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Everything posted by jcoppola

  1. PJ, Let me point out a fact and play devil's advocate for a moment . Recently, a law was passed, not sure if it was Federal or State, but a local union cannot prohibit a member from volunteering, in fact, it is illegal to have such language in thier collective bargaining agreement. I come from a department where we could not give a flying you know what if our members volunteer as long as they are not doing it where there are paid personnel and we hear problems are resulting. I have far too many irons in the fire, but if I had more time I would consider joining the local volunteer fire company in my town to make it better for my family and my neighbors. NO ONE is going to tell me what organizations I can be a member of, period, not my local or any other. I would always use common sense. I have always stood firm on that opinion. You all know this comes from fact and you all know my reputation as a long-time Recording Secretary of Local 830, Norwalk Professional Fire Fighters Association. If a person wishes to take on the dual role of a volunteer and a paid guy, that is their perogative, they assume the responsibility of proving which department a long term injury came from. I am not prepared to take on that hassle at this time, but I may in the future. No locals are losing personnel because people are volunteering, in fact my department just added 2 new positions on the line and I read recently that Stamford added a bunch of firefighters and officers, so SFRD should be the LAST fire department worried about guys volunteering on their own time. I know of many members of both of our locals who volunteer and we choose to ignore it, why should this issue be any different? Just discussing...not looking for a war, I would also be totally willing to discuss this one on one if you choose, shoot and email and I will give you my cell #, you may even have it. JV Coppola
  2. Put all the parties in a U.F.C. OCTAGON and see who comes out alive. Whoever wins can get their money. If you think this a ridiculous proposition, think about a career fire department running a station out of a parking lot because they are not allowed to locate themselves and their equipment in "my firehouse"...how freaking ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!! This is really starting to look like it is pride over providing stable emergency services for residents of the "100% volunteer departments", and a reduction in services. How can it not be when there was previously at least 2 firefighters manning a fire station and they could get an engine on the road within seconds but now it depends if there are people covering the station and the question of their qualifications to drive apparatus or fight a fire???? I don't care who reads this or what they think about it. We have been following this ongoing drama for how long now??? It's getting old, but I keep getting sucked back in. The answer to a previous question about how come the vollies do not want career people in thier stations is that before, most of the employees were also members of the respective departments. When the Stamford FD folks come in, there may be a feeling of tension because the guys have no allegiance to the department. Other than giving it a try and seeing how it works, I see no other option. The bickering thing doesent seem to be working for any of the parties. This post should not be labeled "anti" or "pro" anything. It is a realistic observation. I still remember where I came from and what I was given by BFD, and I have given much back. For all of my friends at BFD, past and present: Just keep that in mind when you read this. Joe C.
  3. I think that you have a better chance of getting somewhere quickly without a blue light. What benefit do they have over stealth mode? You cannot speed, you have to obey all traffic regulations, people are not obligated to pull over for you and all you are doing is drawing unnecessary attention to yourself. Most FD's around here (Fairfield County) make their personnel respond to the firehouse, NOT to the scene as that only confuses an already confusing situation. I think they also lead to accidents because the user feels a false sense of security that people are going to give you the right of way. NOT TRUE...like was said in a previous post, people hardly move for a 20 ton rig with screaming sirens and LED light packages that can be seen from across the LI Sound. I say the state should do away with them altogether. But then GALLS may go out of business...
  4. Totally the oddest thing...I was on itunes last night at work filling my ipod with new stuff and I started surfing for comedian stuff and the first comedian that came to mind was George Carlin, as he is my absolute all time favorite comedian. HIs stuff was priceless and so on point all the time. I had no idea he died until I was commuting home this morning. So weird, I havent thought of his stuff in the longest time, but for some reason, I did last night... I am freaked. May he rest in peace and hopefully the "big guy" upstairs will treat him with mercy as he has done his fair share of questioning and bashing the establishment for our entertainment. Joe
  5. I know they have been used only for a short time, but I have to say that I am so sick of the chevrons on the back of ambulances and fire apparatus. I realize they are NFPA requirements now, but they really take away from the classiness of a piece of fire apparatus and they are very distracting to look at. That is a nice looking rig nonetheless. Joe C.
