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Everything posted by GAW6

  1. Sorry - I guess you can see "seen by rehab", but PCRs were written and RMAs obtained. It's a matter of semantics as far as I am concerned, but I am sure there will be a comeback saying that I am wrong!!!
  2. As the daughter of a police officer I grew up with guns in the house - no big deal. You wouldn't believe the amount of people who have said to me "oh my God, what was it like growing up with guns in the house"! The thought never crossed my mind to touch my father's guns. It's all about education and discipline. Like said previously, if someone wants to kill someone they're going to find a way no matter what! When I was a kid we used to play Cowboys and Indians and Cops and Robbers with toy guns all the time - and we didn't grow up murdering people! Nowadays God forbid a kid plays with a toy gun! We also watched "violent" cartoons like Road Runner - again, no one I know killed anybody!!!
  3. Also Hawthorne 63-B1 was on standby in PVAC's HQ.
  4. Pleasantville VAC - 7601, 7602, and 7603 were on scene also; treated (26) fireman and transported (1).
  5. I am in total agreement that LOSAP does not entice members. Young people are not thinking about what they will get at age 65. It's a "perk" for members who are meeting the requirements of the department. Maybe our department is an exception, but the program is very closely watched; you cannot make your points just "by showing up to meetings and making coffee". There are specific categories that you have to obtain points in each one. We have had members who did not get the year's credit because they missed OSHA training. NYS is now requiring audits on all LOSAP programs - so I suggest that all departments "get their ducks in a row"! I am a volunteer - I did not join to receive anything in return except for the gratitude of our neighbors. My husband who is an ex-Chief with 37-years in the FD, has not made his points in quite a few years, and therefore has not received the yearly credit. His comment "I did not join 37 years ago to get a pension, I joined because I wanted to". LOSAP has been approved for VACs also. I for one have been very vocal against it. I do not think it is cost effective to the taxpayers given the fact that ambulance members do not stay active the amount years that FD members do. Am I hurting myself - absolutely! But that is not why I joined!
  6. I have been an Intermediate since 1998; I am currently recerting back to Basic. Even though we work with Paramedics, I don't get to use the skills. The knowledge was great, but all the clinical requirements during the course was grueling when you are holding a full-time job, family, etc. If you have the time and energy, I would suggest just going straight to Paramedic; wish I had done it 20 years ago!
  7. I was at the Convention - had a great time. Bought some new equipment and got info - best place to see new items and get great pricing. Also got some R&R in - and I am not ashamed to admit it!!!! First time going to Lake George for the Chief's; thought it was a great place to have it. Lots to do and centrally located.
  8. They were in Thornwood's 100th Anniversary Parade in 1999. They are truly incredible, beautiful animals. They got them ready right in front of my house.
  9. Going up Thursday, coming home on Sunday. Staying at the Mohican. Haven't been to the Chief's since the days of the Concord. Looking forward to Lake George.
  10. The Ossining Ambulance Parade is in celebration of their anniversary. I believe it is separate from the County Parade. The invitation came directly from OVAC.
  11. Also Commissioner is spelled incorrectly!
  12. Best of Luck - I am sure you will do fine. I agree, I hate taking the practical; have been an EMT for 18-years and still hate taking the practical! As was said previously, just be very verbal and go step by step according to the skill sheets.
  13. Be careful getting gas at Lukoil on the Garden State. I was on the Parkway the night one of them had bad gas. There were cars broken down all over the side of the road. It was on Eyewitness News later that night. 60+ cars had to be towed off the Parkway; some people were waiting 3-hours for tow trucks! You're better off getting off the Parkway - gas is usually cheaper!
  14. I don't know - my accountant takes care of it for me. I assume he just figures the mileage x calls x what the federal allowance for mileage is. It is probably not much of a deduction, but anything is better than nothing!!!
  15. Yes, the pool pass in our Town is a nice"perk" if you use it. I personally have never gotten the pass. I happen to have my own pool which I never have time to use! I think the passes are used mostly by the wives and children of FD volunteers. I don't think the Town would ever let us use their gas at the discounted rate. Would be way too difficult to track. All it would take would be one person to abuse it and it will ruin it for everyone. The only thing out there for us is claiming it on our tax returns. Every year I tell my accountant how many calls I do and he takes care of it from there. For those that file a short form, they are out of luck.
  16. I think this thread is getting off of the topic started by VACGUY. He was asking what other EMS agency's SOPs are for fire standbys. If you want to complain about staffing, then start a new thread. I am sure I will get comments made, as I usually do. I think it might have something to do with that little thing to the left that says "Commissioner", since everyone on here seems to have a dislike for commissioners.
  17. Would love to take the course, unfortunately for me, and I would guess for many others, the 8-4 classes are not feasible.
  18. Our Fire District spends a lot of many each year on COMPLETE physicals for all our members, and we have a small gym in the Firehouse. VACGUY - plans are still active to make 7602 a Rehab unit. Still working on budgeting for needed equipment etc. It was never (to my knowledge - and that's 20 years worth) our SOP that an officer was at every fire scene, it probably just happens that way. On another note, one big problem I see is the delay in dispatching an ambulance to a fire scene. I feel we should be simutaneously dispatched.
  19. At the scene of a working fire, there should be (2) ambulances, (1) for treatment/rehab and (1) for transport. We set up (1) ambulance and crew with water, misting fans, oxygen, etc. and treat the firefighters as they come out. The other ambulance is there strictly for transport. If our third ambulance and personnel are available, they will cover the Town, otherwise a mutual aid ambulance is put on standby.
  20. Thanks for the info Mfd. Very interesting reading. Although I am not a public employee, my husband is. I know that there had been something written on the books previously about the retirement program. If you were in a State retirement system you were not allowed to get LOSAP points for responding to an alarm during your normal workday hours. Wonder if this still holds?
  21. This is true, ONLY if they have obtained a signed resolution by their governing board, which in many cases would be the Town Board. I didn't make this up - I did my homework on this subject. By the way, the instances I wrote about earlier were NOT frequent fliers and they were both lifelong residents of the Town/Village.
  22. There is no such thing as "soft billing". A relative of mine was charged by a VAC, after Medicare paid, he was harrassed for $35.00! Got phone calls from the billing company looking for the money. Had another resident where a VAC transported on a mutual aid call, received a bill stating that they were being put into collection for the $35.00. This was an elderly woman who was very upset - she had never received a notice in her life threatening collection.