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Is she out?

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seems like the end of her presidential campaign...

Thank God. I am sick of listening to the bulls*it flying out of her mouth. Now we only have to hear it from two people...

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Oh you mean she's finally woken up that her personal agenda isn't as important to her party and fellow democrat? For once a Clinton didn't put themselves ahead of the Then again she hasn't really has she...she hasn't conceded the nomination yet.

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Apparently Obama is making an "unscheduled" flight to New York today..... Let's see what happem's

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He should pick a different running mate. Remember Vincent Foster?

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Oh you mean she's finally woken up that her personal agenda isn't as important to her party and fellow democrat? For once a Clinton didn't put themselves ahead of the Then again she hasn't really has she...she hasn't conceded the nomination yet. have to understand...the poor women hasn't been the same since that awful day when she came under heavy sniper fire and her sleep deprivation is clouding her judgement....

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she's waiting for an assasination remember what she said about June and Kennedy?

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Maybe she is thinking about running as an independent . Then we'll have a real circus.

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Maybe she is thinking about running as an independent . Then we'll have a real circus.

i recall an interview, when her playboy husband was in office, and she stated, in regards to her daughter, that if her daughter was registered under a party other than the democratic, they'd disown her. obviously not to be taken literally ( i hope) but they are hard core Demo's, so i'd expect her to change into the I-party the day hell freezes over, pigs fly and ross perot becomes president!

Edited by vacguy

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Thats fine with me. Then McCain will win cause she will spilt the democrat vote.

Edited by PC_420

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Does anyone recall what she said when she was running for her second term? She lied to us New Yorkers and and stated that she had no intention on running for President and that she was only going to be OUR Senator. She used the State of New York and all of its residents as a stepping stone to Washington. I cant believe that any New Yorker would even think of voting for such a lying blank!

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Does anyone recall what she said when she was running for her second term? She lied to us New Yorkers and and stated that she had no intention on running for President and that she was only going to be OUR Senator. She used the State of New York and all of its residents as a stepping stone to Washington. I cant believe that any New Yorker would even think of voting for such a lying blank!

ooooo, yea now i do. thanks for the reminder!

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Does anyone recall what she said when she was running for her second term? She lied to us New Yorkers and and stated that she had no intention on running for President and that she was only going to be OUR Senator. She used the State of New York and all of its residents as a stepping stone to Washington. I cant believe that any New Yorker would even think of voting for such a lying blank!

Yes and I also remember how she said she was a Yankee fan, was going to fix the upstate economy along with a whole load of other promises. She only won because Lazio put his name in the ring late in the campaign and was not a strong candidate.

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Maybe now she'll go back to doing what we're paying her for and finish her term. Too bad we now have to pay her senate salery for the rest of her life.

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