  6. Just the fact that there is so much discussion on this topic shows that we all don't go to "enough" working fires. Otherwise it would be pretty clear. I agree that enough was said on this and we all should move on. With any luck, I will get to post one tonight. JVC
  7. Makes me even more proud to be an American.
  8. If you arrive and have a heavy smoke condition and/or a body of fire visible from any point in the structure, you are justified in calling it a working fire. If you need to stretch handlines to put out the fire, then it is a working fire. The examples given speak for themselves, a fully involved engine compartment on a car or truck is a "working car/truck fire", a container against a structure on fire is "a working container fire that is exposing a structure", a grease fire on a cooking range or grill is a "cooking fire" if it is not exposing building components, (cabinets, ceiling etc.) I think this is really a common sense thing, if it is newsworthy and contributes to other members' knowledge, by all means, post it up, if not, wait for something to happen that is so.
  9. Pete Cogs... I second it!!! Good to hear from you and it seems you are doing great! JVC
  10. Perhaps this "airing of a grievance" is due to an incident I posted today about a fire that took place in my city yesterday morning. I can explain...We were discussing this event on a thread about a fire going on in Norwalk. I promised that once I got details at work the following day, I would post an accurate IA, thats what I did. I agree with Seth that the IAs are a means to get and give info...so what if it is 12-24 hours after the fact. Are you saying that you want to go and check it out as it is going on? If so, you have a lot of time on your hands...LOL Joe
  11. Date: June 09, 2008 Time: 08:32 Location: 21 First Street @ Cove Avenue (East Norwalk) Frequency: Units Operating: E3, CAR 2, E2,R2, E5, CAR 4, E1, T1, T2, CAR 11, E4, NCFD, WFD, Red Cross, Norwalk Animal Control, NPD Description Of Incident: Heavy fire through the front show windows on arrival of a 2.5 story wood frame mixed occupancy (mercantile/residential). Initial companies stretched, incoming companies performed search, ventilation and checks for fire in voids. 2 firefighters reported non-serious sprains and strains, 1 dog was trasported by Norwalk Animal Control Officer to emergency vet for smoke inhalation. Westport and New Canaan provided station coverage. Writer: JVC
  12. I think that engine is one of the best looking spartans I have seen. Not in love with the lime-green color scheme, but it is still a very nice looking rig. That coming from a member of a department that has ALL spartans and I am not particularly fond of the way any of them look. (sorry NFD mechanical div.) I just like the Seagraves and the Pierces...now THEY are firetrucks. JVC
  13. You could practically SEE the humidity in the air in the pictures. This weather SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I never saw that coming. I know how the city is and what has been going on lately, but by and large, the PD seems to have a handle on the crime. What do people expect when you have a large population of people in one particular area of town and many of the neighborhoods of that section of town happen to be economically depressed? I can tell you that I know of two major problems in Norwalk that are causing Chief Rilling and his officers a bunch of headaches...drugs and gangs violence. I hope the Gaurdian Angels don't hamper the progress and hard work that the fine men and women of the NPD are continuing to do. Joe
  15. My sources indicated that it was a mixed occupancy wood frame. Heavy fire in the Soccer store on the first floor with extension to the second floor. Fire is under control and companies are returning to service. There were no reported injuries, even with the extreme heat. When I get firm details, I will post an IA. JVC
  16. A few weeks ago, Curtis Sliwa and his group were at a city hall meeting/press conference expressing thier interest in assisting the Norwalk, CT Police Department with patrolling the streets of South Norwalk. Expectedly, the Police Chief was taken aback and said that his PD is doing a fine job. Crime statistics in Norwalk are staggering, but I am not sure that the Gaurdian Angels are the solution. Just thought it was interesting. JVC
