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Everything posted by firecapt32

  1. Heres my turn All newspapers were notified of the Graduation... News Channel 12 was notified.Even discuessed who the speakes was going to be. big dissapointment. you guys didnt think I let you down did you?? I even notified them when we were doing out firefighter survival-- it was the same time that FDNY was getting their new ropes--- told them what departments our firefighters were from. They didnt seem interested I too am tired of quotes form Rockland county about the fire service. where are our Department of emergency Officials?? and Our County Officials. Yes I do believe we are truly a second class to the police Departments of the county. But we somtimes deserve it-- the fire service in Westchester hasent spoken with one voice in quite a while sorry to ramble firecapt 32 good luck to all of you
  2. have to say max that one gave me a laff too!!! I should have kept the pic my self. hope you look at it every day and remember your training. I hope it finds its way into your chiefs office one day--when that happens if im still around please invite me to come see it--we will both have a good laff. cell phones were the cause of most of the demerits in the class be safe firecapt 32
  3. now boys dont fight you have a long career in front of you. I have all the pics from the academy class al of them even the ones from paparizzi. firecapt32
  4. Chief Andy Mancusi has suffered form a broken leg-- injury sustained at work- andy is a corrections officer with the County. He is in Weschester Medical Center. andy is also a Westchester county fire instructor as well as a State Fire Instructor Please wish andy a speedy recovery his class will be covered - he truly believes in training and is a fine fire instructor. speedy recovery Andy firecapt32
  5. I just saw the report on news 12 on Rockland County and their new training--- they are going to be useing "on line" to supplement the training for their members. Any one have ideas about that good or bad I have my own but will wait till I hear from some of you guys first.
  6. thanks Izzy clear up the matter for me. I do know of some departments the collect fund drive money split it between them selves and just spend it any way they want. that is a no no any money colected has to be spent wisely and in accordence with the laws of new york.
  7. see how much time you have now Seth after graduation
  8. I aggree with a lot of what you are saying RWC but I think that this IS the place where we can do thoses things --witih respect to all involved-- and get other ideas from people. with respect to the Vol vs career issue as long as the volunteeer service (and believe me I know its not the fault of any one on here but) continues to water down the training for their members--- there will be a difference and it should be addressed each and every time so that the vols in here know-- it was their organization in albany that watered down firefighter 1 and firefighter 2 FASNY was at the core of the issue- I can t agree more we tie our shoes the same way= we bleed the same color blood. why is our training different. I can see that many of the volunteer service are way above the traing levels---- thats a great thing. many use the training center again great thing but try and get more trainign written into the State theres a wall. thats just my though
  9. Izzy when you say that the company should "pay for it" them selves please answer me just one question where does the company cet the money? if its from a public source ie donations from the public/fund raisers ect you might just want to rethink how you are spending public money nowa days. people donating money to a fire department just might not think its was what they were donating the money for, How do youexlpain to Mrs. Smith who is 85 yrs old that her hard earned money that she gave on the local fund drive was being used for gold leaf on a fire apparatus just because its the "Tridiation" some just my thoughts
  10. I wish him a speedy recovery. But guys lets look at the whole senerio--grass fire/ lots of smoke/ can be seen for miles/ think he might have had some tunnel vision?? wasent thinking clearly?? lets remember when we get behindthe wheel of a fire enging lives depend on us getting there but we have to get there first/ be safe/ follow the laws/ you are driving a 20 ton apparatus not your pickup or your totyota. just my thoughts EVOC for every one!!!
  11. I wish him a speedy recovery. But guys lets look at the whole senerio--grass fire/ lots of smoke/ can be seen for miles/ think he might have had some tunnel vision?? wasent thinking clearly?? lets remember when we get behindthe wheel of a fire enging lives depend on us getting there but we have to get there first/ be safe/ follow the laws/ you are driving a 20 ton apparatus not your pickup or your totyota. just my thoughts EVOC for every one!!!
