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  1. x635 liked a post in a topic by Goose in City of Poughkeepsie Ambulance Contract   
    Can't say i agree. Bunch of good, seasoned, City providers will be moving on with this change. As a side bar MLSS has wanted this contract forever....we hated it when they opened up their station in the city limits and would consistently buff 911 jobs. I remember on occasion where a City FD Captain reamed the MLSS crew out for their buffing efforts. Obviously my loyalty lies with the Alamo holdovers (now TC) and it upsets me that they will either have to move on or go through another change of shirts...those that regularly work out of the city are loyal, dedicated, enthusiastic and have great working relationships with FD and PD. It's going to take time for things to re-formulated.
    Oh well, such is par for the course in Dutchess county
  2. x635 liked a post in a topic by Goose in City of Poughkeepsie Ambulance Contract   
    Yeah, yeah, i know...i know nothing. All the time i spent working in the city of poughkeepsie, dutchess and ulster counties are worthless. I'm going to go hang my head in shame because what i have to say from first hand experience in the field means nothing.
    If you wan't to call reality on the ground mud-slinging so be it. The city's loss, heart goes out to my former city EMS providers.
  3. x635 liked a post in a topic by Goose in City of Poughkeepsie Ambulance Contract   
    Can't say i agree. Bunch of good, seasoned, City providers will be moving on with this change. As a side bar MLSS has wanted this contract forever....we hated it when they opened up their station in the city limits and would consistently buff 911 jobs. I remember on occasion where a City FD Captain reamed the MLSS crew out for their buffing efforts. Obviously my loyalty lies with the Alamo holdovers (now TC) and it upsets me that they will either have to move on or go through another change of shirts...those that regularly work out of the city are loyal, dedicated, enthusiastic and have great working relationships with FD and PD. It's going to take time for things to re-formulated.
    Oh well, such is par for the course in Dutchess county
  4. x635 liked a post in a topic by Goose in EMS call coverage   
    It boils down to this: career staffing gets you both speed and consistency. Sure, it's all about the patient, but IF the patient was really so important to everyone...wouldn't every agency get out the door in a reasonable amount of time? Wouldn't volunteer organizations move to mitigate staffing and response time issues? One would think.
    There are a number of things effecting EMS today, but something i've heard time and time again in all the systems i've worked is that it's the volunteers who are holding us back. Surely, it's not the sole issue, but it is a large part of the issue. All too often, i have to agree with this sentiment.
  5. ckroll liked a post in a topic by Goose in US Criticized for Relief Effort in Haiti   
    Typical liberal response. I'm a bit surprised that you didn't include the fact that it was Bush's fault.

  6. ckroll liked a post in a topic by Goose in US Criticized for Relief Effort in Haiti   
    Typical liberal response. I'm a bit surprised that you didn't include the fact that it was Bush's fault.

  7. gamewell45 liked a post in a topic by Goose in Petition the President   
    Interesting points? Complete garbage.
    Maybe you just can't/won't understand. I can't explain the feeling when they find bone fragments of you're loved ones on-top of a building or in a storm drain and all you have to bury can fit in a zip lock bag.
    It was liberals who spit on my father when he returned home from Vietnam, it's liberals who left us with our pant's around our ankles in the 90s and allowed (in part) 9/11 to happen, and now it's the liberals who want to give terrorists the benefit of the doubt...
    You people may have forgotten that day, tucked it away as long ago, but i can tell you that i live with it every day - in fact i make it a point not to forget. And there are thousands that do the same. It's just a DAMN shame that our leaders are not amongst that group.