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Everything posted by 348

  1. while we question why the ffs on scene are not wearing their masks remember we are discussing a department that until recently did not wear full turnouts.
  2. jonesy- is there a gun put to the fishermans head? do the same fisherman go year after year for the ability to earn some good money? if you do't agree with what these guys do for a living, don't eat their products or support the show. please do not preach in this forum about what sort of employment people in alaska are allowed to have
  3. jonesy, it was not a question of whether fishing is a noble job , just dangerous.
  4. as dangerous as firefighting is, you have to contemplate the odds of getting killed versus fishing in the bearing straights. we average 100 ff's killed each year while operating at thousands of fires annually. compare this with fishing for a few weeks with a couple of dozen boats and averaging 5-10 guys lost at sea each year. i'll take my chances in a fire building.
  5. before we beat up eclemente to much, perhaps he mistakenly put compressor. if it was not a mistake, by all means continue the beating
  6. Ct roads are not something to brag about, but still better than the highways in WC
  7. how much money is kentland saving the taxpayers when they roll over 750K tower ladders? or 500K engines? or put guys in a burn unit? to the statement earlier that the kentland leadership dealt with the officer seen in the altercation is false, the county chief was the final disciplinarian. this thread was to debate the line of "professionalism" and "pride". whether paid or volunteer, we all have pride in our organization and a sense of professionalism in our actions. fighting on the fireground and racing to calls in 50,000 lbs trucks is not professional and someone should not take pride in. if kentland really felt a sense of honor and true volunteerism, they should take a bus trip to lake purdys this week.
  8. anyone read this article or have been following the situation in maryland? just wondering what peoples thoughts on the subject are. http://www.nfrmag.com/March-April%2006/Kentland.asp
  9. we have the scott RIT assembly with the bag and buddy breathing lines. works well other than the hose connections can be difficult in adverse conditions(Like you would be expected to operate in) and with gloves on. don't know much about other manufacters products but would recommend the scott. the buddy breathing ability is nice because it acts like a cascade system giving a limitless amount of time of air.
  10. how about lastings millidge straight up for dontrell willis??? and for the yankee turned mets fan because of stienbrenner, he bought the team in 1973, so you had no problem when he bought mr october in the late seventies? why change now after 20+ years? i cannot take that seriously.
  12. KISS cannot be overstated. we are talking about conditions were guys are bailing head first out windows regardless of the floor they are operating on. we can debate why we are still in conditions like this but that is for another topic. the theory of swiss seats, and wrapping webbing around radiators or furniture is not practical. sticking a hook in a wall or sill on your way out a window is quick, relatively safe, and maintains you low in the window. just my two cents
  13. Date: 3/1/06 Time:1654 Location: 69 Midland Ave Frequency: 154.130 Units Operating: Units dispatched to report of chimney fire: E32(Glenbrook), E7(SFRD), T45(Belltown) Units dispatched for confirmed fire:E1 RIT(SFRD), E6(SFRD),DC1(SFRD) ,Medic 901, Medic 2, DC 6(SFRD Safety Officer) Description Of Incident: Fire in the attic of a single family wood frame residence Writer: 348
  14. Date: 2-25-06 Time:2018 Location: 13 Aberdeen St Frequency: 154.130 Units Operating: E3, 1,2,4,6 ; T3; R1 Description Of Incident: W/F OMD . Fire on the 2nd floor of 3 story OMD w/extension to 3rd floor Writer: 348
  15. briana loves jenna
  16. it is because of reckless attitudes like this chief that 100 firefighters are still getting killed in the 21st century
  17. first, i recommend that Jones attend Firehouse expo or FDIC and learn self rescue. i would be nervous if the brothers you are going into fires with don't feel the need or have no ambition to train or learn. second, the situation 786xp refers to places many lives- career, vollie, and civilian in danger. As the uneducated try to protect their fifedoms they make the situation worse.