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Everything posted by x648eng119

  1. This is a little rediculous. Happy Hookers, yeah, maybe I could see that being somewhat risque, but reading the rest of the article... The Nut House... Is Planters Nut Co. going to sue them for copyright infringment? Hollis Hogs... Hmmm, that might offend farmers or harley riders... Harlem Zoo.... Be careful, all those lions and tigers running around down there might tear you a new one... What's next? First in, Last Out? You could consider that a sexual phrase... Are we going to have to stop using "HARD SUCTION" hose, and call it something like Rigid Large Diameter Water Flowing Straw? Give us a break!!!!
  2. Don't let anybody tell you that you can do different things to your car or plate that will beat the speed cameras either. Mythbusters did 2 episodes on this, covering everything from lexan plate covers, different aerosol sprays. Nothing worked. They even got a Lambo to do 140MPH past one, and it still got its plate crystal clear.
  3. Oh Boy, I'm sensing some juicy debating on this one!!!!
  4. Don't get your M4 stuck in the steering wheel!! We miss you here, chief!
  5. We did!!! 15-20 of us went up for the weekend on a few occasions to take classes together... Aircraft rescue, AVET, confined space concepts... Again... OFFICIAL BUSINESS!!!!!!
  6. Despite the fact that it's another state, Brookfield isn't that far away from Westchester. Hell, I could easily make it from the NW corner of Croton Falls to Brookfield in 10-15 minutes....And that would be doing the speed limit! (Which doesn't happen much for me... lol)
  7. There are a lot of good arguments here, and I've really enjoyed reading this entire thread over for the last 20 minutes....BUT.... I think there are a few things most people are neglecting to keep in mind here. 1. This chief is from Long Island... I know there are a few members from L.I. on the forums, but not that many... and what about from this chiefs department.... we are all speculating, and we don't have the whole picture here. What are the Dept/District rules... maybe they are allowed to do this. Maybe he paid for the gas on his own. Maybe he will be purchasing the car at the end of his term, so he takes care of it. 2. As previously stated, nowhere did I see it say exactly what this chief was doing upstate. I'll tell you this much... April 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003 (and hopefully again this April) you would have seen not 1, not 2, but 3, yes, THREE Croton Chiefs cars going up Route 17 through BINGHAMTON!!! Why, NYS FIRE ACADEMY!!! Again, as previously stated, he could have been on his way back from Montour Falls, or anywhere else for that matter, maybe an Apparatus dealer, and made a pit stop. I'm not being critical of anyone on the site, but maybe it's a good idea to have the whole story, and have the story straight before jumping on a chief, an agency, or anybody for that matter. Just my 2 cents
  8. Lol, I always loved that when I worked at 60 control, and still to this day, I break stones with the guys from your department about it. Technically, your truck, as with many of the trucks in this county, it's a Ladder Tower. Rigs like TL2 (Port Chester) and TL57 (BHFD's Aerialscope) is a true Tower Ladder. Ladder Towers are the ladders that have the big railings off the stick that allow you to climb and perform work off the stick as well as the bucket. Tower Ladders, only have small ladders on the stick for emergency egress in case the lowering devices fail. Some companies, I believe Aerialscope is one of them, prefer you repel from the bucket if you have to get out, rather than climb down the dinky ladder. Anyway, as far as Westchester County is concerened...... IF IT HAS A BUCKET ON IT, IT'S A TOWER LADDER!!!!! None of the buckets in Westchester have a Ladder Tower designation. Of course, there's always a few exceptions to the rules... ie, Fairview's ladder 1. It has a bucket.... no TL Designation... I hope that clears it up for you..
  9. The EMS coordinators are supposed to do the same as the fire coordinators, just on the EMS end - such as MCIs and such. It's not a full time job, just something on the side, like the fire coordinators. They do get paid for mileage to incidents they respond to. Right now there are 3 EMS coordinators that I know of: Mark Bamblautt - Peekskill Area Mike Liverzani - Mamaroneck Area and I forget the woman's name, but the other coordinator is the Armonk area
  10. Hey buddy - even though the car ain't quite as nice, you still got a hell of a light setup in the back of your car...lol (thanks to yours truly)
  11. Talk about eating your words.... LOL See you in a week!
  12. Good - i'm glad I'm not the only one that picked up on this... Must be the same guy that has the P.O.V. (That means privately owned vehicle.....) Hummer with his own tic, jaws and generator... Heard about this fella last week... must be nice to have that kind of money..
  13. I never thought I'd say this.... especially with my mustang as lit up as it is... but here it comes.... I'M JEALOUS!!!!!!!! I think I actually saw this vehicle driving up the HRP about 2 weeks ago, and all I could think was "WHO THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?!?" LOL Sweet Ride!
