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Everything posted by WAS967

  1. The layoffs of the employees at WestCom was an unfortunate side effect of corporate restructuring on the part of Air Methods. It is cheaper to centralize the dispatching in Tennessee? than to have little dispatch centers scattered all about.
  2. I'm not going to bad mouth any company by name but one of the local radio shops' quality has really gone down the toilet recently. I also don't mean to play favorites, but when you need the best you go to Barry Brown at ESI in Elmsford. Who better to do your radios than a guy who started in the Fire/EMS service?
  3. Westchester has been mentioned on Law and Order many a times. It's good to see them actually filming here for a change.
  4. CBS updating the report at 5pm. Couple was parents of pediatric trauma. Baby 6 months old reported now in fair condition after initially being critical. Mother was elementary school teacher in Bronx PS8 (?). Tree now reported as being an Ash tree (for those green thumbs out there). No word on who will be caring for the baby.
  5. Was on CBS news last night. Reporting large rotted out Elm tree fell across all 4 lanes of traffic during the rush. SUV in SB lanes lost control and flipped. Sedan in NB lane took direct hit but occupants walked away. 2 fatalities on scene (presumably from SUV) with 1 pediatric trauma to WMC by Medivac.
  6. I have to salute you guys at 60 control. They've taken on several new and excellent dispatchers in the past few years (630 and 636 come to mind) and they do what they can with what they are given. One day I will have to come down and visit you guys to get a true feel for what it is like on the other side of that door. :-> My hats off to the good dispatchers at 60. (The bad ones can go you know where.)
  7. Wow, another PL Custom. Is it just me or are they the "in" ambulance maker? I know Lewisboro is in the market for a new rig and they are strongly leaning towards going with a PL Custom extended body rig. Katonah Bedford now has 2, Mount Kisco should be getting thier second any time now, Somers has 1. Those guys at Specialty Vehicle Sales must be loving Westchester right now!
  8. It's nice that they are getting a mobile communications unit, but perhaps they should work on getting the stationary stuff working right first. How long have they had the 10 UHF channels set aside for a so called new county wide system? I still think the powers that be should go up and visit Dutchess County and see how their system works. It's the best I've ever had the privledge to use. Right now the only thing making the current 46.26 system usable (IMHO) is the recent deployment of UHF to VHF repeaters (Yorktown being the most popular it seems, with Peekskill, Mohegan, Pound Ridge and soon I think Katonah? as well) by local departments. I know it's not WCDES's fault but the worst system by far is the one in place on the East side of the county used by LVAC/NSVAC/WEMS Medics for communication. If someone ever got into trouble and needed to rely soley on that radio system for help, they'd be in deep with no lifeline.
  9. One thing that I have heard of in the past is that if you need to use a scanner for Fire/EMS response, you can get a letter of permission from the Police Chief of your town. I don't know of the legality of this, so your milage may vary. Perhaps consulting your local law enforcement office for clarification and possible exceptions would be advisable to avoid prosecution for well meaning utilization.
  10. Larchmont VAC to get new Ambulance Building http://www.thejournalnews.com/newsroom/041...4ambulance.html
  11. Whenever possible, can you post the complete link? Pages like Journal News' and Nes12's change from day to day and can make finding the mentioned picture difficult.
  12. Come on. It's april. It's a little later than April 1st, but can this be a joke? Why do I have trouble trusting Tyco at this juncture?
  13. Oh it's definatly a different PCVAC from the days of yore. I work with a wonderful crew of people every Monday night there and if I had the time I would even consider rejoining. ;->
  14. Date: 4-8-04 Time: Approx 2330 Location: Saw Mill River Road IVO Willoway Street Units: Yorktown FD, Yorktown PD, YVAC, 34Medic1 Description: 60 Control dispatching YFD to an MVA Rollover with confirmed entrapment. Frequency: 46.26mhz Writer: WAS967
  15. Is everyone okay? Gawd. Thats worse than the time Brewster rolled thier brand new ladder on the exit from 684 to 84. :sad:
  16. Thier new building is VERY NICE. It has room easily for 4 rigs (2 bays, 2 deep), and tons of space. They even have a meeting room that they rent out for parties (and they do have several booked already). I look forward to the open house and will be there with my camera for pictures. :->
  17. Last I heard you could only have a scanner in your car if you were a licensed amateur radio operator (HAM). I'd imagine that means Tech No-Code and up. Tho we did have a heated discussion at work with someone that insists otherwise. The proof has yet to be provided however. Perhaps someone can find something concrete?
  18. First line of questioning should be: Will that be Cash or Credit?
  19. Sorry.Didn't know much about this accident aside from having it block my way home. While taking detour came upon YVAC transporting one away from the scene ALS. (Medic in rear starting IV). If I had my camera I would have stopped at the scene and gotten more nosy. Anyone with more details? I heard it go out over 46.26 around 2330. There was also a fatality in Mohegan on the TSP just south of Route 132. Apparently a car hit the guardrail on one side, tossed it's tire which hit a car travelling the opposite direction. Second car was hit in the windshield apparently causing major head trauma and causing the car to crash off the shoulder. (All this from News 12).
  20. Almost as crazy as these guys: http://triggur.org/silo/
  21. Come on now. We all know it's not the size but how you use it. (sorry, couldn't resist) :twisted: