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Everything posted by JustSomeGuy

  1. Just curios as to what the avg. pay per hour is for dispatchers, EMTs, paramedics. If this information is too personal to put on display then feel free not to, don't want to cross any boundaries that could offend people.
  2. Does anyone here own or have any comments about the original 300C? I was considering one for purchase, all though I am considering many types of cars. Just wanted to hear opinions about the car. Its always good to hear especially from owners. I am not a huge chrysler fan but I do think this car is very stylish and I especially like the front end.
  3. Uhm..... There are plenty of times that it is essential to wear that mask w/o smoke. IDLH does not necessarily mean smoke. Hopefully you aren't jsut wearing your SCBA to confirmed working fires. This also reminds me... How many times do we see a bunch of guys in turnout gear running back to the truck for their SCBAs, shame on them. I could care less if they hurt themselves, but the newer breed of firefighters are looking up to these people. Set a good example.
  4. This reminds me of one of the A Teams Masterpieces! I love it when a plan comes together...
  5. Are there any departments/states that require CDL Licensing? Even though NY DOES NOT require it, I believe it is a requirement that can only help us especially in NY. CDL licenscing I believe is required when operating any vehicle over 26,000lbs or 13 tons roughly. Driving these trucks is not like driving your friends pick up or a moving van. I feel that NYS should require the CDL and (before everyone gets mad at me just wait) should allow firefighters to obtain the license for free w/o paying the required fees. I have my CDL and it has definately helped me in my experience of driving these rigs. If you think I am wrong then go out on a truck with someone who is first being trained on these apparatus and tell me that you dont get a good scare especially when making turns with a truck, how many times does this person have to clip curbs, poles, and rub the tires before we decide randomly that he/she is qualified to drive a 40 ton piece of apparatus. Also CDL drivers are required by LAW to complete a pre trip inspecition report, I think in the future we might be subject to this too, even though we basically do already, well most of us hopefully, but we might be held to the same standards as others soon.
  6. I am all for public service, and out reputation among the public, but this is nonsense! Where is his fall protection?? Obviously a ladder would be a lot easier, and the cat just jumped down anyway. Call animal control we shouldn't be there IMO.
  7. The only ones that had and B@LLS were the girls and thats scary... This is what happens when rich kids have nothing else to do in the suburbs.
  8. What if!!?? we get chicken stem cells and grow just the wings!!! JUST A THOUGHT
  9. I am probably going to start a holy war here but here goes!!! How does everyone feel about possibly having CPAT requirements say ever two years or so??? This would definately prevent some of these LODD. Its simple folks, this is a dangerous job, lives depend on US. At least these requirements would be good for interior fire fighters, they could possibly be omitted for Outside Tour Commanders. I am probably touching a few nerves. Just want to discuss