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Everything posted by ex-commish

  1. "We're a volunteer division of a tiny combination department that was so strapped for cash they actually had to (GASP) consolidate with the city government, which still hasn't increased the budget, just prevented them from laying off. I'd love to throw 4-5 of my guys in the Department SUV to go take a class out in NY, but we don't have access to that for training. Trust me, its a disaster and I make my protests regarding funding and training known to both the career and volunteer Chiefs anytime I get the chance, which is probably why I'm the black sheep of our officers. As for why I'm the one fighting for training money, I'll keep my opinions on that off of a public forum..." A bit off topic but we ( fire service, ems, law enforcement) have to fight for money and compete for grants yet our government gives billions away every year especially to countries that would assume see us blown into extinction. That being said wasn't there a course on wildland fires given by OFPC as an out-reach class?
  2. Not to diminish the original question as to who is in charge if an aircraft crash lands the bigger question is who is prepared?
  3. Could it be the lack of training volunteers recieve in that county is the reason that they are banned from the simulator? Perhaps they didn't meet a certain prerequisite.
  4. To me it's an non issue wether or not one posts thier profile or not. I personaly would not say anything on here that I wouldn't say to your face. The ones who run thier mouths on here with non-sense have to live with them selves.
  5. I have had a few very good mentors both in the Pleasantville and Hawthorne FD and also Pleasantville Ambulance Corps. They know who they are.
  6. May he rest in peace
  7. Good argument for FAST being part of FF1
  8. The NRA course teaches you how to shoot as well as gun safety. I do not believe it teaches you the tactical training that LEO's receive. LEO's are also taught use of force and the justification to use force. At least I know I was and it was repeated every year untill I retired. If I am wrong than please let me know. I also do not believe any agency, wether private or public will want the liability of their emt's or medics carrying firearms. I do not believe giving guns to ems personnel is the answer. Sorry.
  9. "Liability, of course there will be more liability, that's why we have training, and only CERTIFIED members/employees would be permitted to carry." Certified by who?
  10. For the record I am a 2nd amendment supporter..that being said I don't agree with arming emt's for the simple reason you are adding liability on any call you go on and increase the chance of the patient who could be an EDP to grab your gun and pump rounds into you or your partner or anywhere else. Also I don't think any company or agency would want to have that liability. As far as more guns, less assaults make your case.
  11. What did we do years ago before the days of cell phones, lap-tops, and other electronical devices. I for one think it is a bad idea. I am sure we can go without our gadgets for a while.
  12. Chief glad to see your guys are ok
  13. This needs to change. We need armed trained law enforcement wether they train the TSO's in this capacity or like I said earlier have another agency handle
  14. I believe it is time that the feds consider training and arming TSA agents. I feel given the climate today it is crazy not to have people un-armed in a high profile place such as airport you need armed people. This guy could of ended up on the plane. The other alternative is get rid of the TSA and use armed police wether at the federal level or local level. That aside my thoughts and prayers are with the TSA agent who was killed. May he rest in peace.
  15. Not making excuses...just an observation. If you are really concerned than call the department and ask why he was there.
  16. Perhaps he was on his way to the commissioners conference in Ellenville
  17. That would depend if you consider relocation an emergency. I do not and don't beileve you should respond to a relocation with RLS.
  18. It was originally a manual transmission untill the district decided to make it an automatic. Not sure as to the type of Detroit. . The pump panel was on the passenger side.
  19. My son took the test in early 2011 scored an 87. He just did his mini-med which is the last part of the hirig process.