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Everything posted by DMA327

  1. Why not send the rescue truck to EMS calls???
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Don't look around croton for clean water!!!
  3. Are they putting specialized firefighters on the Squad?
  4. Ahhh Gotcha :wink: My dept. is like that... Before anyone is on scene, they will take the word of the homeowner or the PD and start returning apparatus. Then you get there and nothing you heard was true. Now you need fans to vent and you returned the ladder...uhgg. Always continue your units in until you have personnel and i mean FIRE personnel on scene to confirm a 10-16 or that everything at the address is OK! Good post
  5. What if your fept. has 6 engines...are you gonna send all of them out to an automatic alarm? I can see 2 engines and a truck...
  6. FDNY also has 6 Squads while Yonkers only has one. I say that if your going to put specialized equipment on it, dont send it on regular calls!!!!
  8. Dispatchers at 60 Control do a hell of a job in my opinion!!!
  9. But then again Pagano says it would take Kryptonite to bring his men down...So they might be able to do things fairly quickly LOL :roll:
  10. Well maybe Yonkers should have thought about moving another engine into E311 first due so as to make sure they are never tied up on EMS. Think about the day they're gonna be bringing a 400 IBS. person down a few flights of stairs. That's gonna take a little longer than 10 minutes...And then they're gonna be a little drained as well. Just my opinion but i think Yonkers should have done a few more brain storming sessions prior to putting a specialized piece of equipment in service to run EMS calls! :-k ](*,)
  11. Well maybe they shouldn't have appointed the rig to be a primary engine company if they are trying to recreate it into a specialized piece of apparatus
  12. What si the point of creating a specialized company if it is going to bed tied up on an EMS call or any other routine call???
  13. Again... Thoughts and prayers to our fallen comrade and prayers for his family... May he be commended for his services in our fight for freedom
  14. IM gonna see if i can get a bunch of guys from my dept. to go! Thanks for the post...woulda never have known!
  15. Apparently none of you have ever driven by Washington Eng. Firehouse in Croton!!!!!!!!
  16. It's a sad day for somebody when the steal equipment from a firehouse! ENOUGH SAID
  17. Well if it would only take about 30 seconds to decon the equipment used from the last EMS call then why don't we get people to start cleaning up when they put the ambulances back...Time calls for a new SOP
  18. RIP...Thoughts and prayers for family and friends of the deceased
  21. Definately a regional thing. Service in Northern Westchester blows!!!!!
  22. Congrats fellas...Glad to hear some good news
  23. Did you have access from land to water with a utility vehicle? And if yes, then i would assume that putting hose and a portable pump into a couple utility trucks and streched hose to the seat of the fire from the water side would have worked best.