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Everything posted by ONEEYEDMIC

  1. I think it is a very noble thing for him to do but I have one problem with it. When contract negotiations come up in the future, is the Town going to give raises? I can see the Town board using the excuse that this guy turned down a raise and so should the rest of the TOWN employees. Just wanted to see what others think. We just signed our contract for 2009 with really nothing to give back to the Town which was shocking.
  2. This seems like a home run. While I am writing you a ticket for parking in a FIRE LANE I can write you another for letting your car IDLE. I just doubled my numbers. Thanks.
  3. Well on tickets, you can write on the back. Most LEO's at least I think write something down as to the person's demeanor and how many occupants were in the car. I write the tickets, you can prove your defense in a COURT OF LAW.
  4. You don't really need phone records. There are times where I may pull someone over for seeing their hand near their ear. When I stop them I advise them why I was pulling them over. If they say they weren't on their phone I ask to see it and look at recent calls both incoming and outgoing. I might even look at the time of text. It would be relevant to my stop. On an accident I may do the same thing. Hard for someone to deny being on the phone around the same time as the accident comes in. Of course they don't have to show me the phone. I think if there was a serious physical injury in the accident, the DA could subpoena the records.
  5. How many of you have been driving and have seen a women putting on their make-up? Men shaving? Reading directions? Reading the newspaper? Eating? WATCHING A DVD IN THE FRONT SEAT.? These are all distractions. There should be a VTL that covers all of them and I am pretty sure that their isn't. It's not just cell phones and texting. I have seen all of these done and I believe them to be all equally dangerous while behind the wheel of a car. The fact is, CELL PHONES are here to stay. You can't force people to get a blue tooth or talk on speaker or not to text. Some don't care about the ticket. Make it a moving violation. Make it so you insurance goes through the roof after every infraction. The only way to hurt some people is in their pockets. And to MVFD344 I don't care when people B*tch when I am giving them a ticket. It is when I come on this site and people complain about what others get away with.
  6. Tommy was a great guy. Wow 9 years already. Time just seems to fly by.
  7. You want some cheese with that wine? If you have never talked on you cell phone or texted while driving then that is great for you. If you talk on your cell phone or text and get a ticket well you got caught. I TALK ON MY CELL ALL THE TIME EVEN WHEN I AM NOT AT WORK. I got pulled over, got let go, but got a flat tire right after so I guess that was MY PUNISHMENT. Can we pull over every person on the road talking on their cell phones? HELL NO. Not enough COPS. And if you b*tch about COPS talking on their CELL PHONES while at work go and take the test and you can do it also. Too many babies on this site. I saw this and I want that. GET OVER IT.
  8. When is the DMV or the STATE or someone going to step in here and do something about OLD people and driving. Come on now. 90 years old driving past 8p. How good could his vision, hearing, or relflexes be? I hope the crew is alright. This easily could have been avoided by taking his license away 10yrs ago. Or limiting to day time only. SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE. I made my Grandmother who is in perfect health give up her license a couple years ago because of her reaction time was down. Although it sucks to rely on someone else, it has to be done.
  9. I was actually working a day tour which is rare, but since I was only 5 months out of the PA that is what I had to do. Anyway, I was listening to Howard Stern when the first plane hit. I rapidly drove to HQ and saw it on the TV. I then got sent on a call where the people thought they were going to get attacked. About noon, my CHIEF pulled me off the road and sent me because I was a MEDIC at the time and some other guys down to the staging point Near the INTREPID. I remember driving down the Saw Mill and especially the WEST SIDE HWY. There was nobody on the road. We staged and watched the smoke for hours. After that, we got moved to another location where we directed traffic. By 3a, we were at the main staging point under the Brooklyn Bridge. Not much was being done at that point because of the darkness. We went home at about 6a. I worked another Day Tour and then for the next 10 days I think we were helping with removal. OJ verdict I was in Monte Cath Lab taking out a PT. Challenger I was in 8th grade math class.
