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Everything posted by firecapt32

  1. Someone said it earlier in the post 25% of firefighter deaths occur during responding to and from alarms. Waring seatbelts just might bring those stats down. The life you save may be yours. Drivers of apparatus if you allow some one to ride without seatbelts it may be you named inthe law litigation. Chiefs if you do not have a seat belt policy--you better get one written in a hurry or your name will be added too. As for helmets while responding--- it is a major concern that sudden stops and bumps in the roads will create injuries to personnel riding. Drivers have enough to worry about. As we say in-- Intro to Fire officer and Fire Officer 1 and Incident Safety Officer courses---we want you to get there--get there safely--do your job---do it right--and return home to your love ones safely. be safe out there - it only takes a few seconds to be safe--it forever when you are dead. It cannot be said enough
  2. Parade wll step off at 1700 hours on Saturday with units marching north on Broadway making the left on to Main street and ending on the other side of the rail road tracks by the park. Every one have a great time and enjoy Tarrtown.
  3. Jim did Gina get you golf clubs??
  4. Capt Benz the blues arent running huh?? excellent questions and responses but lets turn it around one time. What about a IC the adhears to the 2in/2out and stops you at the door and tell you to wait till there is sufficent manpower?? does it work both ways?
  5. its the middle of July and we are in for a long period of hot sticky weather. How does your department contend with firefighter rehab?? What precautions are you taking to make sure your firefighters are safe from the elements. What are you useing to replenish fluids for you firefighters. Share your ideas so other departments can learn. We know what to do when the saws run out of fuel but do we understand what happens to our firefighters when they run out of fuel??
  6. Gotta love those Boston jakes they do love to ladder a buiilding. It is nice to see it done with ground ladders. Notice the position of the ladders--at or just below the window sill. Theres building are very common in the Boston area. Theres a lot to learn from this picture Hudson the A/C on the first floor wont hurt as much as the other ones would!!!
  7. mac you know me better then that i steal whenever i can I know its your line but i am useing it am i working wed night with you?
  8. just a few questions that might arise--if these firefighters are not in the same deparment and this is a perment assigement(not always the same guy but a perment position) what position does the local take?? is it jobbing out? what if they are in "A" fire station one day and "B" station another do they have to do the same house assigements?? same training?? I see some problems if its a perment assigement espically with career departments. i am not saying its not a good idea or it cant be worked out but look at the whole picture.
  9. Jack I agree EVOC is a start--good apparatus checks are important as well as a aggressive driver training program. We forget that we leave our 2 ton car jump into a 20 ton fire apparatus. If the breaks failed or the pedel got stuck--this screams that there was no preventive program in the department. lets learn from this tragic incident I am sure his family would not want his life to be in vain.
  10. It is not often that i can disagree witht he decisions of this fourm but--I do have to say that if the everyday news carries a story and it relates to a member of the fire service--even if t was done in an off duty fasion, we the members of the service should be concerned and be able to speak out about it in this fourm. Here we are able to get to a lot of fire service personnel and making them aware of what is happening to them in the news. We should be Be able to discuess it in a orderly and non abusive fasion. This fourm is dedicated to the emergency response field -anything and everything that has a FD or EMS should be o nthe table for discuession. Personal bashing or fire department bashing should be monitored and controled. Having said that I enjoy every second that I spend in here. There are a lot of dediciated people that use this fourm to get information across to the firefighting family. maybe you should have a "stupid people" fourm for thing like that
  11. Another tragic fire death in the State of New York---- due to apparatus accident. How do we prevent this from happening again and again?? What are Fire Depatments doing to decrease the line of duty deaths??
  12. a very sad ending to a lilfe that should have lasted a lot longer. Apparatus accidents make up over 25% of firefighter deaths--- do we learn to slow down?? apparently not. speed kills. may he rest in peace may his death no be in vain---lets learn from this---WHEN DRIVING APPARATUS SLOW DOWN FOLLOW DRIVING REGULATIONS AND REMEMBER THE LIFE YOU SAVE JUST MIGHT BE YOURS See original Thread:
  13. Tarrytown operates off of the highway frequency to tone out the members. they can then switch to fire ground and can operate off the trunk 14 radio system. The fire Department Fire Training center is a piece of land between the boat clubs along the river.
  14. Call me I would love to help you guys.. I have my golf outing there Aug 28th. They are wonderful people there and go out of their way to make things run smoothly. Walter
  15. For all concerned---Intro to fire officer and fire officer will be offered in the late fall along with incident safety officer. these classes will be offered again in the early part of 2009. Not sure of dates yet but generally speaking tues and thurs nights. firefighter one will be offered starting in Sept 2008 again dates are not set yet so keep an eye on the website but the ff1 class will run tues /thurs and everyother sat.
  16. do all the calculations you want it had to hurt. I understand everyone is ok becarefull out there.
  17. Just my thanks--the class was kind enough to give BurnCare EveryWhere Foundation Inc a nice donation. The donation will go toward the Burn Camp for Kids. Welcome to the best job on earth brothers. Fire Capt32 Walter Ferguson Director Burn Care any one else that wishes to make a donation or be a part of the golf outing let me know.
  18. it may not be the rigth answer but i would say--I would rather have too much on arrival then not enough. does a investigiation bring you less personel?? and i believe a "stove fire" falls into the "in on " area of a structure fire.
  19. Battalion 18 was toned out for a transformer fire in Pelham
  20. Thats Asst Chief Angelo Zaffino from Greenville in the last pic. I was working that day-- he was in Garfield-Wolar picking up suppplies that day.
  21. What a great thread--lots of good comments--lots of feed back and every one is civil. efdcapt a few years ago--- more then a few. The situation you described in the opening actualy happened here in Westchester. I wont go into details of what department thats not necessary---but what followed might be of interest. The firefighter that was operating the first enging on the scene(alone) was informed that some people were in the home. He set the pump in gear doned his scba and made entry-- thankfully they were with in 10 feet of the door. The citizens were removed sucessfully and turned over to a waiting ambulance. By that time other apparatus arrived and the fire was contained. However the Chief of the Department was screaming mad that the firefighter left the engine unmaned and was bringing the firefighter up on departmental charges-- I guess leaving the apparatus was a violation of some rule and regulation. Well charges were about to be filed against this firefighter but when it was learned that some one had fowarded all the information about the sucessfull rescue to the press and the NYSPFFA, The firefighter was awarded a metal for his bravery and honored at a convention. Hopefully things have changed in that department. We stil haev a long way to go
  22. 2102 you have to be kidding right!!!!
  23. The Battalion Coordiniator is notified when a fire department in their zone has requested mutual aid. They are required to respond if the mutual aid "goes to work". The job of the coordiniator is to assist the IC-let them know what m/a they have in town-let them know what resources are avaiable and from where--ask the IC what recources they need and where they should go-- the Coordiniator is the link to the County and the mtual aid system. The coordiniator reports into the IC at the command post and remians in constant contact witih 60 control. The system is working pretty well.
  24. Starting to wonder where my weekend will be spent too FirNaTine?? I hopes its at the pool and not in the Vernon!! Battalion 18
  25. I see now they are looking into this fire a little more closely. Seems there is more to the story then just a robbery and fire? We should all be aware of any fires from now on.The economey headed into the tank nothing suprises me any more. I am sure there will be more homes and stores going up in all sorts of ways. this will be an active time for the C&O teams. Becarefull out there dont get hurt because some one cant pay the mortage or the bills. be safe-- be aware come home