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Everything posted by firecapt32

  1. I do belive that ff2 is the mimium for mutual aid to the city. BIA is the equivelent of ff2 . If your department dosent meet ---you dont go to the street!!! so get it
  2. Cant help but wonder what then will happen to the Westchester Fire Training Center we fought so hard to get built????
  3. here's my 2 cents PLease dont say that the Counuty Traiining Center isnt giving you enought time or it's hard to get time there--- thats just not true. I do nt know of any Department that has been turned down for training time. period If Croton what to train in their home town thats different by all means go ahead. If the Chhief wants to bring his department to a higher standard-bring then along on stages. All should have Fierfighter 1, then Firefighter 2, FAST, Survival all should be from State level courses. Work from there. Dont forget physicals, hep shots, how about Haz mat first responder, WMD all avaiable at the training center. just my thoughts
  4. How come I am finding my self aggreeing with ALSFirefighter again some how we are on the same wave length--- and Im not sucking up!!!!! he has a wonderfull way of expressing things--and more times then no hes right on the money---and money is what its all about!!
  5. Glen sorry I couldnt be at the party--20 years where did the time go congratulations.May the next 20 fly by firecapt32 03-2005 Academy Director
  6. again i say to you please check and see what happend if you get hurt?? check with VBLS or other insurance carriers. GOOD luck gods speed
  7. heres my 2 cents if any one goes please check with insurance companies to see if you are covered if you are god bless and gods speed.
  8. heres my 2 Cents Glad every one is happy useing the fire training center. Its yours any suggestion to make it better are always welcome. Yes the CFI's are a talanted bunch if i do say so my self!!!! Tell you neighboring department about the center not all departments use the center isnt that a shame. have your depatment book a whole night or a whole day on the wekends. The instructors will gladly help as much as you want.
  9. As the Ddirector of " BurnCare Everywhere Foundation Inc" I can give you some facts : The Fire Service here in Westchester should be behiind every effort to help the Medical Center and the "Longo" burn Center. It is the only one in the area for us. period ! BurnCare works closely with the families and the patients in the center and relys on fund raising efforts to survive. We have one major fundraising effort every year a golf outing. I have sent out over 150 letter to fire departments/fire companies/ Unions/allin westchester. one would think a fire department would be able to part with a $150.00 or $200.00 right!!!! WRONG The return from the golf fund raising is about 10 yes i said 10 departments this year golf outing is set for Sept 01 2005 your department or fire company has gotten the fund raising letter go look they were sent out in MAY. for aNY INFORMATION CALL ME AT 914 282 9081 Walter Ferguson Director BurnCare Everywhere Foundation Inc. P.S. Some Departments are Great Elmsford has supported the Foundation the last 2 years from their seminar,Greenburgh Firefighter local 1586 has been a great help over the years Come on you brother firefighters get your company or department on board
  10. heres my 2 cents!!!! Most fire stations are owned by the town or village am i right?? enough said you wouldnt find a bar in the village hall would you? or the public works department?? how about the police station? yet we find them in most fire stations!!! in soda machines!!or at the"bar"it self. what imiage does this send to our officials?? whoa be the firefighter that has a drink or 2 and drives a $900,000.00 piece of fire equipment and has a accident!!! theres not enpough ink in the pen for the reports. just my thoughts
  11. well let me get my 2 cents in here. It was wrong wrong wrong!! no matter how you look at it/slice it/dicect it.!! Theres no place inthe service for some one like that period. ! A second chance? why ? so he might do it again?? go futher next time>?> I'm sure the local police are well into a investigiation as well as the village officials!! let the chips fall where ever they land. The Village of Tarrytown Fire Department should be up front with both the hard working firefighters that belong to the department and the village Officials and the police. Let the bad apple not spoil the barrel of good firefighter in Tarrytown.
  12. none are scheduled the president of the new york firefighters burn center foundation is very sick at the present time we wish him a speedy recovery
  13. starting a firefighter one class may 09 2005 its posted on the web site and at the training center.
  14. okok heres my 2 cents Incident afety officer is not a accountability officer. period end of sentence. Incident safety officer is part of the command staff and is responsible for makeing sure the firefighters get there and do their best safely and get home to the love ones safely.
  15. yes it still meets every month last thurs at the Traiining center
  16. so lets see what happens!! do you think this is a common thing in Westchester?? Are the Chiefs responsible even if they arent in the fire station?? Are all public buildings alochol free?? how much enforcement do you think the local police will do?? has this been a problem?? what kind of firefighter has a few drinks then get behind the wheel of a $500,000.00 fire Eng?
  17. The Fire service lost a great man in Joe Butler. Those of us that knew him or worked with him, knew his talent wasent only investigiation, but teaching ever firefighter he came across what to look for how to find it, what the cause was. A tip of the cap to joe may he be remembered for a long time
  18. the idea of a weekend at montour falls is great. think about a weekend at the Westchester training center too. book a sat and sunday for your department, get ahold of the trainingn staff and tell them what you want. Im sure they can satisify your needs. while training there move things like the stairs ever go in the back door? or through the garage??or stretch up the rear stair case?? i'm sure there are a lot of ideas out there. all i'm saying is its out training center Departments have to use it. spread the word to other department that dont use it. Ask them to come train with you Train like your life depends on it
  19. I find it hard to believe that some one can know the WCT smoke house that well. Mabey you shoud try going to the second floor. or mabey the burn simulator for additional training. Hey how about useing the tower. How many time have you been through the mask confidence?? do you know that there are over 10 different senerios that can be adapted in the mask confidence. The point I'm trying to make is the WTC is there for you to use, make the best of it. You dont have to go hunting it's there!!!
  20. I read with interest all the comments. fact is : 1-All interior firefighters must have a annual physical. 2- osha 1910.156 calls for physicals 3- osha 1910.120 haz mat calls for physicals all firefighters must have a mask fit test and a pulmenary function test. 4-if you are taking ff1 or ff2 or safety/survival you must have a signed document stating that you meet these requirements so if your department dosent - then the State of New York says you cannot take these courses. lets move our departments into the new the 2000's its already 2005 be safe out there
  21. the situation in sleepy hollow is serious and should be looked into very carefuly. The public has to have a trust in the Fire department, career or volunteer it dosent matter. These firefighter are going into homes and business of the public. Useing public monies and fund raising, pepole should be held accountable. A serious trust has been broken there. I just hope it can be repaired.
  22. The system is working just fine 10 firefighter 1 classes since April 1 2004 no county in the State has even half that many. We are running day classes, night classes, weekend classes, we are doing what ever possible to get the firefighters i westchester trained to the NYS standard. Nov we had a National firefighter 1 test. Between the SFI's and the CFI's ther are over 15 instructors. The State SFI'S are limited to State OFPC approval for the courses but the CFI'S can get aproval because they are delivering the course as CFI'S and the County is paying them. So if you need more courses I'd suggest letting your County Legislators know espically now that its budget time I'm sure they will listen to your concerns.
  23. Westchester County has had the most ff1 classes in the State of New York 8 since april one copme counties havent had any ff1 classes just to let you know whats going on in the State.
  24. The County just authorized another 2 ff1 classes to be completed as soon as possible so look for them on line im sure they will fill up fast
  25. I cant aggree more with member 84 since the firefighter 1 courses started there have been at least 7 classes taught in the County. One problem is that the Chiefs are useing the wrong forms to get their members into the classes, and the fact that all those taking ff1 must have had a mask fit and a physical and are capable of useing a scba. The Instructors are under the State authorization and are limited by OFPC to 20 in the class.