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Everything posted by JM15

  1. Not that I have ever seen... They are posted outside the district office for "public viewing"
  2. According to the public October minutes of the Somers board of Commissioners you are wrong.. Wrong wrong wrong...
  3. Is it still 250 bucks for an RMA in Yonkers?
  4. Your right nothing is going to change
  5. A good start would be to switch to the national standard..
  6. I would assume from not being there that the FAS Teams were put to work and needed to be replaced.
  7. If your trying to get hired in CT you will need to take the CPAT to even sit for most tests. It is offered every couple of months by the state check the website. A lot of CT departments also require EMT certification for testing. Just an FYI. They are hiring, there is a class of 55 going through the state academy right now.
  8. I have looked at issues with solar panels before as they keep popping up in our district. One of the biggest concerns was the weight loading, enegized electrical parts, and the lack of access for vertical ventilation.
  9. The article states that Police and Fire Departments are teaming up.... This is an absolutely horrible idea. People like Fire and EMS because we don't send them to jail. This could end up hurting this FD's relationship with the public in the future. How are they covered for workers comp benefits or LODD benefits if they are performing police duties? There are just too many questions. If they need help with the checkpoints hire more cops, give guys overtime. Where is the PD union on this?
  10. BHFD did a great job last night at the fire in Somers... They are very pro-active
  11. What part of the initials really helps your patient? If they aren't on diversion they should be able to handle another patient... I don't need to call on the radio to see if they are open lol
  12. Another thread got me thinking. Is there a set policy at 60 Control in the event they dispatch a call and there is no response? Lets say they dispatch a FD for a car fire, and no units from that FD sign on.... What happens? Is it agency specific or does the county have some sort of policy?
  13. SO then wouldn't that go on your PCR? I do not see the point of giving initials and DOB.... I don't see the point of calling a hospital period for routine BLS or ALS calls unless there is a trauma alert, code, etc.
  14. Is this real? From the rest of the article Edit: Definitely not real lol
  15. How are tying grades assigned list numbers? Say a majority of people got an 85 how are list numbers established.
  16. No its not really. In New York State PESH can and will cite you under the general duty clause for this and for any gear that is older than 10 years old.
  17. Just curious how many are usually hired off a list?
  18. When I read it I thought they were talking about support vehicles used for inspections and maintenance etc.. You see a lot of FDNY vehicles with amber lights out there.
  19. They were already mailed out should have them by now...
  20. This is very true... Nothing will ever happen without their say
  21. You clearly said it is ready to go into service. Just stating the facts for someone who didnt know who was looking to purchase it to use for firefighting.
  22. According to NFPA Firefighting helmets can't be used after 10 years. The first line of your post says that you recieved it as a gift about 10 years ago. So technically it cant be bought and put into service by someone and still be following NFPA.