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Everything posted by FirNaTine

  1. In some Depts. it doesn't matter if a background check is done. Not when a Municipality lowers its Standards and accepts members with past Criminal Offenses even Felonies!
  2. Some of the "Best" firefighters I know were and still are "Buffs"! Id take them any day over the s*** that's coming on the Job! It's as if your not allowed to have an interest in your Profession, God forbid you do that!
  3. Is it really that important?
  4. Hey at least they know whose got it Seth, not like the questionable disappearance of the old Ford Rescue that mysteriously ended up in a scrap yard. Lotta shady things go on in the Vern!
  5. Maybe those closest had apparatus oos or tied up on a call? Or couldn't get guys to backfill to replace those who went m/a. JMO
  6. $5,000? That's it? Probably worth at least $20,000 in metal. Whose running that $uck shop in MT.Vernon! No wonder why they're broke!
  7. I think HFD bought FDMV's old spare E One Ladder formely FDMV L3 I believe. Love to know how much they got for it.
  8. "Professional", now here's a word misused more often then once. "Training" for the most part nothing more then a paper trail to cover ones a**. Ive seen both Career and Volunteer members with enough certificates, diplomas and training hrs. to stretch a mile and they're friggin clueless, like a deer in headlights when they're on scene. Not everyone can apply what they've learned or for that matter even want to try. Doesn't matter whether you have an IAFF sticker on your car or "Ex Chief" on the back of your turnout coat you have to want to learn and apply yourself otherwise it's for naut. JMO.
  9. Should a Dept. requesting M/A demand the Dept. providing m/a send apparatus with the same amount of manpower they provide to others? I mean if a Career Dept. follows NFPA 1710 guidelines to provide adequate Fire Protection for their citizens they should expect the same from a M/A Dept.. Is it ok though for a Dept. responding on m/a to put a rig o.o.s. to meet this criteria just to satisfy the requesting Dept.'s demand, leaving their juristiction inadequately protected? Or worse yet, this same Dept. calls guys back on OT to man spare apparatus to cover those that went m/a to a municipality that may even be threatening or have actually laid guys off and closed stations or Companies. IMO if you can't provide adequate staffing and equipment levels 24/7/365 let the requesting m/a Dept. look elsewhere for someone to come and play in their sandbox! Enough already with this B/S!
  10. Union? Brotherhood? Tradition? Senior man? What's that? Now it's all "IGM" (I got mine!)
  11. Would you expect anything less from those skells up there? They should carpet bomb that whole area!
  12. At least YFD appoints someone with a firefighting background and knowledge of the Fire Service not like other Municipalities. I still like NRFD's policy, have a Chief/Commissioner and due away the two individual positions.
  13. This should be the "Norm" instead of ther "Exception"! Way to go BFD, if only Depts. around here would follow this Policy instead of hiring every Tom, Dick and Harry off the street who have no work ethics, discipline , integrity and most of all a decent head on their shoulders. Then again I don't believe BFD has lowered its Standards too much like surrounding FD's. I'm sure these recruits will do just well.
  14. Just for the record when it comes down to who goes on M/A people don't realize how much of Personalities, Politics and Policies comes into play these days.
  15. Was never a big fan of that concept Capt. IMO it does have its drawbacks. Less rigs means more M/A abuse for even the smallest of Jobs and what happens when the 1st and 2nd due engines or even the Ladders for that matter are commited to a block and you need a 3rd due Eng. or even a 3rd Ladder Co. to locate at some more advantageous place. Ive seen 4 man rigs where one of the guys was totally useless anyway and it was like having a 3 man rig nonetheless. It all depends on the individuals assigned to the Company and how aggressive they even are.
  16. Why is it all Law Enforcement Officials seem to always be Guilty until provent Innocent but the Skells are always given the benefit of the doubt? She paved her own destiny and Im not goin to lose any sleep over this degenerate's loss. Screw her!
  17. So I take it no Sprinkler System?
  18. And they want to layoff and close Stations. They just don't get do they! The Union should hold a press conference out in front of that Job today! Good Luck YFD!
  19. Did we soon forget what Political Party our present Governor is a member of? You know the guy up in Albany who is attacking the Public Sector and their Pensions, right? The real problem is and I say it over and over when you "Dumb Down the Job" you get incompetent individuals of all races. It's not a "Black and White" Issue, it's a Standards Issue. I've seen and worked with alot of lazy, dumb a** Caucasians in my Career and it's all a result of lowerinfg the Standards. Least we forget, when you do this eventually your goint to get the same individuals down the road as Officers unfortunately. This is why Promotions should not only be based on a written exam but the Candidates overall Character. Merit should matter! Maybe More Depts. should have a Probation period for Officers for their first year and if they're not cutting it demote them back to FF. I know of some Depts. that actually do have this Policy and others who have it but don't practice what they preach.
  20. And this isthe guy the Union backed. Go figure!
  21. No matter how you look at it your life and the lives of others could be at stake. Can you trust a guy who got a Promotion because he got a higher grade then you due to some ridiculous Court based ruling, but may have even failed the test if it was graded legite? Which btw I know for a fact happened in one instance and Im sure there's many more. This imbosol almost got some guys killed on more then one occassion because of a Liberal Judge's decision!
  22. Let's see what is worse, guys cheating on an exam or numerous questions being tossed out because 80% of minorities got them wrong and then your grade is based on some ludicrous curve? Hmm? I guess both are an injustice.
  23. Does anyone know if any women, latinos and asians were turned away? After all the Vulture Society is suppose to represent them too being that they are also considered minorities within the FDNY, right? Yeah OK! That Society couldn't give a rats a** about those other ethnicities! They have one agenda and that's replace "quality" with "quantity" and in the long run it's the taxpayers who will suffer. I gotta give Bloomberg credit though at least he puts up a fight and won't bow down to these mutts!