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Everything posted by FFD941

  1. Full Story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080301/ap_on_.../cell_phone_ban
  2. Hummm... Running in the rigs for an AFA??
  4. Ha Ha Bet you won't volunteer for that one anymore!
  5. Date: 03-08-08 Time: 1117 hours Location: Hudson River Water Front 300 Yards North Brass Anchor Units Operating: Fairview 41-1, 41-11, 41-71, Alamo Medic 06 Hyde Park Police Cars 5 & 12, City of Poughkeepsie 57-12, DCSPCA Description Of Incident: 1117 hours DC-911 Dispatches Fairview and Alamo for a Female that was in the water after attempting to retrieve her dog, Caller reports 1/4 mile north of Brass Anchor 1119 hours- Fairview and Alamo Responding 1122 hours - Fairview and Alamo on the scene 1124 hours - 41-9 requesting train slow down both sides of the tracks and a fireground DC-911 assigned FG 5/6 1130 hours - 41-71 and Alamo Medic 06 enroute to Saint Francis Hospital ALS 1151 hours - Fairview Cmd requesting Engine from the City of Poughkeepsie and a 10-35-1 to the station, SPCA on the scene 1214 hours - Fairview Cmd reports dog and all fire personnel out of the water 1222 hours - All units cleared back in service Writer: FFD941
  6. Ha Ha You Totally Stole My Post LOL :lol:
  7. You look like an Air Traffic Controlman with all the lights and there is way too much electronics. Just my
  8. Look at any mask confidence course. The obstacle you are going through at one point or another killed a fellow brother. We ALL learn from anothers mistake.
  9. Better yet on top of the lack of PPE did anybody catch the "INSTRUCTORS" definition of fire??? Ha Ha
  10. You know your a buff when you know more about a neighboring companies apparatus better than its members do
  11. Does anyone have a new pair of shorts!!! :lol:
  12. A little PCR RMA death and dieing speach here I see lol... Don't forget the part about... "I am not an X-ray and I cannot see any underlying internal injuries that you may have which may/can lead to death and/or serious further injury."
  13. Found on Firefighter Closecalls Raw video of Firefighter Bailout
  14. Frank Caliendo is coming to the Civic Center on March 15th... Should be a great show!! Here's a link to a sample of his stuff...Not only a great comedian but an amazing voice impersonator!!
  15. Nate I think I hear a Code Green...GET TO WORK!!! :lol:
  16. Is that before or after the box of chocolates!!!
  17. One answer....Tradition (Right Doc)
  18. Wish for you a speedy recovery Brother
  19. Agreed, I was just wondering about the nitro since she has no cardiac hx What is our outcome...You can't leave us hangin!!
  20. Here's the website... Hope it helps. EXPO
  21. Another great example of a proactive department using their resources wisely Would love to see to final results.
  22. Looking to find everyones opinion on shooting in RAW format vs. JPEG? I know that when it comes to editing and enlarging RAW is the way to go but, does it work for fire scenes??
  23. But does she have a cardiac history?? If not what does Med Control say?