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Everything posted by ONEEYEDMIC

  1. They don't use physical force? They are looking for a HASIDIC teen who was involved in a vicious attack in Brooklyn last month. They believe that he fled to Canada then to Israel. They are sneaks and crooks that get away with far too much. What other groups do you speak of? I will "b****" about them if I have a reason. I have reason right now so I am going to b****. The sad thing is if she did commit the crime but gets the charges dropped because she had her picture taken. I hope the DA knows how to tread water up there in Rockland.
  2. You know what, I could care less what he did. He is a MORON but that doesn't mean that he didn't complete his HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMICS. He should get his Diploma and in about 1 yr nobody will remember this.
  3. She was arrested for a crime. She was PHOTOGRAPHED and FINGERPRINTED as are all people that are arrested for a CRIME. It doesn't mean she is guilty, it just means that she was being CHARGED. It happens every day in every town USA. If it so happened that the charge was less then a felony, she might not have had this problem. But since she decided to SCAM the WELFARE OFFICE this is what she gets. SHE MADE her BED and now she has to sleep in it. The question is did this officer do the wrong thing by having her remove her "wig"? The ANSWER IS NO. Did he do wrong by printing her? NO. He had a job to do and he did it. Screw this Mayor who is scared of the backlash. Shame on the Police Chief as well for not backing his officer. I wish they would post the booking picture.
  4. I was wondering if anyone was going to comment on this topic. I think that the cop was right for what he did and I would have done the same thing. There was a case after 9/11 about a muslim women I think at an airport that was asked to show her face for ID purposes. She made a stink but I think it went away given what happened years earlier. VACGUY, you are totally off base again. Not sure if you mean what you write or if you just do it because you know that you can get a rise out of some people. Again, become a COP and then put yourself in this guys shoes and get back to us. Not as easy as you make it sound on here.
  5. That was AWESOME. Thanks for posting that.
  6. I don't want to hear any sob stories from these "COMMUNISTS". There have been many times where I was over by like 2-4 min walking to my car and the person still wrote me the ticket. I thought that I even read on a sign somewhere that you are given a 6 min grace period. They don't want to hear that. One day I want them on the end of my pen. These TICKET WRITERS are probably hearing if from the people at last and decided that they will blame it on the higher ups. I know where to park if I don't mind the walk that doesn't have METERS.
  7. I did read the article. It is no secret that the ME says whatever the DA tells him to say.
  8. I personally don't think it is anyone's business what these OFFICERS make. So they made some money. Good for them. I wish my job had OT like that. I would do the same thing. If Mayor Bloomberg wants to give something back he should start with some of his BILLIONS that he has. Give the CIVIL SERVANTS what the really deserve. How he lays down at night knowing that the OFFICERS and FF's that protect him make so little makes me sick. He takes $1 dollar to be Mayor. Where does the Salary for a NON BILLIONAIRE Mayor go?
  9. I don't think that you can charge BOOZE with a crime but I am sure the DA's OFFICE would find a way. There was no murderer. He died because he was a drunk. That is it. He might have injuries that suggested that he was assaulted, but he also could have falled and hurt himself. I wouldn't trust the Medical Examiner for nothing. ALL POLITICS. The fact is that is was a witch hunt against Burbaris. Too bad he can't sue the PD. Maybe he can sue the DA's office.
  10. EMT charged in Fatal Hit and Run
  11. JJB can you let me know when this class starts? Thanks. LIBERALS SUCK
  12. I know that bears live in the woods. Do you think that I like walking in woods in the heat? Hell no, but I have to follow orders. We were orginally called because the Bear cub was on a persons deck. We were going to scare it into a tree so the trapper could get it.
  13. I had the joy of looking for YOGI in the woods the other day. Not that big according to one of our guys who crossed paths the other night. About 200lbs.
  14. So the COPS pull you over and give you an ALCO SENSOR at the side of the road. You blow a .10. Are you intoxicated? Of course you are. Then they give you another set of STANDARDIZED TESTS that you fail. Are you intoxicated. OF COURSE YOU ARE. So how do you get "YOU CAN BLOW AN ELEVATED BAC AND NOT BE INTOXICATED"? Unless this KID put Binaca or another substance that mocks ALCOHOL in his mouth right at the time he was going to do an ALCO SENSOR there is know way that he would fail if he was NOT DRINKING. Everyone needs to stop trying to defend this KID. If it was anybody on here, our names would be plastered all over the NEWS.
  15. I agree with that. Just saying I have watched the show and what they show you on the commercials is not always what is going on when you watch it.
  16. You mean to tell me that none of you have written on a PCR that you checked something on a PT when you didn't? You have never written in a BP, Pulse, Resp, Etc... when you didn't actually perform the duty. You know at the ER when you need another set of vitals because of the short ETA to the ER. Come on now. That is what he could mean when he says that. As for the touching of a female pt. That is such an open ended question and usually after the person answers it they can give a reason for why they said Yes. The commercials are made to get you interested so you tune and watch the show. Obviously it has worked.
  17. So I consider this SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURY. The driver should also be charged with Vehicular Assault. Lay the charges on and get his name in the paper so his INFLUENTIAL FAMILY get be embarrassed. The parents would probably be more upset that they are being disgraced then their SON CAUSING A SERIOUS INJURY. Also did anyone catch in the paper today that they are upset with the BUSES being on those roads? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I don't know what kind or WORLD we live in. S 120.03 Vehicular assault in the second degree. A person is guilty of vehicular assault in the second degree when: (1) with criminal negligence he causes serious physical injury to another person, and either (2) causes such serious physical injury by operation of a vehicle in violation of subdivision two, three or four of section eleven hundred ninety-two of the vehicle and traffic law or by operation of a vessel or public vessel in violation of paragraph (b ), (c ) ( d) or (e) of subdivision two of section forty-nine-a of the navigation law, or (3) causes such serious physical injury by operation of a motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than eighteen thousand pounds which contains flammable gas, radioactive materials or explosives in violation of subdivision one of section eleven hundred ninety-two of the vehicle and traffic law, and such flammable gas, radioactive materials or explosives is the cause of such serious physical injury, by operation of a snowmobile in violation of paragraph (b ), ( c) or (d) of subdivision one of section 25.24 of the parks, recreation and historic preservation law or by operation of an all terrain vehicle as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision one of section twenty-two hundred eighty-one of the vehicle and traffic law and in violation of subdivision two, three, or four of section eleven hundred ninety-two of the vehicle and traffic law. Vehicular assault in the second degree is a class E felony.
  18. As I read more and more, NEWBURGH sounds like such a dump. Hope they get paid enough to deal with that ELEMENT.
  19. He has to be intoxicated in order to blow a BAC. He might have stopped sometime in the night but your BAC goes up even after you stop drinking. So if he isn't a relative of someone on the force, then the partents probably know someone. In a small Town everyone knows everyone.
  20. Maybe the driver is related to somebody on Larchmont PD. This kid should be charged as an ADULT and if the DA decides anything other SHE SHOULD BE IMPEACHED. IF that is even possible.
  21. Is someone even allowed to carry O2 in the POV?
  22. He should pick a different running mate. Remember Vincent Foster?
  23. So I was setting up my DVR for the next week and I saw a New show coming on Discovery Channel called 911- The Bronx. Does anyone have any intel on what this is about? I have tried to google it but nothing comes up.
  24. Which one has the pot of gold at the end of it?