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Everything posted by irishfire2491

  1. It is good to have them respond if you dont need them you can always turn them back, I rather see them get a crew then not get a crew when you really need them. Good Pre- Plan set up
  2. Nice Like the Stripes in the Back looks good. It almost looks like a parade line up with Sleepy Hollow EMS CAR there to. (I can tell Jimmy is working) lol
  3. Looks Good GOOD LUCK With the NEW rig Love the Art Work
  4. I was just looking at the LODD website and noticed 8 Firefighters and 1 pilot were killed 8/5/08 at appox 19:30 hrs JUNCTION CITY (CBS 5 / AP) ― Eight firefighters and a pilot were presumed dead and four others were seriously injured in the crash of a helicopter that had just picked up workers battling a blaze in a Northern California forest, officials said Wednesday. CBS 5 8 Firefighter and 1 pilot Presumed Dead May the 9 Firefighter RIP Pilot Schwanenberg, Roark Age 54 FF Steele, David Age 19 FF Rich, Bryan Age 29 FF Gomez, Edrik Age 19 FF Hammer, Matthew Age 23 FF Charleson, Scott Age 25 FF Blazer, Shawn Age 30 Iron Complex fire, Firefighter 7 Name and Age Unknown at this time (As per the LODD Website) Iron Complex fire, Firefighter 8 Name and Age Unknown at this time (As per the LODD Website) May they All R.I.P.
  5. Yeah I know Bethel calls 911 for the simple transport and they must call Empire/HVP for the Reall stuff because Majority of the time I go there it is BS and can be handled by Transport but Dispatchers always give a 3 hour wait for the BS call and if they call back from another wing in Bethel and say some thing that sounds good they will be there in 5 mins and 911 will cover the non emergency. Suprise Suprise!!!!!
  7. Congrats JACK
  8. EASY THERE Chris
  9. Cortlandt VAC Best Ambulance Puntam VAlley Best Ambulacne Corps
  10. EASY There with Ossining lol but Good luck to all and Drink Lots of Water it is Hot out there.
  11. I Have to say Great Job to NHFD I went back to Rombout Last night and Laughed my A$$ of when I seen that. They must have put a lot of time into it doing the whole truck red.
  12. Why is the line up so early??
  13. DONE
  14. Why did they need a Replacement Pilot?????
  15. The truth is T-Mac I did just wake up at 14:00hrs see the difference before A Shower and After a Shower I wrote it so fast I didn't notice that it came out like that but thanks for the catch. lol
  16. Not sure if there was A lighting Storm in Yonkers but in Upper Westchester there was some heavy rain that went on into the night!
  17. get well soon joe speedy recovery
  18. I hear that Just think how much money was just saved. I am happy the scumbag is DEAD Call me heartless but that is better for the family than knowing that he is still alive sitting in a jail cell
  19. Congrats Mike Keep up the good work LT. 1000 post and still going strong. Mike you are writing as many incident alerts as i am going to do in Ambulance calls this year lol
  20. It was North alright Verplanck sank at the dock and we got a newer boat now
  21. I just wanted to make sure i read this right the EMT- I class is every other saturday and sunday. and the state final passing grade the same as EMT 70 or better or is it higher
  22. You got to be kidding me what has this Country/World come to!!!!!! SAD
  23. Is there any upcoming classes for Westchester County????
  24. Wish I could have been there john lol