about this because you don't know what you're talking about and are so aggressive about it. I know arguing with you about this is probably useless and a waste of time, but I'm bored so what the heck.

    As mentioned above by other members,the NRA class is NOTHING like what they teach you in the police academy. Police Officers have to regularly train and certify on their weapons. It's a tool of their profession, and the LAST line of defense. You can't just shoot everyone who attempts to assault you, nor will it deter someone from assaulting you. Ever watch "Cops"? Also, take a look back at some of your are advocating using a weapon offensively!

    You need to learn to have an open mind, and listen to others who may have more experience then you, and are actually on the job, and not just "lol" them off. Being that you are at such a young age so closed minded and stubborn as you are presenting this opinion of yours, that scares me. If you're pursuing a career in emergency services, that's going to need to change.

    Advocating a weapon offensively? I have been shooting and been around firearms since a young age... If you knew anything about classes you would know that the NRA "FIRST" Steps firearm class takes a weekend... The DEFENSIVE Shooting class takes about 1-2 months depending on your instructor... Your instructor will generally be an Agent or Active Police Officer. Im not stubborn, or closed minded. I am standing up for what i believe in just as you are standing up for what you believe in.. You believe EMS Shouldn't Have FireArms... and I do.. How is that stubborn or closed Minded... Lmao :P:P:P

  5. For EMS providers? Name them.

    Also, ever heard of the medical term "First, do no harm"?

    Lol boy oh boy you're getting really upset about this... You take the NRA FIRST Steps course.. Then you take the NRA DEFENSIVE Pistol course... Which teaches almost the same thing as what the Law enforcement is taught... When to use it... How to fend off someone from grabbing it... I'll stand behind an EMT Getting a firearm until im banned from this site or until every department disagrees

  6. The NRA course teaches you how to shoot as well as gun safety. I do not believe it teaches you the tactical training that LEO's receive. LEO's are also taught use of force and the justification to use force. At least I know I was and it was repeated every year untill I retired. If I am wrong than please let me know. I also do not believe any agency, wether private or public will want the liability of their emt's or medics carrying firearms. I do not believe giving guns to ems personnel is the answer. Sorry.

    There is an extent of Courses you can take.

  7. I've been doing this EMS thing for over 20 years now. I've worked in busy, nasty urban areas, sleepy rural areas and pretty much everything in between. The poster who claims that we need to be armed, and he'd put someone down who was gonna hurt Just, wow. With a mindset like that, EMS is NOT for you, pal. If you showed up to work with me, and started with that attitude, I'd drop you off at the next corner and wish you well.

    I am a STRONG supporter of the 2nd amendment, and I want no part of having to carry weapons at work. Have I been in fights? Yup. Hairy situations? A few. But looking back, they were mostly avoidable and walking away (or running for that matter) will get you out of trouble you probably never should have been part of in the first place.

    Quite frankly, you scare me more than the EDP's do. Put down an EDP? Beacuse they threatened your life? Do you know how many times in a busy urban area EMT's get threatened each year? We both can't count that high.

    A few other points: Concealed carry won't stop an assault. They dont know you have it, so it's not a deterent.

    Additionally, cops carry a number of tools to repsond to threats of force, or force. They have rules of engagement, force must be met with force. They don't just draw down and waste every person that threatens them. Please, please rethink your approach to EMS.

    So in the event that you were to enter a home, and begin to be jumped and beaten... Wouldnt you be glad your partner was armed and able to fend off the attackers... Im not saying to be f****** trigger happy and blow a round off into everyone... Im say use it when you need it..... Obviously they dont know you have it... But when you pull the firearm out and tell them to stop now or you will use force I bet you theyll run or cower away...

  8. So you know EMS Providers that have been assaulted multiple times and deadly force was needed every time? It's just my opinion, but when you make such a bold, blanket statement like you did, you need some firsthand training and experience to back it up.

    You are welcome to your opinion, but assaults on EMS personnel is not that much of an issue where a weapon would be required. Most EMS personnel are trained and experienced with scene safety, and are good at AVOIDING situations where they can be harmed using a variety of methods. And, 99% of the time, PD is there to have our backs when we need them. Take into account a lot of patients don't even conciously know what they are doing when they assault EMS.

    Are you going to use deadly force and shoot the diabetic patient, wrestle to get some Glucagon into him, or retreat and await PD? What makes the most sense?

    If an EDP Were to attack me if I was an EMT And try to kill me, Yes.. I dont care if you're off meds or not.. If you threaten myself or my partners Life I would put you down. No questions asked. Or atleast have EMS Personnel have tazers!! I know some EMS Has department issued tazers...

  9. Have you worked as an EMT in an urban area, are you trained as an EMT, or even been to EMS calls without FD or PD there?

    What basis or experience do you have to make you assert your opinion so strongly, and even go as far as to insult another member's opinion just because they don't agree with you?

    No, I havnt But i know EMT Personnel that HAVE Been Assaulted and have Issued tazers and bulletproof vests. Im not insulting the member, He basically insulted me by saying that I dont know what Im talking about... Im not going to fight about this but IMO More Armed EMTS=Less assaults.......

  10. Don't forget the Mail Man, also Crossing Guards and Teachers. Teachers are getting assaulted all the time. Then again thinking about it lets arm the students also because the more we arm them the less chance they will get assaulted. Now, think how stupid this is and when you come up with your answer, apply it to arming EMTs and Fire Fighters.

    I'd rather have one armed EMT then two helpless EMT'S That have to wait for Police or plead for the people to stop as they beat them... Maybe you're just anti-gun or have a liberal hard on.. But ARMED EMTS=LESS TIMES BEING ASSAULTED... Pretty sure no one is going to assault you when you pull out a handgun unless you're just good ole stupid.

    FDNY 10-75 likes this

  11. Not Sure. But I do think that more officers should be trained in the levels of what SWAT Does for an active shooter event, Instead of having to join the SWAT Team to get a better grasp of Active Shooter event Tactical "gameplan"... If we look at the NJ Garden State Plaza Mall Incident yesterday, They waited until the SWAT Team(s) Got there to clear out the mall. I hope Westchester Spends a good amount of time on this, If they even do.