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Posts posted by jcoppola

  1. Here's an idea...maybe all of the clashing Stamford companies should race to the scene, have a fist fight in front of the house, then the winners of the fight can then have the scene and fight the fire. Sound ridiculous? So does what is coming out of some of these incidents in Stamford lately. Someone needs to get control of this situation before civilians or our own get hurt or killed. If this isn't a call for action, then I do not know what is!

    On another note...this alleged "pushing incident" seems to me to be yet another case of The Springdale Chief trying to call attention to himself and starting trouble with SFRD guys. Rewind...cameras in the firehouse, accusing career members of theft, blocking out fire apparatus from "his" firehouse...list is long and distinguished, Absolutely ridiculous and it needs to stop!

  2. Are those warning lights on the top of the tiller cab?

    The two small ones at the top are warning lights, the big one in the middle is a scene light that comes on when the ladder compartment is opened and when the rig is in reverse. The two small ones on the deck near the base of the tiller cab are also warning lights, LED with a running light mode.

  3. Thanks all, I guess you never really know the impact you have on something until friends remind you. Really nice comments...they re-affirm why I got into this business in the first place. I am not going anywhere, I am planning to be around as much as time allows. I just felt really bad when I was unable to respond to messages from members looking for action on a specific post or topic. If I could be any help at all to any members in here, let me know. You all know how to get in touch with me.


    x635 likes this

  4. After giving it some thought, I realized that I can no longer devote the time neccessary to be a member of the moderator staff on the website. I ran this by Seth and we decided this conclusively. I still plan on visiting the forum regularly and posting info as it comes up.

    Thanks to all for lettng me help with the site for the last several years.

    Joe Coppola

    PFDRes47cue, JohnnyOV, x635 and 1 other like this

  5. Valentine needs to grow a set. I never could stand this clown. What does he expect? Based on his bogus recommendation, the livelihoods of brother and sister firefighters are in question. Of course they are mad. He doesn't like to be called names? Boo hoo. Wait until this plan that he suggested flops. He won't be liking what people are saying about him then.

    What a freaking joke this is!

  6. My condolences to Peter and Keith and the entire Chichester family on the passing of Capt. Chichester. I was introduced to Capt. Chichester by my dad when I was a young firefighter. My first encounter with him stuck with me even today. I noted a confident, calm, knowlegeable, traditional Fire Officer who shared his vast knowledge freely with us and he was quick to compliment the work we were doing at Belltown at the time. He truly was no-nonsense professional. In short, he was the type of Captain that I'd like to model my style after.

    I also extend condolences on behalf of the Norwalk Professional Fire Fighters Association, Local 830.

    Pete and Keith, carrying on your Dad's legacy in the Stamford Fire Department must be a true honor. May he rest in peace.


  7. Just curious, if Seagrave is remounting old '75s on new single axle Marauder's, why not build entire new units that way and start marketing them? The 'Scope hasn't changed much outside of hydraulics and controls in 40+ years.... If an old one will go on a new chassis with upgraded hydraulics/controls then why not a new 'Scope on a new chassis for those who don't have one to remount?

    And as a follow-up question...can we PLEASE get one in Norwalk, PLEASE! I just think there is no better aerial than an AERIALSCOPE. All other platforms/tower ladders pale in comparison.

  8. Date: 07-03-2010

    Time: 11:04

    Location: 93 Woodward Avenue (South Norwalk)


    Units Operating: E5, E2, T2, R2, C2, T1 {RIT}, FM Division, NPD, NHEMS

    Weather Conditions: Clear with mild temperatures

    Description Of Incident: Working fire in center unit of an occupied 2.5 story multiple dwelling of class III (ordinary) construction. E5 arrived first due and found a working fire in the kitchen area extending out to the front of the unit near the stairs. R2 searched the floor above and the fire floor while T2 searched the adjacent unit that had reports of 2 occupants unaccounted for by PD. Primary searches were all negative. Heavy smoke and moderate heat in adjacent units and high heat that was ventilated while searching by R2 in the fire apartment. E2 laid a supply line to E5 then performed a secondary search of all affected apartments and T1 served as RIT. Fire was under control at 11:23. Red Cross was called to accommodate the displaced occupants. NFD Fire Marshal Division on scene as well to determine cause. There were no injuries.

