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Everything posted by WAS967

  1. I agree, it was a very well done and organized course. A big negative is definatly the price, but if you compare to ACLS and PHTLS and the like, it's not far off par. One person who took the class with us, commented that there was not a lot of emphasis on pediatrics, which I definatly agree with. I'd imagine there might be a subclass in the future that deals with Pediatric treatment modalities and the like.
  2. No more bowling alley? Aww man!
  3. Hey, remember in the cartoon GI Joe when COBRA had that huge helicopter type flying fortress? Build one of those and outfit with huge water tanks. Then you just fly over any structure fire and have it out in a few seconds with the pull of a lever. I'd also have a dive team standing by for rescue of the boot guys on the ground who get soaked. Hey, I can dream can't I?
  4. Now thats a good idea. With the advent of "picture phones" maybe the quality if adequate to convey an idea to the doctor before you get there. How cool would it be if you could call for orders and when the doc pics up the phone, up pops a picture of the accident scene. Or take it one step further, and have a picture of the patient come up on screen so he can get an idea of what he is dealing with. Tho I'd imagine HIPPA would be a big hurdle there.
  5. Kudos on the very nice banner at the top of your page. Did you do it yourself or did you grab it from another site?
  6. Brings up an interesting point (several in fact). So I pose this question. What does your agency (no need to name names) do to train it's drivers? I find it odd that to drive an ambulette you need to have a CDL with passenger endorsement and then jump through a bunch of hoops with DOT (Physical, Drug Test, Road Test, etc) to get 19-A cleared. Yet, to drive an ambulance which uses lights and sirens to get through traffic composed of people who can't seem to drive under NORMAL conditions, all some places require is a class 'D' license and a pulse. Do you utilize the CEVO (Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Operator) course, or go the extra mile and use EVOC? Do your drivers need to be cleared before going out on the road?
  7. Nice answer but not quite. I asked WHO was Abbey Richmond. Not WHAT is/was Abbey Richmond. Yes, Abbey was a company that was bought by Transcare. Yes it was owned by William Dawson, a true pioneer in EMS in Westchester. Chances are half of us who have been in EMS for more than a few years have worked for Abbey at one point or another (myself included). But what I asked is WHO was Abbey Richmond. Go back further. And like I said. I don't really know the answer. But here is a step in the right direction: If memory serves me correctly, Bill was not the original owner of Abbey Richmond. ;->
  8. Greenwich EMS uses an electonic PCR system using rugged Panasonic notebook computers with pen system. I'm not sure how they print it out when they are done, but a likely route is to use a built in modem to send a fax of the completed PCR to the ER. Works for 12LEads on the Lp12s. ;->
  9. Fortunatly your VAC is blessed with just a large compliment of trained personell as to be able to staff each run with 3-4 EMTs. Unfortunatly your VAC is in the minority. In this day and age of working families with many people working 2-3 jobs to "get by", VACs in many areas have been suffering from a lack of manpower in general, with trained EMTs often being a scarce commodity. Generally, when we refer to an attendant, we mean a 3rd (and sometimes 4th or god forbid 5th) person on the crew whom is neither driver nor EMT/Crew Chief. Yes they can be an EMT as well, but generally they are "First Aiders" who (as Chris said) are trained in CPR/First Aid. Do you have any tips for recruitment for us since you seem to have a plethora of EMTs? Recruiting and retaining members is paramount in the survival of any volunteer agency these days, and yours seems to be doing it quite well. By the way, in NJ, can EMTs start IVs and Intubate? You mentioned that you can do just about everything except drugs. Just curious as I don't know Jersey's certification levels well, but I do know that EMTs from New York can go to New Jersey and work without reciprocity.
  10. Ray Thompson is no longer affiliated with NWHC, he teaches with sponsorship from New Rochelle FD. His classes are typicaly given in Northern Westcester, his last class was in Croton Falls I believe. Personally, I'd take the class at WCC taught by Marty Greenburgh. He typically teaches the Tuesday/Thursday night class starting at 6:30. Classes are held every semester, including the summer.
  11. Wasn't EMS in Yonkers before Empress provided by Yonkers Volunteer Ambulance Corp?