  12. I just cant resist even god had something to say about this, remember these 5 words: "AND THIS TOO SHALL PASS"
  13. See what happends when you say NFPA is only a guideline if you ever get to court!! Its the STANDARD for the fire service We had better read it and understand it. have a safe holiday firecapt32
  14. great topic I see we are all on the same page . communications is covered in many area of firefighter 1 I will include more of it in future training . In firefighter 1 I try and get the student into 60 controlso they can see the operstions first hand--thats important to see the recieving end of your communications. The dispatchers thay I have delt with do stress plain english. Has any one looked as to what NIMS says about communications. have a safe holiday firecapt32
  15. It's the end of the year so lets take a quick survey and find out who uses the training center the most?? any guesses?? how about which Department produced the most State Certified firefighters this yr?? which courses did you like the best ??which ones do you want to see more of?? Is the training center on the right track? Its our training center lets make it better.
  16. Thats exactly what we need to hear congratulation to the men and women of Croton F.D. keep up the good work. For the rest of the County Croton has set the standar pretty high give allof us somoething to think about have a safe holiday firecapt32
  17. A lot can be said about a pic!!! take a look. I wish them a full and speedy recovery, Were they forcing the door? Was there a protective line on place?? Did they have the right tools? Were they some sort of haz-mat stuff there to cause the fire? were they too complacent? We can monday morning quarterback this pic all day. but the main thing is all are ok and are home with their love ones and for that I am greatfull. but guys look and learn have a safe holiday firecapt32
  18. Thers a lot of money floating around in this fourm--- lewts collect it and send it to BurnCare Everywhere Foundation Inc 283 Tarrytown Road White Plains ,New York 10607 If you dont know thats a foundation that I run working in connection with the Burn Center in Westchester and believe me every .02 cents help. no matter what the initial call is every firefighter on the rig shoud have a pre determined concept of what they are supposed to be doing. ie what tools to take on all alarms, what line is standard, which person is respopnsible to make the hydrant, ect. I still believe that plain language is best but as long as every one inthe department knows what the language means you can call it what ever you want. but like I have said in others posts check NIMS and see what they say . If your department is looking for grants starting on 2006 they are required to have some sort IMS system in place along with training records. Its time to bring every department up to speed lets all move ahead. the citizens we protect deserve the best nothing else will do Have a safe holiday firecapt32
  19. I do believe the NIMS calls for plain english transmission to control. BFD I know your joking but you know as well as I do that we can f*** up a free lunch. language such as "give me a second alarm" is just as popwerfull. I can only assume--(I hate to do that) that every department knows what happens on a second or third alarm., I'm sure that control has the information on mutual aid and who responds to where. "2461 to 60 control I'm on location at 33 MainStreet, we have a working fire, can I have a second alarm to this location" pertty simple huh sorry 2461 for the location I dont want to see that place burn either but you get the point have a safe holiday everyone remember your training and its the citizens we protect not the egos we have that make us better firefighters
  20. how much is gold leafing?? emblems?? use the mony to send your firefighters to fire classes or seminars. I havent seena gold leaf or emblem put out a fire. althought i'm sure they look impressive at parades and things but brothers it's time to loook in the mirror and see our selves. if its a new truck have the manufacturer install something extra.
  21. The new year is coming in a hurry-- how are we in the fire service going to reduce the injuries and deaths this year?? What plans do you have or what plans does your department have?? lets keep it a safe year
  22. you should know about the last few deaths-- we talked about them in class. your right they need tmac's driving class. in fact every one should have a T-MAC class its good for them we all have to be carefull out there. the public we protect deserve the best
  23. the term "nothing showing" is the wrong information to send--the correct message shoud be "nothing showing form the street or nothing showing from the outside" we seem to forget the full sentence like "happy as a clam" is supposed to be "happy as a clam at high tide". just my thought have a safe holiday firecapt 32
  24. not sure off the top of my head but a call to the training center wil produce the answers you are loking for I think ff1 is the equilivent of basic/intermeditate with haz mat added /confined space plus it lets you avaiable to take the national ff1 testing but callthe centr to make sure
  25. its seems we are ready where is the demand?? come on men we are willing ready and able call our bluff have a safe and wonderfulll hloiday season ever one firecapt32