    Reporters: JVC

    Writer: JVC

  9. Question to the Board......a serious question. Enough union/vollie fighting. Is it wrong for a mayor, who is also the public safety director, to be one of those in charge of a brand new fire department, funded by a special tax district, that does not go through the Board of Reps or Finance, that will presumably be negotiating the terms of employment for the new members...............that will presumably be employing many people that were politically active in his campaign......quite possibly even the master of ceremonies at his inagural ball??????

    Does this seem VERY WRONG TO ANYONE!!!!!!!! Political patronage is not unusual, but doesn't this seem to any rational human being to be morally and ethically wrong??

    Again, think about this in terms of right or wrong, not from a vollie or paid perspective, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just for the record, I, personally, HAVE been giving my opinions, all along, based on the perspective of what is right and wrong. I firmly believe that there are not many worse things the Mayor and the City could have done to the ENTIRE fire service in Stamford. I am pretty sure that I am taking my licks in my old volunteer house (BFD) which I still feel that I owe my start to the fire service to, as well as from close family members, but I feel that I cannot let those emotions cloud facts. I worked in this system for 3 years as a paid driver, and I saw the good of it as well as its deficiencies. The good of it is that we had a strong base of volunteers who got along very well, forged some very long-term friendships and even went on to career jobs in very respectable and busy departments together. The bad...inconsistent manpower and a certain lack of respect for the men who depended upon the volunteer department for thier livelihood and being treated as they were only suppliments to a volunteer force. That is what drove me out of the job I held at BFD and was my motivating factor to get on a fully paid department. (that and the extra activity that comes along with a bigger city department).

    Enjoy the rest of your reading. It gets quite entertaining.

  10. Here's a link to an editorial in todays Advocate


    Stay Safe



    Peter Cogliano

    FF/ T.O.

    Belltown Fire Dept

    currently working with Dyncorp/LOGCAP IV

    Camp Leatherneck


    Are you kidding me??? Of course the volunteer chiefs support this BS "plan"!!! Now lets see it work. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

    I only hope that rag Stamford Advocate trash newspaper gives the union a chance to have their editorial published.

    The more I read the more I am sickened by this disgrace.

    I cannot comprehend how the 4 remaining chiefs can go public with a claim that this proposed system can provide a higher level of fire protection.

  11. Someone let me know how this works because I have a Blackberry



    You'll be happy to know that it works flawlessly. Very fast and convenient. The app lets you sign on to any message board that uses Invision Power Services, so you will also be happy to know that it works with ALL the EMT Bravo divisions. So far, I set up EMTBravo.net and EMTBravo New England. Very cool.


  12. My apologies.....Wrong Coppola


    So as to clarify, my father, Joseph G. Coppola Jr. (R-15) is on the Board of Representatives in Stamford and is second generation volunteer in Belltown FD. He was Chief for 20 years there and holds some pretty firm beliefs in volunteerism. I, too, am a Veteran Member of Belltown and I am proud to say where I came from, but I am realistic and can see through much of what is currently going on in the system.

    I also can say that I believe the mayor's plan is totally anti-labor, not well though-out and creating even more of a Fire Service crisis in Stamford. I stand firmly behind my Brothers and Sisters of Local 786. I have proved that both in word and deed over the years, ask anyone from 786 and they will tell you exactly that. I hide nothing.

    Joseph V. Coppola

    TRUMBULL, CT Resident

    Career Fire Fighter, Norwalk Fire Department

    Secretary, IAFF Local 830, Norwalk Professional Firefighters Association

    Veteran Member, Belltown Fire Department

  13. No, he didn't misspeak......HYPOCRITICAL is more like it.....

    I go out of my way to support you guys at 786 and this is the cheap shot you take?

    Nice Brother.

    I would like to think that all my Brother Firefighters in Local 786, including the ones who I served beside for many years, know my stand on the issues. I have, much to the chagrin of my father, (the "hypocrite" you speak of) have been nothing more that a huge supporter of Local 786 in my home town of Stamford since I actually paid dues to your union in the 90's. I stand behind my reputation as a devoted union leader. If you knew of the arguments that I have had with my father over the years about the Stamford situation, maybe you would have given me the courtesy of leaving out your idiotic comment.