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Everything posted by SageVigiles

  1. I'd have to say from the one's I've seen Connecticut and New York State Police have the two best looking uniforms. A quote from the movie The Departed: "Do you have any nice suits at home or do you like coming to work everyday dressed like you're gonna invade Poland?"
  2. Or perhaps the reason he pulled the taser has nothing to do with the dog, but scene safety as a whole. Consider the fact that the dog was moving EXTREMELY quickly, and the chance of missing the target is rather high. How many police officers REGULARLY train to fire at a target that moves as quickly as a dog can? I'm nearly 100% positive its not in the CT qualification course for a police officer. What if the round ricocheted off the pavement and struck the other officer or one of the civilians on the streetside? Then the title would read "Officer accidentially shoots partner" or "Officer accidentially shoots civilian, city being sued for millions." All in all, good actions by the POs involved and a nice youtube find.
  3. I would have to disagree with the idea of making forums that normal Verified Members cannot access. The point of EMTBravo, if I understand correctly, is to share information with all members of the emergency services. While I'm all for encouraging people to post more often, that kind of pseudo-elitism, IMHO, is not fitting for this site.
  4. It may or may not be. I'm just commenting on the fact that sometimes statistics aren't nearly as clear as they ought to be, and that some things can't be explained or defined by numbers. Special situations occur all the time in the fire service, so personally I have to take every statistic I hear with a grain of salt and consider what might lie beneath.
  5. Interagency cooperation? I'll have none of it... The brass of the FD and PD need to sit down and work out a plan that will work for everyone. Chris, I also thought about the assigning someone lower than a B/C to do air recon. A specially trained Captain, Lieutenant, or even an experienced firefighter could easily do reconaissance for the brothers on the ground. Other than that, I can't really come up with a tactical use for the "FDNY Aviation Unit."
  6. Danbury doesn't feel the need to specialize their engines (with the exception of 22 and 23 I believe, which are technically rescue-pumpers) because they enough apparatus and manpower to specialize. Danbury Truck 1 (which someone should definitely try to get a shot of) is extremely well equipped with every kind of tool you'd need, and could honestly be considered as a rescue company as well. This is going to change from what I'm hearing, as the Squad truck will be brought to E23's quarters and they will be the specialized company now, running 2 trucks with 1 crew. DFD or anyone else feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. If you ask me, Danbury Fire is getting very progressive lately and is doing things right.
  7. What about creating a small FDNY detail of trained personnel who can assist in air recon that will be stationed at Floyd? One guy per shift? OR, how about relocating the nearest Battallion Chief's office to a station CLOSER to Floyd Bennett Field? There has to be a firehouse closer than 22 minutes from the airfield...
  8. Why would DOJ complain about this test? 38% of people who passed were minorities and/or women. The city spent 3.2 million dollars (though some would argue the intelligence of such a decision) to get minority applicants. DOJ is arguing for something that is already done. Though I can't say I agree with FDNY's tactics that I heard about. Waiving the application fee for some minorities? Providing free transportation for minorities to take the test? Why do the minorities get special treatment? I'm not 100% sure that these rumors are true, but if they are, that's quite unfair.
  9. Very few local fire departments have the training and/or resources to handle a technical rescue/collapse scenario or a HAZMAT. What they could be referring to is that it is out of their realm of responsibility in that county/state/federal resources would have to be brought in to mitigate the problem, since they are logistically incapable of doing so themselves.
  10. Kudos to the Commish standing up for his department. Takes balls to stick it to the media. He did so professionally as well, citing some good examples without slinging unnessecary mud.
  11. But the CPAT portion is going to be Pass/Fail, is it not? So that can't really help your score.
  12. Around 11,800, scored a 91 on the test. Not bad for my first civil service test I suppose.
  13. Premier sounds good. If not, outstanding.
  14. Senior Verified Member or something like that.
  15. My prayers are with the fallen, his family, and ESA as a whole. A speedy recovery to the other Brother injured in the bus.
  16. I have a feeling I'm missing an inside joke or something here... Can someone actually fill us in?
  17. Kudos to Doc for an extremely well thought out post, you have a degree in business or something? Anyway, the problem with E-One for my department was that they were unable to build what we wanted in the size that we wanted. I believe E-One was one of the lowest bidders, but they didn't design a rig that fit our specs, which is to say, would fit in the building. In this industry, customization is key. MANY departments are have size restrictions for their apparatus, due to building size, street size/width, terrain, etc. If a manufacturer can't accommidate that, they are doomed to failure.
  18. God bless these Brothers, their Brigade, and their families.
  19. The Danbury Fair isn't gone, it just turned into a horrible carnival that is a haven for problems of a criminal nature. I cannot comment on the specifics, but any of you who live in the Danbury area should remember an ALLEGED scandal that occured last summer.
  20. Date: 10-29-07 Time: 2130 Location: Campbell Avenue x Smith Ct. Frequency: 453.800 Units Operating: -Allingtown Rescue 1, Tower 1, Engine 2, Engine 8 (Vol.), Career Chief/Fire Marshal, Career Deputy Chief, Volunteer Chief. -West Haven Center District: E21, Truck 22?, Rescue 27, Career Deputy Chief -AMR (1 ambulance, 1 supervisor) -WHPD -Numerous Center District and West Shore units relocated to cover stations Description Of Incident: Activated Medical Alarm/Box Alarm Writer: SageVigiles Rescue 1 was originally dispatched for an activated medical alarm at a retirement home. Upon exiting the elevator on the eighth they found a heavy smoke condition and reported to ERS requesting a box alarm, at which time the above units were dispatched. Cause was food on a stove burning with extension to the cabinets. Sprinkler system extinguished the fire, but residents had to either be evacuated or sheltered-in-place while smoke was removed. Companies remained O/S for ventilation, salvage, and overhaul.
  21. No way. Save that stuff for somewhere else.
  22. I got it, looks good. Thanks alot Seth.
  23. Plenty of times I've been sitting at the firehouse when something like this goes out and we get geared up and get on the rig, maybe even pull it out onto the apron, but we're told in no uncertain terms not to respond without being toned. That being said, if, hypothetically of course, you maybe start driving up the street no lights/no siren, you could always say you were out on a work detail to get the head start on other companies. I emphasize the "with traffic" response when I say that, because it is completely unjustifyable if you go hot to a call you aren't assigned to.
  24. Another question, what kind of radio equipment will this vehicle have, and will it be compatable with I-CALL/I-TAC?