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Posts posted by Reliance

  1. The arbitration board is the DC arbitration board and seems to be pretty lopsided towards management. The current schedule is 24 on 72 off a 4 platoon system. The proposed system is 3-12 hour days followed by 3-12 hour nights followed by 3 days off which is a 3 platoon system. The average workweek will go from 42 hours a week to 56. I don't think DC intends to pay the members for the extra 14 hours. While it may seem that 12 hour shifts will better combat fatigue the reality is that is not true. A member working their 3rd consecutive night tour will be beyond exhaustion. In a perfect world people will believe that everyone is getting 8 hours sleep in between these tours but it's just not true. Our chart in the city is 9 hour days and 15 hour nights and members frequently trade to make them into 24s. From personal experience I am never more exhausted than when I'm working consecutive nights. In reality you will be late getting out of work (awaiting relief, fires near the end of the shift, and regular administrative duties) then you drive home how ever long in my case an hour and then your young kids never got them memo about daddy needing to sleep and you need to eat something....before you know it it's time to get back in the car. So in a practical sense 24s work better on the human body. Also they save money in that there are less times when overtime is incurred for calls overlapping the end of the shift. They result in fewer vehicle trips, less gas usage, and a lower carbon footprint.

    This whole thing is much more about thinly veiled racism and an political machine agenda.

    You are missing one thing. In the first quote the new shift is 3 12 hour days, 1 day off, 3 12 nights, then 3 off.

  2. In Nova Scotia, Canada it is up to the employer if as a volunteer firefighter you can leave. Also in my the department the employer will sign the rookies application as to if he can leave or not.

    I used to work at a place that had 5 volunteer firefighters there and we would alternate for working fires and not leave for basic alarm calls and he paid us for it. We were on a punch clock at work with time cards.

  3. We have had our department team up wwith the RCMP & EHS NS around the first of December every year with MADD & one of the local funeral homes to promote the MADD drinking & driving promo for the XMAS season.

    Also sometimes the taxis get involved and signs asking: Who do you want to drive you home from your XMAS party or New Year's Eve parrty.

    A Taxi, Police Car, Ambulance or Hearse.

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