  17. As you all know, I am monitoring this thread very carefully. 2 reasons: First, I am truly interested in the outcome as I am a veteran of the volunteer Fire Service in my hometown and for some unknown reason, I care about the outcome. Second, I am a moderator here and I want to make sure the discussions stay on topic. I feel that most in this thread have done so with a few exceptions that have been dealt with. I really haven't seen any recent posts that attempt to smear a local president. If I do, I will be the first one to eliminate it. All the discussions about the merger have been mostly on-point, lets do our best to keep them so. Joe
  18. Some of the duties/responsibilities of a IAFF Local President, VP, Secretary or Treasurer include the following: Abide by and enforce the Local's Collective Bargaining AgreementRepresent Labor side in all negotiations, mediations and Binding Arbitration, including contract negotiationsRepresent members who are attending disciplinary hearingsHear and decide on the credibilty of grievances filed by members of his/her localMeet with and discuss issues with department admin (Chiefs)Maintain all financial records of the localMaintain all documentation of the localServe as chairman at all meetings of the localThere are so many more, but this is a short list of some of the things that we do. Like I said, sometimes the enforcement and application of the contract may be contradictory to what many volunteers believe. For example, in the past, many contracts prohibited local members from serving as volunteers in their home towns. This has recently been made illegal, but in the past it has been a huge issue. Joe
  19. Not going to debate Local 786's President's credibility, none of my business, I did say "like it or not" on the actions. A union official has a job to do and the vollies are hardly ever going to like it, thats simply too bad. I just can't believe that the hostility is solely on the side of the union. It seems to me that shots are being fired from both sides. The letter to the editor was one side of a boat-load of drama, period. And, subsequently, it looks really bad from the outside.
  20. I read the entire letter to the editor and I think it is quite flawed on many fronts. First of all, the writer only identifies himself by name and does not give his association with the TRFD, which makes his side of the story seem nothing more than a my-story-is-better-than-your-story rant. Second of all, the writer neglects to identify President Brendan Keatley as the Local 786 President, which makes his actions and words a bit more credible, like them or not. Also bear this in mind...If there are union brothers or sisters in a firehouse, Union activity is protected and the paid union personnel can request representation for any reason any time they want. The union should not have to ask anyone to see thier dues-paying members, the place is a public building and the volunteer chief is not a "King" who can disallow an audience. As an IAFF member, I take offense at union brothers being neglected of this visitation due to a pissing match. I am and continue to be ashamed at the way this whole situation is being handled on all sides. It has shown itself to be unproductive and a terrible waste of taxpayer dollars and time that can be spent on more productive things that have to do with city government and running effective emergency services.
  21. While we are on the subject, any PO's care to elaborate on how recocnizeable the IAFF Union Decal is on a car? Do you guys know what it means and more importantly, do you take that sticker into consideration when deciding to write someone up"? JVC
  22. I always felt strongly about professional courtesy, and have been given it several times, but I always felt that most, if not all cops draw the line at DWI and so well they should. I have taken many white knuckle rides home from a local "establishment" with one of my town's finest on my bumper and it is not comfortable. I agree with the opinion that we should just not put ourselves or johnnylaw in that position. Drive safely! JVC
  23. I just thought this was interesting. Thought I'd share it. Sliwa makes push for Gaurdian Angels Chapter in South Norwalk http://www.stamfordadvocate.com/localnews/ci_9355323
  24. Date: 05-21-2008 Time: 16:43 Location: 29 Ferris Avenue Frequency: Units Operating: E2, T2, R2, C2, E1, T1 (RIT), CAR 1, CAR 13 (Inspector), NPD, NHEMS Description Of Incident: Working fire in a first floor apartment of a 4 story non-combustible building. First alarm assignment handled. No extension into adjacent units, smoke and heat throughout. 1 occupant saught medical attention for minor smoke inhalation and 1 occupant received treatment for burns from attempted extinguishment. Writer: JVC