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Everything posted by turk182

  1. By 2nd line do you mean 2nd due or reserve/spare?
  2. City of Rye Total runs 882 (no EMS) Engine 191 707 runs Engine 192 630 runs Engine 193 3 runs Ladder 25 608 runs Ladder 26 0 runs Utility 39 29 runs
  3. Nothing showing is part of the size up, what do you do when you pull up and there are 20 work trucks in front of the home? I know I say workmen on premise. All you are doing is letting people know what your initial size up is. Common sense should be keep coming just take it a little easier. I can not see anything wrong with letting people know what you know.
  4. I am sure they were just training. How many time have we all practiced laying a line
  5. AWESOME WEBSITE GREAT PICS. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Congrats!!!!! What is with 22 weeks of probie school, It was only 12 weeks in NY when I went( believe it still is)?
  7. I think your observation is very interesting and it sounds pretty much right on target. Thanks for sharing some interesting insight.
  8. "Since the end of the Vietnam War, the amount of people who volunteer in their local fire companies has dropped." EMSCOMM80 I have never heard that before. I am curious, is that a known fact or just a observation?
  9. Manpower!!! I do not think it the equipment that is needed it is the manpower that the IC is looking for. My department does not have nearly the manpower it had 15 yrs. ago I am sure it is the same with other depts.
  10. Does it begin with a B thats the one I prefer
  11. Looked at a demo once, I was not impressed
  12. Thats what I meant maybe there is a PC term for it
  13. Side question how many departments are sending blockers onto the interstate now? When a say blocker I mean a large appartuas not a small utility truck
  14. Does anyone have any insight into the Baltimore Countty FD I know it is a large Combo Department. Does it work for them? Could Something like this work in Westchester?
  15. Sunday around 11:30 would be better for me