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Posts posted by TL2L31

  1. Okay, we need a thread to lighten up things and give us a good chuckle. Post anything funny you have heard over the air due to an open mic or somehow related to a call while in the firehouse.

    Here is a few:

    "Engine 11 to FireComm, responding.......Dude that's my house!!!! :::clicking sound of un-keying the mike:::

    "Engine 12 responding............GET YOUR BIG FAT ### IN THE TRUCK, WE'RE LATE!!!!

    "........and then she.........wait..... OH ####!!! Now all of New Haven knows of my sex life!!!" (The beginning was quite entertaining but not suitable for this web site).


    "Doesn't this firehouse have a pole?!?!?!?!?!" - An out of towner visiting PCFD HQ while running down three flights of stairs. ;)

    I remember that!

  2. We took delivery of our last crown vics and are spacing them out longer than previously. We have no cars budgeted for next year and will make necessary repairs to keep the fleet going. We have a 7/70 replacement system that we might change to 7/100k since the cars have 70k after only 3 or 4 years. I personally like the Charger most of the 3. I also see that there is a new styled Explorer that might be a future consideration.

  3. [quoThanls for your first hand opinion on this matter. te name=voltage1256' timestamp='1320091234' post='249682]

    As a Rye Brook resident I'd like to add my opinion. I've had 3 incidents in my home. One was a save by PCFD and RBFD on what could have been a structure fire, and the other 2 were unknown type odors. Each time PCFD and RBFD promptly responded and was at my house within minutes. I can't fully attest to the first one as I wasn't home but my mom tells me you guys did a great job. The other two I was home for and I can personally say that the response of apparatus and man power was there. One was a day time call where we received Ladder 30, Rescue 40, Engine 61, 64, and I believe 59 along with the chiefs. The second one was a night time call past the 7pm transfer where Ladder 31, Engine 59, Engine 63, Engine 64, Rescue 40 showed up again with a chief, again with an above decent amount of manpower. I think it'd be a little drastic to say RBFD, and PD need to be abolished. EMS, well... they are PC-R-RB so there wasn't a real point in saying to get rid of them either. Is it fair to say RBFD is under staffed? Yes. But with the little knowledge I have on the Village of Rye Brook side of politics, I think it's fair to say it's a political issue on how the $ is spent as compared to an emergency services issue. It would be nice to see a properly staffed house on King St. But PC does a great job handling what they were given.

    Keep it up & Be safe

  4. The fact that you want to donate your time is great. The only diffence is that the town is a combo dept and the village isnt. Stop in a house in both and see what their residency or work requirements are. Since you live in a area that no longer has volunteers one of these depts should allow this not to be a problem. Only my opinion. I work with a few guys from the village and will ask them about this when I return to work tomorrow.

    x635 likes this

  5. At the time of the call I was at my sons little league game at Lyon park. It is located at the corner of King and Putnam in PC. I immediately started looking at the sky since I was directly under the flight path of inbound aircraft. Not hearing the actual call (received via text msg) I had no info of the plane type or direction. The first plane that came over my head was a large Jet Blue and started thinking that I hope this beast doesn't nose dive into this residential area or this park full of innocent people. In this senario no department could handle a potential disaster of this type alone.