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Everything posted by ENG47INE

  1. Everyone stay safe outhere.
  2. I kepp a chock in my helmet and a sparein my bunker pants.
  3. Sad story RIP. Is the other cop being brought up on chargers or anything.
  4. That's true but A&E still has it on Fridays @ 8,9,10,AM and replay the episodes @3,4,5,PM
  5. My favorite was the one when the make the baby kleadsdale horse make it look like he's pushing the buggy then they show the 2 older one's behind him.
  6. I also remember that one my Dad was there he got thrown down the hall way and the inside of his helmet came out.
  7. Without a dout Steelers
  8. Mt.Vernon had 2 q while back ladder 4 and ladder 2
  9. White Plains had 2 a while back and Harrison had 1
  10. I don't like the new look the grey is to plain and a bad color.