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Journal News Ignores Probie Class 03-2005

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OK not that I am complaining!!! BUT.............

Our Fire Academy class graduated one day after the Police Academy they had an article in journal news, we got nothing except a power outage in the middle of the ceremony. 4 PFF's from Scarsdale.

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Thats no surprise M2theAX.

Fire always seems to be far behind PD in this county.

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OK not that I am complaining!!! BUT.............

Our Fire Academy class graduated one day after the Police Academy they had an article in journal news, we got nothing except a power outage in the middle of the ceremony.  4 PFF's from Scarsdale.

Did someone from the fire academy notify the Journel News?

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OK not that I am complaining!!! BUT.............

Our Fire Academy class graduated one day after the Police Academy they had an article in journal news, we got nothing except a power outage in the middle of the ceremony.  4 PFF's from Scarsdale.

max, probably because someone dropped the ball again and never picked up the phone, no suprise to me. :o

Edited by Truckie 1075

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I would venture a guess (just a guess...) that it was the Village of Scarsdale or their PD that alerted the Journal News to the story.

My personal experience tells me that if you want an article written it falls upon your Dept. to let the press know and, not the Academy. Establish a working relation with your local papers and, when needed, submit an article for publication. I'm sure they'll be happy to oblige. :P

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The Journal News (and News 12) were BOTH notified of this event.

The Journal News made a concious choice to completly ignore the Probie Class graduation, to assign reporters and photographers to cover other events, such as the Christmas shopping season.

This is typical of the Journal News as of late. I'm sure if it had happened in Putnam or Rockland, it would have been covered. I love opening my LOCAL Westchester paper, and reading all about what's happening in Rockland or Putnam, and also seeing more photos from that area as well.

The Journal News has been on a very steady decline since the new format came out. I barely read the paper anymore. The layout is cluttered, extremly heavy on advertisments, and not very organized, and has very little Westchester incident coverage, or photos, as compared to past years. Instead, they seem to be focusing more on human-interest pieces.

I have written letters to the Journal News about my feelings on the new format, with no reply.

Edited by x635

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I second the motion...The Journal News stinks !

I agrree that the new format is cluttered and difficult to read. I live in Putnam and really don't care if somebody was arrested in Mamaroneck for littering.

Take note of the slogan being used below the mast head "Serving the Lower Hidson Valley Since 1850.' They also use the same "Lower Hudson Valley" term in news articles and in their "LoHud" web site.

Take note that "The Poughkeepsie Journal" is a Gannett Newspaper also. Mark my word.....pretty soon the good citizens in Mt. Vernon will be reading about the litterbugs in Poughkeepsie !!

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I, too, was upset after the Journal News neglected our graduation. In addition to my comments above in this thread, I wrote this with the intent to post it then, but for some reason I overlooked it. Here it is.

Well, many of you know my feelings about the "new" Journal News, how out of touch they are with the local community, and how their new "format" makes the paper not even worth reading. In fact, I don't even read the print edition anymore....the scattered layout and ads everywhere, coupled with all the Rockland news in the Westchester paper, make it not worth my time. But I digress...

It seems to me that the Journal News covered the Police Academy graduation on Thursday, December 15th 2005, photos, listing the new officers and the departments they are going to, as well as the awards.

However, Fire Probie Class 03-2005's Graduation, which was this past Friday, was completly neglected and not even covered by the Journal News. The assigment editor was well aware of the event.

Also, I've been noticing a significant decrease in emergency services related news AND photos, and an increase in storys such as todays people from overseas come to shop in Westchester, and other nonsense in Rockland and Putnam. I don't know if it's only me, but I want to read about what is going on in WESTCHESTER. I don't have the time to sift through

I am in the process of getting someone who listen to me over there, and then a letter writing campaign will begin. Gannet swallowed up all the little papers, and now we have no choice but to read them for local news.

Edited by x635

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Heres my turn

All newspapers were notified of the Graduation... News Channel 12 was notified.Even discuessed who the speakes was going to be. big dissapointment.

you guys didnt think I let you down did you??

I even notified them when we were doing out firefighter survival-- it was the same time that FDNY was getting their new ropes--- told them what departments our firefighters were from.

They didnt seem interested

I too am tired of quotes form Rockland county about the fire service. where are our Department of emergency Officials?? and Our County Officials.

Yes I do believe we are truly a second class to the police Departments of the county. But we somtimes deserve it-- the fire service in Westchester hasent spoken with one voice in quite a while sorry to ramble

firecapt 32

good luck to all of you

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:D It really shouldn't matter: 1st. they are a anti-union paper,

second the only one that you guys mean anythng too is the jobs your at. so shake it off, your gonna see this is the way it is on this job, we get it done and move on. Good luck guy's.

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As director of class 03-2005 I just feel thatthey deserved some sort of recognization from either the papers or channel 12 news.

I know the papers are anti union- but these guys deserve better.

14 weeks 8 am to 4 pm

heres a partial list of what they accompolished

firefighter 1

firefighter 2



Firefighter survival



Eng Company operations

Ladder ops

Aerial Devices

plus a host of other training

They are well prepared to face the red devil thet should have had something in the papers. Its just a slap in the face to the fire service in general.

just my thoughts

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Sorry to any loyal JN readers, but the Journal News S-U-C-K-S. It's coverage leaves much to be desired, in that it tries to be a "suburban" paper rather than

an Urban one. It is a poor substitute for the stand-alone publications that Yonkers and Mount Vernin used to have, like the Herald Statesman and the Daily Argus.

I especially dislike its "Columnnists".

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