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Everything posted by ex-commish

  1. Today I recieved my monthly issue of Firehoue and one of the articles was about the decline of volunteers and it was summed up to leadership. It was written by Harry Carter who retired as a chief from Newark FD and has many years in the volunteer fire service. It was a well written, objective look at the problems we face and I suggest you all read it especially if you are in a leadership position. One thing I will say is I hope someday we will no longer elect our leaders and appoint them based on experience and training. I also feel there should be a mandatory state standard for officers. Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  2. Kinda like a major violation or something....... All kidding aside, can someone contact me at my e-mail Amanc2196@aol.com. I would like to speak to someone also about this. Thank you. Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  3. And we had a few do that and you know what....they are either missed nor did it make any difference and that's what I tell anyone that threatens to leave.... Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  4. ALS brings up some good points and it goes back to what I stated before......become an officer anf be in the position to change things. You won't make everyone happy but you will be remembered as one who tried to make things better. Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  5. How about " I didn't get my way so I quit my position" Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  6. I too suspect the fire was in the late 70's but I am going strictly by the apperance of the ladder truck. Unless my eyes are going I believe the member on the turntable is wearing bunkerpants which tells me this could be a later date as I joined the fire service in 1980 and do not recall departments going to bunker pants till the early 80's allthough Yonkers could of went to bunker's much earlier. Just a humble guess. Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  7. BFD, did this include all practical evolutions as well? Or was it just all day lectures. Sounds very interesting and I would like to hear more on this allthough I would stay away from Superbowl Sunday Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  8. Allthough I predicted a Steelers victory I was not impressed with them, espeically in the 1st half. I would of like to have seen Bettis run a little more but congrats to them. Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  9. Giants will take it next season......
  10. First, I see a leadership an issue to allow members to function as firefighters without formal training. And I am not knocking in anyway in-house training in fact I am a big proponent of it but it should be supplemental and not take the place of training you can recieve at training facillities. While my department trains every month on different topics we also mandate all new members to go through FF1 and officers to take command classes. Our drivers have to take EVOC and also pump ops. HAZMAT ops is also required. As a chief I firmly believe issues like these begin at the top. Perhaps you should sit down with your chief and officers and discuss your concerns...you never know it may spark something and begin to turn things around. And being you are going to be an officer, you will be in a position to initiate change....trust me from experience it will not be easy but when you put what is right first you can move mountains. Good luck to you. Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  11. I am not a fan of either team but watching the Steelers defense and thier offensive backs I think they may pull it off. What's the price for 30 second air time this year??? Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  12. The worst I encountered was about 10 years ago we were dispatched to a reported basement fire. As we arrived a police officer yelled to us that a woman was trapped in the basement. At this point heavy fire and smoke were blowing out of the front door and the "d" side of the house. He attempted to descend but was driven back by the heat. One of our Lt's, and two firefighters descended into the basement. It seemed that they were down there for a long time so myself and another member were ordered to go after them. As we hit the top of the stairs of the basement the first crew was pulling her up the stairs. We assisted in pulling her outside. I began to do an assessment on her and as I opened her airway it was as black as charcoal in fact her entire body was pretty much burnt. I will never forget what her face look liked. What is even sadder is she initially got out of her basement apartment when the fire broke out. She fell asleep smoking. She ran upstairs to alert her landlord but attempted to run back down to get her cat. We believe she lost her balance on the stairs and fell and hit her head on a piano at the bottom of the stairs. There was blood on the piano and there was obvious trauma on her head. Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  13. We have a room with a universal multigym, a rack of dumbells, a stepper, bike, and treadmill. I would be glad to show you our room. Contact me at Amanc2196@aol.com. Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  14. May he rest in peace. Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  15. AMEN!!!!!! Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  16. May he rest in peace. Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  17. Earlier this morning I could not access certain parts of this website. Was there a problem? I actually had to talk to my wife during the time I would be reading the message boards.......what a trumatic experience... Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  18. Don King will ruin him like he did Mike Tyson. Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  19. We had just returned from an MVA. As the rig was backing in on of my Lt's came running out of the rec room and was yelling a plane hit the towers. An hour later we were in the Bronx. Sadly, one of our members, Mike Lyons was also a NYC firefighter assigned to Squad 41 and never came home. Mike....you are not forgotten Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  20. This is an interesting topic as I am not happy with some, not all, but some of the latest generation I am experiencing both as a chief and instructor. When I first became a junior firefighter in 1980 I was told I am here for 3 reasons.... 1. Keep my mouth shut 2. Do as I am told 3. Learn Period!!! Now today some would say it is a bit harsh but back than respect, team work and proving that you can do the job by doing it was how you were accepted. I see alot of young kids today that think they know it all or kids joining because the community service looks good on college applications. The committment to the department and to the public is lost. The "what's in it for me" is the norm as opposed to " what can I do for you". I remeber my first fire when I was 18 and out of the junior corp I was assisting on a handline in a structure, took a beating but when it was over I was told "good job" and at that point I felt like I belong to something worthwhile. Today pride is a word some of these kids or even older probies don't seem to value. They think pride is wearing that " I fight what you fear t-shirt" or " how much can I milk this organization for?" Now, there are some probies who are great, respectful, want to learn and prove themselves and they are usually the quiet ones and are always asking questions as opposed to telling you how to do it and I hope thier ranks grow and thier attitudes pass on to the others. Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  21. I goofed...delete Purchase from my list...they are not part of Mt. Pleasant Chiefs. I apoligize for the mistake. Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  22. Ja3kfd, These departments are represented by Mt. Pleasant Chiefs Association. I sent an e-mail to the president of the association to be sent to the chiefs of these departments to get the helmet fronts to me and I will get them to you. Also, what ever else I can do please let me know. God Bless. Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD
  23. As far as comedy....Animal House. Drama or adventure....Crimson Tide Andy Mancusi Chief Hawthorne FD