  14. Sounds Like A Good Theory - If It Ain't Broke - Fix It Until It Is!!!!!!!
  15. Date:2/13/08 Time:1038 Location: 119 Oregon Rd (Colonial Terrace) Frequency: 46.26, TRUNKED FIRE 17 Apparatus Breakdown LMFD:E257 E254 L35 U40 2261 2269 Mohegan VAC:69B1 Peekskill FD: R134 (FAST, Later Put To Work) 2341 2343 Buchanan FD: U12 (Cascade) Continental Village FD: 2131 E230 Croton FD: E119 (FAST) 2084 Putnam Valley FD: 24-6-1 WCDES:CC2 BAT17 C&O Zone 4 (1404) RELOCATED UNITS Mahopac Falls FD: Engine To Mohegan HQ (Route 6) Garrison FD: 15-2-2 To Continental Village HQ There should also be someone relocated to Putnam Valley HQ, I Did Not Hear Who It Is Though Description Of Incident: Fire In Laundry Room - Heavy Smoke On Arrival - 1st Alarm Assignment Requested Writer: x648eng119 Relocated Units: Yorktown FD ->Redirected To Wal-Mart Scene - Mahopac Falls To Backfill 1043...2261 Req L35 Ladder The Building, Engine 254 To Hook The Hydrant 1050...FAST Team To Locate Front Of The Structure 1059...E255 L10 Dispatched to 3135 E Main St (WAL-MART) For Outside Gas Investigation 1103...1 Engine From Continental Village To The Scene 1107...BAT17 On Location 1108...Rescue From Putnam Valley To Scene, 1 Engine To Relocate To LMFD HQ (Yorktown) 1110...Per BAT17 Redirect Yorktown's Engine To WAL-MART, Mahopac Falls Engine To LMFD HQ 1118...BAT17 Req Croton FAST To Scene 1123...C&O To The Scene 1128...E119/Croton FAST/2084 Responding 1129...BAT17 Req Garrison To CVFD HQ, and Backfill Putnam Valley HQ 1129...Update From 2261: 4 L/S/O Fire Doubtful, Heavy Fire In Cockloft 1139...Croton FAST On Location, Mahopac Falls Engine Standing By In LMFD HQ 1145...1404 (C&O) Responding 1150...Garrison FD 15-2-2 Relocated To CVFD HQ, County Car 2 On Location 1153...C&O On Location SEPERATE UPDATE - 3135 E MAIN ST GAS ODOR Units Operating: LMFD: E255 L10 Yorktown FD: 2531 E271 L10 REPORTING HEAVY ODOR OF GAS, EVACUATING WAL-MART 1117...2531 And E271 Assembling Crew 1126...E271 Responding 2536 On location 1151...Leak Located - Broken Pipe On The Roof 1157...Situation Under Control - Turned Over To ConEd - All Units Returning
  16. Interesting. That's the 4th different breakdown I've heard! Gotta love it!
  17. Right now "CEMS" as it will be called (The EMS is separating from the FD) was approved for a BLS fly car. $66,000 Will be budgeted for the BLS fly car and a new Chiefs car to replace one of our explorers.
  18. Date:2/11/08 Time: 0830hrs Location: 1009 Old White Plains Rd Frequency: 46.26 Units Operating: TMFD, Mamaroneck Village E-40, L-20 U-9 2241 2243; Harrison TL-24 2162 2163; New Rochelle E-21 2302 West Harrison R-35 2502 Description Of Incident: Working fire in a 2.5 Story 50x100 P.D. 3 L/S/O Writer: x648eng119
  19. Fun, but i just wish the shells travelled a little faster so you can hurry up and make your next shot!
  20. Another interesting fact about the Police Package Camaro's - Many people swear up and down that it's a more powerful engine, some even say it's supercharged.... IT'S A FACTORY Z-28 WITH A COMPUTER RE-FLASH... THAT'S IT!! And it's fast enough to catch them rice burning honda racers!! lol
  21. I gotta agree with the round-head (remember585) on this one - Stewie, Underdog, and Charlie brown was great, with Sobe Life Water a close 2nd. I also liked the pepsi commercial where justin timberlake got dragged around and his jewles smashed into the mailbox.
  22. I created this a while back, finally got around to putting it on Youtube. It's a tribute to many of my good buddies down at the NRFD
  23. I finally got a website up for my band. It's simple, not 100% finished yet, but it is up and running. It also has a link to our myspace page where you can listen to some of our music. Check it out!! SEAL THE DEAL!
  24. And I believe this is the topic you were reffering to: http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php?showtopi...4&hl=croton
  25. The mack is serving in Maywood NJ. It was a front line engine until just recently. Engine 19, ironically enough, just replaced it with a new rig, and the mack has been moved to reserve status. Maywood NJ Website