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Everything posted by x648eng119

  1. Wow - talk about scary. Brings back a memory of a call I did that involved Stat-Flgiht. The call was for a diving injury at Croton Pt. Park. I don't remember the details of the injuries, but we landed stat flight in the big grass field just west of the beach. After loading the patient into the bird,it took off. As it was less than 150 ft up tin the air, a plastic shop-rite bag that was on the ground got sucked right into the engine. All of a sudden the engine dramaticly changed its pitch, and slowed down. At the same time, about 10-15 firefighters/emts all dove behind their cars with the fear that the Bird was going down. Fortunaly, it didn't, but just one more potential incident that could have been added to that list if the conditions were right. (or wrong)
  2. 60-control to E59, E64, R40 - IFO 464 westchester ave, PCFD sta 4 - MVA, sleigh-rider struck by a vehicle. #-o #-o #-o #-o #-o
  3. Only you would start a thread on beer! ](*,)
  4. And whats also unfortunate, is when people let how their day has been going, and who they are holding grudges against affect how and who they dispatch to a call, if it is dispatched at all. But i don't know ANYBODY that would do that...K-D-P-4-3-8
  5. Backboards work pretty good too - especially if you rub the underside down with wax paper. This just in - E119 assembling a luge team for the 2008 Winter Olympics!
  6. If i'm going to be stuck up here in the snow, i at least want to be able to enjoy it somewhat!
  7. I know i'm warm and dry where i'm sitting! (Unfortunatley, I'd rather be cold and wet sleigh riding down High St on the stoke basket withthe guys from my engine co.)
  8. The Croton rig you're reffering to is 55B1. No it is not a 4X4. It is just mounted on a truck chasis. That makes one hell of a crappy ride to the hospital. We are trying to replace that rig with a new one, similar to 55B2 - or '04 PL Custom. I wish B1 was 4X4 - I got it stuck in the snow one year!
  9. Yeah - if you ever see a green honda accord with a Federal Q sticking out the grille - thats DMA
  10. Regardless of who you are, (Chief, firefighter, dirver, fire-police) or what the nature of the alarm is, EVERYBODY should have on propper turnout gear. Personal saftey is number 1, but also, god forbid someone does get hurt, what are the insurance companies going to think when they ask the question, whas he wearing full PPE, and the answer is NO? Not good for business. It doesn't take a lot of extra effort or time to put turnout gear. Do it, and save yourself headaches, and while your at it, maybe save the image of the volunteers.
  11. Hot damn! Those things are pretty cool. Dispite the slight inaccuracies. Anyone know where to get them? (Other than FAO Schwartz)
  12. All the reports I see are pretty consistant. Over 8 Inches. Anywhere up to 16. This is gonna suck. P'ville - how'd you like to come plow my driveway?
  13. Out of curiosity - anyone know what hapenned to the old Mack CF aerialscope that they used a long time ago?
  14. Sure - go ahead and rub it in! Remember, paybacks a B%^#H :twisted:
  15. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) Anybody know of ant dispatch openings in FLORIDA?!?!?!?!
  16. Don't hold your breath! TWO MORE WEEKS ](*,) ](*,)
  17. 2-27 - 0419...302.1 - Damn! almost
  18. Hmmm :-k ...0312Hrs - "disptach supervisor to Westchester Ladder 4, Ladder 4 on the air?" -said by the same voice we've been hearing from the NYPD crossover. (Greenville was just out on a call) WEIRD!
  19. When I took my pump ops class a last year, I came up with this Cheat Sheet. Thanks to Chief Kelly of NRFD for being a great instructor. Please use this and share it with everyone. If you're a somewhat "normal" person like me, theres no way to remember all of those formulas.
  20. So is everyone else - we can't figure out why
  21. Those things are great. When I'm rich and famous, I plan to have my own brigade, outfitted with the current E119, a Mack CF telesquirt, quint, aerialscope, tanker, rescue, and a Mack C pumper. Anybody got ideas of numbers to play on lotto tickets?
  22. We aren't picking on you at all, we're just saying to try and be a little mose sensitve to people. It is true that you have posted a few things that were...a little rough around the edges...if you know what i mean. This is supposed to be a site for people to enjoy, not get made fun of. So all we're saying is be a little more considerate. Not for nothing though, I think this is getting a little off topic. If you want to continue, PM me or start a thread on "etiquite"
  23. I agree with DOC - condtructive critsism is ok, but people have feelings, and pride in what they do. Try not to be so harsh.