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Posts posted by 246EMT58

  1. As far as I know cvac owned only one out of three ambulances along with two first response vehicles...the other two larger ambulances were purchased by the town. If they aren't joy riding (which really wouldn't surprise me at all) they may have been doing a medical transport that they were hired to do. From what I heard CVAC (whatever or more specifically whomever is left) received permission from NYS to continue doing so.

  2. The last time i heard, Chester VAC was being advised through this process by an individual who has already had success at bring back VACs that were shut down. I don't know if this individual is still advising chester, but if he is, I wouldn't be surprised if this is part of some strategy.Secondly , even though the lawsuit might be bs, look at the publicity it generated and how it makes the town of chester and mobile life look. If I were a citizen of chester who was just basing my knowledge of the situation based off what I read in the paper, I'd be pretty upset to think that the town was letting a private company make money off the citizens, rather than use a volunteer corps.

    Sombody ought to give the general public a lesson on how some volunteer EMS agencies work....I agree with a more cost effective option which some refer to as "cheap" but the citizens of Chester would be terrified if they knew how long it takes for a response time or how many calls were not answered by this agency....I've heard that most if not all of the members that apparently "really cared" about their ambulance corps have disapperared, nobody is around and this guy Boardman is basically doing all of this on his own. I've also heard of many good people leaving this place over the years because of how the "people who really cared" were running this place...or not running it ;-) If I lived in Chester knowing what I know, I'd be thrilled that finally this has happened. When an ambulance is needed...one will respond with qualified personel that enjoy their jobs for more reasons then just flying through the town with lights and sirens blaring in some cases with regular unmarked personal vehicles.

    RWC130 and Dinosaur like this

  3. Kind of funny how one of the officers listed on the CVAC Facebook page(there's 2 separate pages by the way, I like the one showing a uniformed member flashing some gangster signs that's professional) lists herself on her own Facebook page being employed by EMSTAR....rumor is that she works in the billing department. hmmmmm...wait what bill wasn't paid??..and the letter CVAC posted doesn't seem to match the article reported by the chronicle..complaints from how PD, FD and residents. If all allegations are cleared than an apology should be made public but for now I'm glad that the residents AND the other public servants within this community will not have to worry about an ambulance/care rendered. Town of Chester took drastic action and I for one am glad they did rather than continue to look the other way for another 8-9 months...P.S. Congrats to our new County Exec.

    Ga-Lin likes this

  4. Show support...? Nothing has been said yet as far as reasons for the shutdown...but I think when something as drastic as this happens isn't a shutdown usually appropriate at least while allegations are sorted out? If the 100k debt is true then mismanagement would be part of the problem/cause. Hypothetically of course if this rumor turns out to be accurate I wouldnt want an organization like this in my community. I've been honored to learn while working alongside MLSS crews, how they manage their business contracts is irrelevant. MLSS is a professional organization that's been serving this area for a long time....and it's because they have a history and reputation for employing professionals.....plus they've held the same name since the beginning, I like that. :-). I like your enthusiasm but I'll wait to show my support until things have been aired and everyone publicly cleared.

    Ga-Lin, BFD1054, billy98988 and 1 other like this