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Everything posted by efd184

  1. ok but what end up happening? ANYTHING?
  2. has this kind of protest session ever happened before ? has there been any other test go this badly? if so what was the out come?
  3. drobison 82 is right if you dont get at least 95% on the test you might as well forget it until the next test! the DCAS is not going to change any grades on any test because they know AL SHARPTON will be at there door saying its " racism" as always.
  4. this project will never happen!
  5. point taken partyrock! me personally i dont do my job to get on tv! i do it because its my job! the only people i need to impress is my fellow firefighters so they know i can do my job and my family! now my feelings may not sit well with everyone else and im sorry for that but its a free country!
  6. i must speak my mind on this! this is an absolute outrage that these men have been indicted on murder charges! this is all because the big slob sharpton. the guys lives were put into danger when a bunch of thugs tried to hit them with a car. they fired to stop a threat now they face jail time. whats next they take the cops guns aways ? they let the animals do anything they want? i hope the officers are found not guilty !
  7. DOC22 i agree with you 100% its a shame what they are doing to those cops
  8. imagine if every firefighter went on tv and did what he did after making a grap or doing his job as a FIREFIGHTER thats all that would be on the news! they should interview the guys that saved the deer also!
  9. cant post my pic
  10. my dept. gives them out to the newer guys who have taken survival. i heard rumors that they were going to get the senior men trained but nothing has happened yet. hopefully soon! i am one of the guys who has one. i hope to never have to use it! i know it will work in perfect conditions becasue thats how it is when we take the class and practice the moves. so the question i have is how will it work if i have fire chasing me down and i have to GO and GO QUICKLY will i have time to set my tool or wrap a radiator? who knows! will i have to jump? maybe! i hope to god that my brothers and i never have to be put in that situation. god bless you all
  11. i think the roto rays would be outstanding!
  12. I was given one by my dept. after i graduated the fire academy. The dept. is also in the process of getting the senior members trained so they can get ropes as well. I did purchase my own " Gemtor Harness"(think i spelled it right)which I have my bail - out rope rigged in to for a repel set up
  13. my freind if your not commited to being a firefighter then maybe you should rethink what you are doing before someone gets hurt!
  14. how much training are you going to require? what kind of question is that? As a firefighter wouldnt you want to be trained the best that you can be? This is a dangerous job and being trained well will help you when things get bad.
  15. FFI is for entry level firefighters giving you the BASIC knowledge you need. If you feel that you need more training take FFII and continue to learn as much as you can. It will only make you a better firefighter!
  16. As first responders in any of the 3 fields fire,ems or police we need to be aware of were we place our vehicles. This picture was taken last week of a police car that parked within inches of a LIVE HIGH VOLTAGE wire. The officer maybe did not realize the wire was LIVE but that would not have made a differance if he would have stepped on the wire leaving his vehicle. The chances he would have survived being shocked from the wire are slim to none. So please all pay attention to were you park on a wires down call. We ALL want to go home to our families at the end of the day! I would also like to say that this is in no way meant to make the police dept. or the officer look bad. It is to show everyone to keep you eyes open.
  17. a civilian member of the police dept. who handles traffic and and maintemance placed the cones on the wire before the officer arrived.
  18. yes it is
  19. i read they changed the written to a pass/fail grade
  20. Helmet-Flashlight,(2)chocks Jacket Pockets-wrapped tight in velcro i have a sheetrock knife(leatherman is useless with gloves), plies,wire cutters, philips and flat screw drivers,sharpie marker,electrical tester and my favorite a glow stick (you never know when you may need a light). The other pocket has black tape and wire nuts and a spare set of rubber gloves pants pockets- 25' 1" webbing and 45' life rope
  21. i hope they put it on TV
  22. Vol probie or a career probie ? career wise - dont talk just listen, keep busy all the time and have tough skin to deal with the jokes in the end its all gooooooooooood
  23. x-mas 24hr tour new years eve 24 hr tour also had thanksgiving for a 24 have a good and safe holidays brothers
  24. god bless the guys who made this happen