  10. Just got this in and EMAIL. I don't follow Politics. I am voting McCain because HE IS A TRUE AMERICAN. If you have 13min watch the below video. OBAMA VIDEO
  11. Actually The Robinson Island is a PRIVATE ISLAND and is considered one of the Hawaiian Islands. Owned by the Robinson Family or something like that. My buddy lives in Hawaii and told me about it when I went out to visit him. Not sure if that is where Obama was, but I know you need an invite to even get near the Island. Private Hawaiian Island Hope that worked.
  12. You know who must be really pissed this morn is the LOVELY HILLARY. Her only chance to be Prez was for OSAMA to pick her as VP. Now McCain picks this chick. I wonder what the odds of her being the 1st female Prez are. McCain's health is not that great. Guess we will have to wait and see.
  13. That was my point. PD and EMS tend to write a little more and their VOCAB should be gooder. LOL
  14. How much writing does a LEO have to do? How much writing does a FF have to do? How much writing does a EMS provider have to do? I didn't go to college, but I did go to high school. These are all basic mistakes that people make. I know that when I write on hear(joke) or at work I proof read and change things so that what ever I am writing makes that most sense to me. If I dont' know how to use a word, I look it up or change it. If you write all the time for whatever reason you should know the basics. Somebody once told me that I should write my reports as if I was going to get grilled by some sc*mbag DEFENSE ATTORNEY or PROSECUTOR. I have read so many reports from collegues in LEO and EMS that just blew my mind. You don't need to have SPELL CHECK how about just a DICTIONARY and THESAURAUS.
  15. I was just about to post that. Good looking out.
  16. Well I have to strongly disagree. If somebody does something wrong whether on or off duty we should have the right to discuss what it is. I have not seen any bashing of any kind with any of these threads. Don't you want to know who you are working with? What if the article is about an off duty incident but also contains what kind of trouble that person has been involved with on duty? I think that goes to show that persons character. There was an article last night in the paper where an off duty NYPD COP got off charges of a road rage incident after firing his weapon and killing a person. We couldn't discuss that?
  17. Just like the movie RED DAWN. That was classic. WOLVERINES.
  18. It is good that you told the officer and I would hope that I would be told as well. I guess what I was trying to get at is at least I would know who is carrying if the firearm was unconcealed. Like the WILD WEST. Doesn't Texas have a law like that? I bet that muggings, rapes, etc.. would be down if the PERP saw a gun on someones hip. The other problem I see is if I show up and there is a fight in progress and somebody pulls out a gun. I would first Assume it was a COP. But we all know how that backfired in WP. I don't need another thing to worry about. But I guess people carry guns now. Hey it's your right, just don't want to be placed in a tough situation.
  19. I believe that everyone should have the right to carry gun. With that being said, I think that if you don't carry a badge you shouldn't carry a gun in full concealment. I don't want to have to say License, Registration, Ins card and GUN PERMIT on every stop. Just my opinion. I believe that GUN AWARENESS is PARAMOUNT. My son is going to be 3 in Aug and he knows already not to go near it and not to touch it if on the off chance I EVER leave it out. Which I don't. When he gets old enough he is going to know how to shoot as well. Guns don't kill people, People with guns kill people.
  20. How come the guys in the FD don't clean it? I am sure that there is some HOUSE DUTY that you do. Unless it is that dirty.
  21. Ramapo Police to probe Hasidic woman's booking Ridiculous. If Hasidics have such rules then maybe they shouldn't commit 1st degree welfare fraud.
  22. Well I will be at 100-120ft tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to log on tomorrow night and let you know about the air quality.
  23. We fill our tanks up at the FD from their cascade system. Is that any different from something you bring to a scene?
  24. I brought up a point that someone had said that they aren't violent. That's it. Sorry if that offended some people. Maybe calling them crooks and sneaks was wrong but that was in know way inteneded to OFFEND any PERSON OF JEWISH RELIGION. Actually Chris it always comes down to RACE AND RELIGION unfortunately. Whether a CRIME was commited or not.